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Results (4701 - 4800 of 14345)

Status: closed (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Priority Milestone
#8157 IE8: We can't close Flash/Iframe dialog when dialog is over IFrame/Flash with dialog_startupFocusTab set to true IBM IE8 Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.3
#8155 Special Character dialog window shows the same tooltip for symbols with different spelling case IBM Anna Tomanek Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.2
#8154 CKEditor.NET - Configurations not rendered when set by code Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.2
#8153 tab-key should increase indention of lists New Feature Normal
#8152 'Paragraph Format' can not be removed by 'remove format' Bug Normal
#8151 Russian translation update Anna Tomanek Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.2
#8150 IE9 toolbar offset bug IE9 Bug Normal
#8147 getting the cursor position... Task Normal
#8146 Creating link continues onto second line Bug Normal
#8143 Opera: incorrect basic styles toolbar behaviour Bug Normal
#8142 Application landmark taking focus to Tool bar instead of Editor body after visiting toolbar. IBM VendorFix Bug Normal
#8139 After inserting a table in IE8/9, can not move cursor below in ENTER_BR IE Bug Normal
#8135 Safari: Editor in autogrow does not render nicely when fullPage is set to true Safari Bug Normal
#8132 [IE9] When an <a> contains a <br>, when you click the <br> the <a> changes to <a name="cke_range_marker"> IE9 Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.3
#8130 FCKEditor 2.6.6- Popup windows (Insert/Edit Link, Image, Table..etc)are not displayed in IE8 IE8 Bug Normal
#8128 Italian translation Anna Tomanek New Feature Normal CKEditor 3.6.2
#8127 Opera: Undo not restoring the deleted empty paragraphs IBM Bug Normal
#8126 Norwegian (no & nb) language updates for CKEditor 3.6.1 Anna Tomanek Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.2
#8125 'font size' and 'font name' are wrongly applied to selected text in XHTML sample Bug Normal
#8124 Styles field is not validated IBM Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.2
#8122 Insert a new line between a list and another line (internet explorer) IE Bug Normal
#8121 Placeholder plugin messes the content of textareas Bug Normal
#8120 Blank newpage_html doesn't work with full page plugin Bug Normal
#8119 HTML5 / Add support for source and track elements HTML5 New Feature Normal
#8117 HTML 5 Support / meta element in body HTML5 Marek Lewandowski New Feature Normal CKEditor 4.4.3
#8116 [IE9] SSL Security Warning when using SSL Bug Normal
#8115 Getting issue with jquery Task Normal
#8113 Position of dialogs when CKEditor is in an iframe Bug Normal
#8112 Page jumps on click Bug Normal
#8111 Text disappears when clicking outside editing box. IE Bug Normal
#8110 Default text size Task Normal
#8108 IE & Safari : Can't remove empty paragraph first in document that's followed by a table IBM Bug Normal
#8107 Radio buttons on dialogs cause an error in IE quirks mode IE IBM Bug Normal
#8104 Radio buttons cannot be given a vertical layout IBM Bug Normal
#8103 Problems when pasting lists from word Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.2.1
#8102 Copy paste of text from external source into a editable div with editor non-editable throws error. Bug Normal
#8101 Image Resizing by mouse Bug Normal
#8100 IE - &nbsp not honored in table cells IBM Bug Normal
#8099 RichCombo without css shows nothing Bug Normal
#8098 IE9 : Pasting of lists not working properly. IBM Bug Normal
#8095 Chrome pastes insert a meta tag Bug Normal
#8094 Image lock ratio, unlocked when caret moved from image url field Bug Normal
#8093 InsertHTML does not insert at the cursor position in IE6 Bug Normal
#8090 Getting a blank page when editing Bug Normal
#8089 Editor disappears on ajax postback kaga Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.2
#8088 IE8: Changing font size does not work with two bytes character IE8 Bug Normal
#8087 RTL: Indenting list adds extra dir attributes to list items. Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.2
#8085 language direction applied to list item removed after indentation IBM Bug Normal
#8084 [enterBr] O.removeAttribute is not a function Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.1
#8083 SCAYT auto append br to paragraph Bug Normal
#8082 [WebKit] <font> tag with "Apple-style-span" class is left when deleting content WebKit VendorFix Bug Normal
#8081 Safari on Mac : Cursor goes out of editor body when auto grow kicks in IBM Bug Normal
#8080 JS error when inserting new row in table IBM Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.2
#8078 Remove heading style problematic Bug Normal
#8077 Editor Fullscreen mode - dialog resizing while switching tabs under IE6 Bug Normal
#8074 FF: Editor scrolls up when selecting text Firefox Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.3
#8073 insertHtml() causes dangling p tag Bug Normal
#8071 Demo editors don't resize horizontally Webkit Bug Normal
#8070 Chrome: Editor looses cursor position when using certain key combination Chrome Bug Normal
#8067 Selection field - name, value and size fields, are not alligned to right Bug Normal
#8065 [IE Quirks] no table show border IE Quirks Bug Normal
#8064 [IE6+RTL] column resizer unavailable IE6 Bug Normal
#8063 select input dialog layout Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.1
#8060 [IE Quirks] Dialog min-width/height doesn't work HasPatch Bug Normal
#8057 [IE] Autogrow erratic scroll Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal
#8056 [IE] Cursor jumps to the top when clicking at the bottom of the editing area IE Bug Normal
#8055 Allow captions that include entities to be edited through the dialog Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.1
#8054 IE7 Cell properties - window does not close when clicking [OK] Cell properties Bug Normal
#8053 WebKit: List items always contain "dir" attribute Webkit Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.1
#8052 Autogrow doesn't kick in on editor init NoTest Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.2
#8051 [enterMode=BR] Exiting from blockquote after list is impossible Bug Normal
#8050 Autogrow problem with margins IBM Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.2
#8049 Bullets/Numbers are invisible when setting LTR elements in RTL list IBM Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.2
#8047 IE8 Quirks: Iframe dialog window problem with Kama skin IE8 Bug Normal
#8043 IE: Definition list crashes the editor IE Wiktor Walc Bug Normal
#8042 extra direction attribute after indentation Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.1
#8041 [IE] Enter and space ceased in float panel IE Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.1
#8040 [IE] Missed selection change event Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.1
#8038 IFrame dialog doesn't reflect fake resize Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.1
#8037 The api_dialog sample does not work Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.1
#8036 Inconsistent handling of height and width values Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.1
#8035 Selecting uneditable element via elements path takes cursor to previous editable element WebKit Bug Normal
#8034 Fake elements config for "Unknown Object" New Feature Normal
#8033 Fake element get to many paragraphs Bug Normal
#8032 Insert block element between block elements IBM Bug Normal
#8031 handle textarea[required] attributes HTML5 Drupal Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal CKEditor 4.2
#8029 IE8 and IE9 Quirks: Colors dialog looks bad Bug Normal
#8028 IE7 Quirks: issue with rendering Anchor dialog IE Bug Normal
#8026 IE Quirks: Anchor Properties dialog does not find selected element IE Bug Normal
#8025 Check boxes on Find and Replace dialog should be part of a Fieldset IBM Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.2
#8024 Split cell horizontal/vertical IBM Bug Normal CKEditor 4.5.0 Beta
#8022 Paste of relative path image with baseHref set results in wrong urls in IE CantFix Bug Normal
#8020 Browser scrolls down when you paste huge table Bug Normal
#8016 Chrome: Flash content not visible in page preview. Chrome IBM Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.2
#8015 Simplify the Document Properties dialog Wiktor Walc Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.2
#8014 Autogrow does not fire when switching from source IBM Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.3
#8013 FF4 : Focus not shown when we tab to combo boxes & check boxes on all dialogs IBM Firefox4 Bug Normal
#8012 IE: pasted text wrapped in double strong tags Bug Normal
#8007 onBeforeUnload event is fired in IE by switchin modes Garry Yao Bug Normal CKEditor 3.6.1
#8006 FF4 Ubuntu: right click between tables in wysiwyg mode results in an error Firefox4 Bug Normal
(more results for this group on next page)
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