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Results (1 - 100 of 228)

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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#16930 [A11Y] - JAWS reading each item in Context Menu as separate list confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8490 Ability to customize the contents of the a11yhelp dialog. confirmed IBM New Feature Normal
#14507 Ability to customize the position where the spinner icon is rendered on the dialog confirmed IBM New Feature Normal
#10746 Ability to customize the way dialog UI Elements are rendered confirmed IBM New Feature Normal
#7803 Ability to specify border properties for tables and cells. confirmed IBM New Feature Normal
#8759 Add the possibility to remove a context menu item at a certain listener assigned IBM Sa'ar Zac Elias New Feature Normal
#12442 Adjustable default values for the Table dialog confirmed IBM, MailNext New Feature Normal
#7145 Allow opening links in edit mode confirmed IBM Support New Feature Normal
#7142 Allow users to create their own keyboard shortcuts for context menu items confirmed IBM New Feature Normal
#6937 Applying Block Quote to empty or the only paragraph in Table cell applying Block Quote to Table instead of Table Cell or Paragraph in Table Cell new IBM Discussion Bug Normal
#10924 Attributes and styles are stripped from block elements when they are pasted in the editor confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#10779 Autogrow: Editor does not scroll to end of pasted content confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7984 AutoGrow fails on Firefox with document that has quirks mode Doctype confirmed IBM Garry Yao Bug Normal
#10981 Autogrow plugin cause the text content to 'shake' confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7173 Autogrow usability confirmed IBM Garry Yao Bug Normal
#9336 Automatically generated toolbar duplicates items that are included in a toolbar menu confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#14514 AVT: JAWS users has no info when Insert Spanner is spinning on Insert Media dialog confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#12236 AVT: Keyboard Navigation not working properly with widgets in editor body confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#12235 AVT: Keyboard selection of widgets does not behave as expected confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#14340 AVT: No info about applied text/background colour to normal/JAWS users in Colour options list box confirmed ibm Bug Normal
#7451 Backspace stops working when working with nested list confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8716 Better indication of required fields confirmed IBM Discussion Bug Normal
#6677 BIDI: IE6 Cursor missing from Editor body when we click on RTL icon with out focusing in Editor body confirmed IBM Bug Low
#14391 [Blink, FF] Alignment/Indentation/Language direction lost when we copy & paste review IBM kkrzton Bug Normal
#14358 [Blink, FF] Block Elements removed when we copy & paste review ibm kkrzton Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#14412 <blockquote> breaks into 2 <blockquote> when you increase indent for Blockquote confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#14331 BR Enter Mode: New list item not created when we press ENTER at end of list item confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8008 Cannot delete horizontal rule via backspace confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#5164 Can't change alignment of table in Text and Table Template confirmed IBM New Feature Normal
#8811 Cell width is not updated when a cell is split horizontally confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8813 Cell width is not updated when cells are merged confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#13235 Change event not triggered when using the browser context menu confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#9189 Changing Table Headers from both to First Column not working confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#12610 checkElementMatch always return false for color style in IE11 confirmed IBM IE Bug Normal
#14593 CHROME: Copying & pasting content from one editor instance to another removing all styles confirmed Blink Webkit IBM Bug Normal
#14902 CHROME: Empty paragraphs lost when copied & pasted from Notepad confirmed IBM Blink Bug Normal
#10549 Chrome: format lost when cut & paste subscript/superscript text confirmed Webkit IBM Bug Normal
#8332 Chrome : link not inserted in correct position when we make a selection for the first time. confirmed IBM Webkit Bug Normal
#11879 (Chrome) Table: Insert Column After confirmed IBM Blink Webkit Bug Normal
#13753 Chrome: Text Style lost when we paste content after refreshing the page confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#13751 Chrome: Text Style lost when we paste content through Paste Dialog confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8677 cke_disabled class is not added to the span for a disabled dialog button confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8237 CK Editor doesn't support translation of keystroke names confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8092 CKEDITOR.editor.resize - Invalid documentation confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#13108 Click-and-drag resizing of objects (images, tables, Flash etc.) confirmed IBM New Feature Normal
#7350 Clicking in the editor returns the fonts to the default values confirmed IBM Firefox Bug Normal
#16940 Clicking on the disabled toolbar button makes them enabled new IBM, RQM Bug Normal
#7141 Color/Style of Bullets/Numbers in lists should follow the style/color of first character of the list item. confirmed IBM New Feature Normal
#10631 Content Advisor in IE8 Causes 4.1.2 to not function confirmed IE8 IBM Bug Normal
#9361 Context menu not displayed in correct position when invoked using keyboard shortcut (Shift + F10 or application key) review_failed IBM Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal
#5009 Context sub-menu items should not hide other context menu items new IBM Discussion Bug Normal
#7343 Copying a table row content in a different row does not paste properly confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#14765 Copying from IE divarea editor to Chrome/Firefox in results in full nodes path. confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8957 Copy-paste of table rows does not work correctly confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8428 Copyright header missing from specialchar\lang\en.js confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#1142 Create Format Painter button confirmed IBM New Feature Normal
#8548 Cursor position on FF4+ different from FF 3.6 & other browsers confirmed IBM Firefox Bug Normal
#10959 Delete cells in table with nested table removes entire document content confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#5094 Dialog API: Custom alignment of radio buttons and their labels confirmed IBM HasPatch New Feature Normal
#14548 EDGE: Not able to edit the Image if Image has Alignment set confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#14334 EDGE: Pasting Numbered list from word with more than 2 levels not working properly confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#14543 EDGE: Replacing text with empty string not working in Find & Replace dialog confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7224 Editing pasted lists not working properly confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7954 Editing pasted Numbered list with different Start Value not working properly confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#10169 Editor context menu unavailable when opened outside the body element of the content area confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#13117 Editor.document is not set in source mode confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#9320 Editor does not autogrow after entering content in Maximize mode confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#158 Enable find in source view mode review IBM Garry Yao New Feature Normal
#5492 Enhancement Request: Replace tab in Find and Replace dialog should have a Find button confirmed IBM New Feature Normal
#8325 Error Message not displayed when we enter invalid CSS in Styles field confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8323 FF 4: In HC mode, No Visual Focus when we tab to Check boxes & Combo boxes on all the dialogs confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#14703 FF: Adding extra paragraphs or space when text pasted confirmed IBM Firefox Bug Normal
#11914 FF: Default values for Horizontal Alignment & Vertical Aalignment not shown on Cell Properties dialog confirmed Firefox IBM Bug Normal
#7225 FF - Font/Size/Styles not being continued on Enter confirmed IBM VendorFix Bug Normal
#8943 FF: (HC mode) Text does not get highlighted when using Find & Replace dialog in High Contrast mode until the dialog is closed confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#16625 FF & IE: Increasing Indent not working on lists confirmed IBM IE Firefox Bug Normal
#10847 [FF] Incorrect cursor position on Backspace confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#10209 [FF] Odd cursor position after deleting single bullet point confirmed IBM Firefox Bug Normal
#7079 FF : Opening Cell Properties dialog resetting Columns Width confirmed IBM v4 Bug Normal
#9017 FF, Opera - Page down gets stuck confirmed Firefox Opera IBM Bug Normal
#11601 FF - Pasting Chinese characters adds spaces to the pasted text confirmed Firefox IBM Bug Normal
#7370 FF & Safari : Underline for list item not shown for the below html code confirmed IBM Firefox WebKit Bug Normal
#8118 [FF] Strikethrough style works incorrectly for bigger fonts confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#6428 [FF] The cursor disappears from the editor after dragging an image confirmed IBM Firefox Bug Normal
#10966 [FF] Unable to escape from the link or anchor confirmed IBM Firefox Bug Normal
#6995 FF : We can't scroll down right align table using mouse confirmed IBM Firefox Bug Normal
#10553 Find and Replace dialog cannot match text with multiple spaces confirmed oracle IBM Bug Normal
#10273 Finish integrating dialogs with Advanced Content Filter confirmed IBM Task Normal
#9967 Fire an Event when items are selected on toolbar combo boxes and color panels confirmed IBM New Feature Normal
#16720 Firefox: Not possible to enter normal text after inserting Link using Link dialog confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#13012 Focus is not properly restored after closing the context menu confirmed IBM Bug Low
#13908 Focus not being set in the Upload tab after the upload image button is pressed confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#9295 Font Size and Bold/Italic/Underline create multiple spans confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#9964 Font Size and Font Name drop-downs do not always reflect font styling confirmed IBM New Feature Low
#5503 Font-size overlaps background-color confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7779 getData converts BR tag to nbsp confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#12497 HC Mode: HTML Tags inside dotted lines not shown when Show Blocks enableded confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#9791 IE10: Browser context menu overrides CKEditor context menus on misspelled words confirmed IBM VendorFix Bug Normal
#13630 [IE11] Focus issues when the editor gets loaded confirmed IBM, IE11 Bug Normal
#14704 IE11: Japanese Kanji character breaks when you repeatedly typing Japanese confirmed IBM IE11 Bug Normal
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