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Results (301 - 326 of 326)

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Ticket Summary Keywords Owner Type Status Priority
#13883 Copying table using context menu strips off styles. Blink Webkit Support Piotr Jasiun Bug closed Normal
#13969 forcepasteasplaintext CTRL + V not working Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#14272 You can't delete (using Ctrl+A Del) two lists separated by a paragraph Blink Webkit Support Bug confirmed Normal
#14429 Webkit Blink add multiple   to HTML pasted into contenteditable element. Blink Webkit CantFix VendorFix Bug confirmed Normal
#14534 Cannot read property 'blockLimit' of null Blink Webkit Support Tade0 Bug review Normal
#14563 Active link cursor continues on new line when pressing enter Blink Webkit Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#14566 Link continues to the second line Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#14593 CHROME: Copying & pasting content from one editor instance to another removing all styles Blink Webkit IBM Bug confirmed Normal
#14614 Whitespace is removed when pasting content in visual mode Blink Webkit Firefox Bug confirmed Normal
#14636 Clicking at the end of text in table cell results in some menu options being disabled. Webkit Blink Mac Support Bug confirmed Normal
#14693 When applying a header style to a paragraph in OSX Chrome, the paragraph below will also be a header Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#14755 [Webkit][IE8] Browser hangs when user set Number list & then insert table IBM Blink Webkit IE8 Marek Lewandowski Bug closed Normal
#14800 Pressing Down or Right arrow on a page with a DIV contained CKEditor, steals focus and places it in the RTE. Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#14884 Divarea - It is possible to type after opening dialog without input field. Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#14895 Uncaught IndexSizeError JS error Webkit Blink Bug confirmed Normal
#16600 Editor may be assuming presence of editable too optimistically. Webkit Blink Support Marek Lewandowski Bug closed Normal
#16708 Inserting text before a table breaks paragraph wrapping in Chrome Blink Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#16813 editor.getSelectedHtml returns incorrect data Firefox Webkit Bug closed Normal
#16863 Partial selection in and inside the table cause cells to be deleted when pressing Del or Backspace Blink Webkit Support Bug confirmed Normal
#16874 Error in console (Cannot read property 'isContextFor' of null) Webkit Blink beata_delura Bug closed Normal
#16905 Editor enterMode: ENTER_BR doesn't strip leading whitespace immediately Webkit Bug confirmed Normal
#16941 Deleting Paragraph before the description list, changes first list element to instead of moving cursor into list Webkit IE Support Bug confirmed Normal
#16943 Divarea plugin steals focus when bluring the editor. Blink Webkit Tomasz Jakut Bug closed Normal
#1122 Safari: minor rendering issue (the cursor under a horizontal rule) WebKit Bug closed Low
#8019 Webkit: "Focus border smaller than the editing area border" in paste as plain text dialog Webkit Bug confirmed Low
#9627 [Webkit] Clipboard toolbar accessible in read-only mode Webkit Bug confirmed Low
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