Changes between Version 41 and Version 52 of Ticket #9764

Jul 2, 2013, 6:27:11 PM (11 years ago)
Piotrek Koszuliński

I updated ticket description with current status of things. If I forgot about something I'll add it later.


  • Ticket #9764

    • Property Owner changed from Olek Nowodziński to Piotrek Koszuliński
    • Property Milestone changed from CKEditor 4.1 to CKEditor 4.3
  • Ticket #9764 – Description

    v41 v52  
    33A good example for a widgets is a "captioned image", which contains an image element and text for the caption.  Both parts will always live together and should be selected as a whole. Once deleted, both should be removed.
    5 Some requirements:
     5== Status ==
    7  * ~~The widget must have a visual selection that clearly identifies it as selected as a whole.~~
     7=== API ===
    9  * ~~Widgets can be blocks or inlines~~.
     9 * Ready: >95%
     10 * TODO:
     11  * `widgetsRepository#del` - deleting existing widget (with selection handling);
     12  * ability to change widget's internal structure during runtime;
     13  * `widget#focused` property;
     14  * cleanup in `sel#fake` method - key listener doesn't need to be configurable any more and perhaps should reuse `editor#key`;
     15  * `widget#getOutput` -> ?;
     16  * review -> enhancements;
     17  * `editor#doubleclick` should be moved from dialog plugin to core;
     18  * publicizing `isWidget*` methods?;
    11  * ~~Support both framed and inline editing modes~~.
     20=== General UI ===
    13  * The toolbar must properly react to the widget selection, disabling features that are not compatible with it.
     22 * Ready: >90%
     23 * TODO:
     24  * better styling;
    15  * ~~By default, the widget is not editable, so it's contents must be protected.~~
     26=== Data processing, ACF, filtering ===
    17  * ~~I must be possible to have editable elements inside the widget, which will work with the editor toolbar.~~
     28 * Ready: >90%
     29 * TODO:
     30  * filtering nested editables;
     31  * bug: pasting widget into editor which does not support them;
     32  * general issue: cross-editor pasting/d&d when widgets configuration differ;
     33  * more precise attributes prefixing: `data-widget*` -> `data-cke-widget*`;
     34  * block inserting widget in nested editable;
    19  * Inner editables may have different requirements in terms of acceptable elements and ENTER key.
     36=== Selection and focus ===
    21  * ~~DEL and BACKSPACE to delete the widget.~~
     38 * Ready: >90%
     39 * TODO:
     40  * bug: broken selection after loading data with no correct place for caret (especially when widget has nested editable);
     41  * `checkSelection` should be fired after `execCommand` and perhaps `saveSnapshot` too, or better - on new `change` event;
     42  * better hiding hidden selection container;
     43  * bug: uncool scroll after focusing widget for the first time;
     44  * automatic cross-editables selection fixing (when selection starts in one editable and ends in another one);
     45  * bug: IE - failing focus test in nested editables;
    23  * ~~Other insertion keys should have no effect on the widget.~~
     47=== Drag & drop ===
    25  * ~~It must be possible to select widgets with ARROW keys.~~
     49 * Ready: >90%
     50 * TODO:
     51  * bug: clicking drag handler (without dragging) should focus widget;
     52  * handler should be invisible when dragging it;
     54=== Copy & paste ===
    27  * ~~It must be possible to blur from the widget with ARROW keys (left/right).~~
     56 * Ready: >95%
     57 * TODO:
     58  * hiding copybin;
    29  * ~~Undo and Redo support (via keystrokes)~~
     60=== Keyboard navigation ===
    31  * Copy and Paste support, even if only within editorS. (comment:4) (status: 90%)
     62 * Ready: >90%
     63 * TODO:
     64  * moving between nested editables and out of nested editable using arrow keys;
     65  * bug: issues related to bogus br on Firefox (tests failures);
    33  * Drag and Drop support, so the widget can be repositioned or moved among editorS. (comment:4)
     67=== Mouse navigation ===
    35  * Accessibility.
     69 * Ready: >90%
     70 * TODO:
     71  * context menu;
     72  * click events (e.g. doubleclick) in nested editables should not be forwarded to widgets;
    37  * Easy API for plugins implementation. (status: 90%)
     74=== Undo manager ===
     76 * Blocked by undo manager's bugs. Impossible to work on now.
     78=== Contextualized toolbar ===
     80 * Ready: >95% core, <25% plugins coverage
     81 * TODO:
     82  * updating other plugins;
     84=== A11y ===
     86 * Ready: ?
     88=== Other ===
     90 * TODO:
     91  * displaying widget in elements path & focusing on click;
     92  * enter key - integration with ACF, enhancements for nested editables;
     93  * autoparagraphing in nested editables?;
     94  * docs;
     95  * error: `Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'startContainer' of undefined` when focusing nested editables;
     96  * IE8;
     97  * updates for magicline (tests for blacklisting feature created by Olek);
     98  * linting;
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