Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #14554, comment 1

Mar 30, 2016, 12:26:53 PM (8 years ago)
Jakub Ś


  • Ticket #14554, comment 1

    initial v1  
    11This issue is in fact a duplicate of #9964.
    3 1. I was very surprised to see that pasting from your word document doesn't work at all in Firefox and Chrome. I will, need to investigate this and update this post.
     3 Once you set:
     5        pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles : false,
     6        pasteFromWordRemoveStyles : false
     8 you will get same results in all browser's.
    5 2. Let's focus on IE/EDGE where pasting works. The code that gets pasted is:
     10 Let's focus on IE/EDGE. The code that gets pasted is:
    712<p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 8pt;"><span lang="EN-IE" style="line-height: 107%; font-family: &quot;Times New Roman&quot;,&quot;serif&quot;; font-size: 18pt;"><font color="#000000">Apple is good for health</font></span></p>
    15  Now, from what I have checked the middle line works but rest don't. Why is that? If you look how styling in CKEditor currently works and at the fot names [ definitions], you will know that any style in order to be reflected in dropdown has to match it exactly. It has to be 1:1 match. [[BR]]
     20 Now, from what I have checked the middle line works but rest don't. Why is that? If you look how styling in CKEditor currently works and at the font names [ definitions], you will know that any style in order to be reflected in dropdown has to match dropdown's style definition exactly. It has to be 1:1 match. [[BR]]
    1621 There is {{{Georgia, serif}}} in font definitions and the same in middle paragraph so there is a match. The other two don't match but if you alter third line to {{{Comic Sans MS, cursive;}}} you will notice that it works too. Please try code below:
    27 I'm closing this ticket as a duplicate because I think it is covered by #9964 fully. If you don't agree, please leave a comment. As for pasting in Chrome and FF, I will need to make further research.
     32I'm closing this ticket as a duplicate because I think it is covered by #9964 fully. If you don't agree, please leave a comment.
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