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Results (1 - 100 of 121)

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Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#6595 [IE9] Paste from Word floods line-breaks IE9 Bug closed Must have (possibly next milestone)
#14845 Using justify in BR mode doesn't remove trailing BR's in IE thus resulting in new line Support IE10 IE9 IE8 Bug confirmed Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#6468 IE9: CKFinder folder tree expand icons missing IE9 Bug closed Normal
#6469 IE9: Files cannot be dragged to folders in CKFinder IE9 Bug closed Normal
#6477 inproperly pasting table from excel in IE9 IE9 Bug closed Normal
#6596 [IE9] anchor and hidden field insertion is broken IE9 Bug closed Normal
#6609 [IE9] Missing HC mode IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#6784 IE content deletion bug when adjusting indentation levels of bulleted or numbered lists IE8 IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7157 IE9 - in Document mode IE9 standards, CKEditor does not run IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7161 IE9 Languages sample - create/destroy editor does not work properly IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7168 IE9: Ajax sample does not work IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7169 IE9: context menu looks bad IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7174 IE9: Cursor path does not load corectly when editor is switched back from source to wysiwyg IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7176 IE9 - SCAYT enabled, after inserting template, dialog does not close. js error thrown IE9, IE8 Bug closed Normal
#7178 IE9 RC: right-clicking on a placeholder does not select it IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7180 [IE9] Small glitch in buttons in RTL in kama IE9 Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
#7181 IE9 RC: RTL toolbars look bad in Office 2003/V2 IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7182 [IE9] Office2003: Shadows in RTL dialogs may be corrupted IE9 Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
#7186 [IE9] HR carries text IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#7188 IE9: impossible to move cursor below horizontal line IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7189 IE9: impossible to move cursor below horizontal line IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7190 IE9 - ability to edit text in placeholder, read only area IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7191 IE9 - Unable to insert anchor IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7193 IE9 - JS error in console while adding new paragraphs before <hr/> IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7196 IE9 - js error while inserting <form> on selected page-break IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7348 IE9: CKEDITOR.xml.selectSingleNode throws an error IE9 IE10 Bug closed Normal
#7355 [IE9] Pixelsharp toolbar layout IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7433 [IE9] enterBr doesn't put cursor to next line IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7434 [IE9] Inaccessible empty list item IE9 HasPatch Bug closed Normal
#7488 IE9 ignores multiple break points without &nbsp; inserted after IE9 HasPatch Bug closed Normal
#7515 Can't navigate to empty list item with arrow key IE9 Bug closed Normal
#7637 IE9: Page break not inserted after a horiontal line IBM IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7639 IE9: Browser crashes when inserting image links with different targets IE9 IBM Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug closed Normal
#7665 IE9: Toolbar buttons are not displaying properly in RTL languages in v2 skin IE9 IBM Bug confirmed Normal
#7744 IE9 : Problems with creating list from selected text IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#7959 in enterMode BR after inserting a table the cursor is displayed at the start of the table IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#7963 IE9: CKEditor may be blocking some options from context menu for Speckie IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8132 [IE9] When an <a> contains a <br>, when you click the <br> the <a> changes to <a name="cke_range_marker"> IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#8150 IE9 toolbar offset bug IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8161 IE9: an iframe without doctype causes problem with combo elements IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8175 Add/edit Radio button, enabled status is not saved under IE9/10 in CKE 3.x 4.x IE9 IE10 Bug confirmed Normal
#8188 Internet Explorer 9 inserts sab="#" tags IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8245 Multiple tbody tags in IE 9 are re-ordered IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8262 IE9 : When CK Editor accessed through https:// combos don't work after pasting image IBM IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8273 Pasting into empty bullet doesn't behave as expected - FF/IE9 Firefox IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8287 Internet explorer Frameset issue IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8352 IE9 : Bad toolbar wrapping IE9 Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#8373 IE9 adds &quot; entities around URL in style background-image: url(...) IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8394 Table Row deletion freezes IE9 IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8416 IE: toolbar buttons don't respect cursor location. IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8425 IE8 IE9: Selection Defect with contentEditable = "false" and unselectable = "on" IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8457 Unable to click left of an indented image. IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8476 Adding an anchor deletes the character to the right of anchor IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8525 Not possible to edit selected element IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8527 IE: Trying to insert a table after inserting an anchor generating error IBM IE8 IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#8552 Spaces lost on copying during editing IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8580 contentEditable is not worked on DIV IE8 IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8689 IE9 problems with inserting text while in compatibility view. IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8708 IE9 image in table deselection on mouse right click IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8711 CKEditor - sharedSpaces - IE9 - HTML5 - IE9 HTML5 Bug closed Normal
#8743 IE9: in ENTER_BR table/smiley/form is inserted under br tag IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8769 IE9: Problems while inserting nested tables IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8812 IE9: HTML comment blocks Enter Key IE9 Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#8892 IE9 crashes with p::after clearfix and empty text area IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8913 IE9: Problems with full-width sapces. IE9 CantFix Bug closed Normal
#8920 IE8 IE9: unable to edit selected text with keyboard (left-click and drag to select text then release left-button outside ckeditor window) IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8926 IE: Unnecessary horizontal scrollbar appears when inserting table with width set to 100% IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8956 Link href not displayed on edit link screen IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#8961 Inline styles are not applied to beginning text in IE 9 IE9 Bug closed Normal
#8985 IE - Enter key not being properly processed by dialogs IE9 IBM Frederico Caldeira Knabben Bug closed Normal
#9003 IE9 shift+enter causes cursor to jump IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#9013 Formatting IE9 selected text fails IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#9022 IE Compat View: Number/Bulle list gets removed when we type the text IE8 IE9 IBM Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#9030 IE9: select text + open link dialog - link creation fails if text contains linebreak <br /> tag. IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#9038 IE: error when selecting contents with SHIFT+Arrow IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#9046 IE9: linking a word doesn't work right when line ends with BR. IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#9097 Selection at the beginning of paragraphs is broken on IE9 and IE8 IE8 IE9 IBM Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#9111 Anchor displayed as inline-block in IE IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#9125 IE8 Quirks - find and replace dialog IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#9175 IE8-9 - Selecting everything via mouse drag and hitting backspace causes browser to go back IE8 IE9 Garry Yao Bug closed Normal
#9177 Selection Field dialog box fails to work after switching to Source mode. IE9 IE10 Bug confirmed Normal
#9317 disableObjectResizing and disableNativeTableHandles does not work in IE 9 IE10 in CKE 3.x 4.x IE9 IE10 IBM Marek Lewandowski Bug closed Normal
#9425 [IE] Unnecessary vertical scrollbar in UI Color dialog IE8 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#9452 IE 9 Text Formatting Not Applying IE9 Bug closed Normal
#9502 [IE] The selection expands by some characters when eg. creating a link IE9 IE10 Bug closed Normal
#9745 IE9, IE10: Image overriding the link if you try to insert it inside a link. IBM IE9 IE10 Bug confirmed Normal
#9760 IE9 crashes when user clicks on toolbar dropdowns IE9 VendorFix Bug confirmed Normal
#9926 IE9: deleting iframe in BR mode causes JS error IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#9927 IE10: Executing new page command in enter BR cuases JS error. IE10 IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#10011 pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles ignored in IE9 under certain conditions IE9 IE10 Bug closed Normal
#10030 IE8 "Unspecified Error ckeditor.js, line 63 character 296" on CKEditor 4 load CantFix IE8 IE9 Support Artur Delura Bug closed Normal
#10093 IE9 inline/destroy multiple times causes return key to repeat that many times IE9 IE10 Support Bug confirmed Normal
#10165 CKeditor 4.0.1 Access denied error in IE9-10 Oracle IE9 IE10 Olek Nowodziński Bug closed Normal
#10297 Context menu layout is skewed IE9 Bug closed Normal
#10369 IE9 ENTER_BR problem with AUTOGROW plugin IE9 Bug confirmed Normal
#10432 [IE9-10] Image properties don't get updated. IE9 IE10 Bug confirmed Normal
#10484 [IE] Source dialog fires beforeunload event IE9 IE10 Bug closed Normal
#10653 [IE9 IE10] Error when pasting single letter in specific conditions IE9 IE10 Bug closed Normal
#10677 IE9: CKEditor 3.6.6: Delay in the cursor postion setting after the text is pasted in the ENTER_BR mode IE9 Bug closed Normal
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