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Results (2501 - 2600 of 14345)

Status: closed (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Priority Milestone
#11142 Exception is being thrown on context menu in bulletlist Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3
#11140 [IE11] Dragging anchors does not work IE11 Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.2
#11139 [Divarea] Elements path is not cleared after switching to source mode Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.2
#11138 insertHtml not inserting images in CKEditor content. Bug Normal
#11137 CKEDITOR 3 and 4 on same page Task Normal
#11136 Line removed when pasting Bug Normal
#11135 [enterMode]<p> instead of <div> with Shift+Enter. Bug Normal
#11134 Widgets support for divarea Piotr Jasiun Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) CKEditor 4.3.2
#11133 Pagebreak loses contenteditable=false when pasting Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.2
#11132 [FF] Caret is lost (again) on FF after inline widget drop Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) CKEditor 4.3.1
#11131 Divarea + widget breaks when switching to source mode while having nested editable focused Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.2
#11130 Link to 3.x User's Guide in "About" Bug Normal
#11129 Page break disappear on mode change Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3
#11128 JS error on pressing Delete in a list inside a table Bug Normal
#11127 Install plugin upload image into ckeditor Task Normal
#11126 Various issues when undoing when at the bottom of snapshots stack Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.2
#11125 AVT: When a menu is open and focus is on a menu item in that open menu, pressing Up or Down Arrow keys cycle focus through the items in that menu IBM Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.1
#11124 Invalid path in elementspath for div-based editor Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3
#11123 Drag handler duplicated on drop in FF Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3
#11121 [FF] HC mode enabled when editor loaded in hidden iframe Support Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.2
#11119 IE 11 and rightclick on selection Bug Normal
#11116 Error thrown when clicking "body" in elements path when widget selected Bug Normal
#11110 Image2: iframes/flashes are converted into image2 widgets when pasted Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3
#11109 position:absolute and widget problem Bug Normal
#11105 CKEditor edit-mode is not working in Linux version of Google Chrome (Chromium) Bug Normal
#11104 [IE] Focusing widget will reset editor scrollbar position IE9 IE10 Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.3
#11103 Change LICENSE.html to Marek Lewandowski Task Normal CKEditor 4.3
#11102 CKEDITOR.template does not accept new line characters Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.2
#11101 Richcombo breaks when given double quotes Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.1
#11100 Changed font size leads to major bug in line spacing Bug Normal
#11099 A few special characters aren't being encoded Bug Normal
#11098 Wrong selection after undoing DnD Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3
#11097 IE: Delay typing text when editor contains large tables and autogrow is enabled IBM IE Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.2
#11096 TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'is' Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.2.3
#11093 CSS properties should be lower-case, seen in sample Bug Normal CKEditor 4.2.3
#11092 Extra comma in build-config.js Bug Normal
#11091 Issue with CKEditor regarding instance already attached to element Bug Normal
#11090 "Marker" yellow highlight style not working for inline editors Bug Normal
#11089 Widgets: focus policy after pasting a widget Bug Normal
#11088 [IE8] image2 widget paste throws an exception on paste undo Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal
#11086 [IE8] Re enable inline widgets DnD IE8 IE Piotr Jasiun New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.3.2
#11085 IE8 and MathJax Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.1
#11084 Opening CKEditor in a modal window in Internet Explorer and SCAYT enabled IE9 IE10 Bug Normal
#11083 List and div are applied inside non-editable block when having fake selection on it Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3
#11082 [IE] Widget is not copied/cut when using toolbar or ctx menu buttons Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3
#11081 JSLint 4.3 Task Normal CKEditor 4.3
#11080 "Beta" tags should be removed from samples Olek Nowodziński Task Normal CKEditor 4.3
#11079 Placeholder sample is outdated and not useful Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3
#11078 MathJax sample should mention that MathJax widget does not support IE8 Piotr Jasiun Task Normal CKEditor 4.3
#11077 Image2: resize records two undo snapshots Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.1
#11076 [IE8] Caret is not shown when you will move to end of document Bug Normal
#11075 AVT: With focus on button menu & no drop-down menu displayed, pressing Down Arrow should open drop-down menu and move focus in to menu and onto the first menu item IBM Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.1
#11074 [IE] Inline widget dnd throws an exception Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3
#11073 Chrome - Cursor doesn't start blinking on focus Bug Normal
#11072 Merge cells doesn't work in FF when replaced textarea with inline editor Firefox Bug Normal
#11071 Email design and alignment and line space look different on HTML email editor preview screen and the actual email the recipient receive Bug Normal
#11069 Large images and large files Bug Normal
#11068 Cleanup en.js on image2 Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3
#11067 Add editing support for definition list's New Feature Normal
#11066 Widget's private parts don't use CSS reset Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3
#11064 [Blink/Webkit] Can not select all when widget is last element Blink Webkit Marek Lewandowski Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) CKEditor 4.6.1
#11063 [IE11] Squashed anchor icon in contents IE11 Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3
#11061 Paste stripping formatting on Windows Bug Normal
#11058 IE8: Error 800a025e is thrown when deleting a row. IE8 Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.3
#11057 [IE] Regression in #10212 test IE Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3
#11056 IE8-10 - UNDO and Ctrl+Zdon't work with SCAYT IE Bug Normal
#11054 Pasting arrow from word converts to registered trademark symbol Bug Normal
#11053 SCAYT conflicts with FF selection when pasting and undoing Firefox Bug Normal
#11052 possibility to disable all input-data-manipulation Task Normal
#11051 [IE8] Undo for widget paste causes exception. Bug Normal
#11050 Widgets will not always copy whole object Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal
#11049 Wrong validation for style tag if a quote for the type attribute is missing Bug Normal
#11048 Insert table row adds row to parent table Bug Normal
#11047 syntax error due to component mismatch Bug Normal
#11045 Activate Button in Source code New Feature Normal
#11044 JAWS does not read out the selected item on the language menu IBM Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.1
#11043 [IE11] Context menus disappear when opened for the first time IE11 Bug Normal
#11042 Selection.selectRanges selects contents of a non-editable element Marek Lewandowski Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) CKEditor 4.3.1
#11040 CKEditor Indent issue Bug Normal
#11036 Scayt undo conflict. Bug Normal CKEditor 4.4.0
#11031 SCAYT issues Bug Normal
#11030 Some plugins are not included in build. Bug Normal
#11029 [IE11] Unable to set Text color or text background color IE11 Bug Normal
#11028 IE11, can't set text color or text background color IE11 Bug Normal
#11027 Block commands break on widget Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3
#11025 Format Combo Box not wide enough Bug Normal
#11024 Unwanted &nbsp entities should automatically be removed WebKit Blink Bug Normal
#11021 Widgets: Error thrown when moving focus from widget to editable by elements path Olek Nowodziński Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) CKEditor 4.3.2
#11020 Same config, different result between minifief and maximized version config, minfied, maximized Bug Normal
#11018 Image properties dialog: attaching links containing Emoji Bug Normal
#11016 What Textstyle and Text Size of an old Text in the Editor? Bug Normal
#11015 CKEditor don't work with Internet Explorer 11 (final) Bug Normal
#11014 p="name=x" attribute would changed unexpected in text input Bug Normal
#11013 background : url (images/imagesname.png) not working Bug Normal
#11012 Using the editor within a frame Bug Normal
#11011 Method applyStyle removes attributes from nested elements. Support Piotr Jasiun Bug Must have (possibly next milestone) CKEditor 4.3.1
#11009 Exception while testing widget-based mockup. Bug Normal
#11006 Enter after link in enterMode: CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR Bug Normal
#11005 Asp.Net CKEditor "Past From Word" not maintining original format Bug Normal
#11004 Image2: dialog is not integrated with ACF Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.3.3
(more results for this group on next page)
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