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Results (1 - 100 of 254)

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Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#1646 Color for Underline and Strikethrough inconsistent confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#2346 Numbered list problem confirmed andersongomesu@… Bug Normal
#2578 Opera browser fit to width loses edit area confirmed Hallvord R. M. Steen (Opera Software) Bug Low
#2589 changing style when typing text works incorrectly confirmed irina.dinarieva@… Bug Normal
#3998 It is impossible to remove Preview from Image dialog confirmed russ@… Bug Normal
#4000 It is impossible to remove Lock Ratio and Reset buttons from Image dialog confirmed saarelias@… Bug Normal
#4380 Listblock: Stylename containing single quote will crash onclick method new antony.chandra@… Bug Normal
#4576 CKeditor work wrong with contentType="application/xhtml+xml" confirmed chris@…, tleach@…, Danil Bug Normal
#4582 Toolbar expand/collapse toggle button cannot be tabbed to and does not have tooltip text confirmed damian.chojna@…, irinauru@… Bug Normal
#5009 Context sub-menu items should not hide other context menu items new satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#5026 Style detection/removal incorrect in FireFox confirmed mike@… Bug Normal
#5389 Invalid handling of font tags confirmed computerpunk@… Bug Normal
#5503 Font-size overlaps background-color confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#5535 Stack overlow in IE6 when pasting strange HTML confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#5614 Selection incorrect after Undo review satya_minnekanti@… Garry Yao Bug Normal
#5662 IE 7.x only - Unable to set font name and font size confirmed alex@…, lokeshnagpal86@… Bug Normal
#5669 [IE] JAWS doesn't recognize the 'application' role on editor chrome confirmed pranav.prakash@… Bug Normal
#5804 Form elements are not editable confirmed a.trojan@…, lqixv@…, lanic, ckeditor@… Bug Normal
#5842 Keyboard Cursor No Longer Visible When After Showing CKEditor in a DIV that was display:none confirmed Erik Kangas Bug Normal
#6140 IE Selected format fails to reflect in entered texts correctly confirmed Damian, joek, jamcunni@… Bug Normal
#6164 IE stripping object/embed tags with templates confirmed mcgovern@… Bug Normal
#6205 ckeditor.js - t.getNative().createRange is not a function Line 118 - Image plugin confirmed chris.ingham@… Bug Normal
#6281 List items not wrapped in UL/OL render incorrectly confirmed ladybug_3777@…, rirwin@… Bug Normal
#6371 Chrome: Copy/Paste mangles Formatted text confirmed dane@… Bug Normal
#6443 SelectionChange not firing in all instances confirmed jamcunni@…, satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#6803 Image dialog error with border of zero confirmed contact@… Bug Normal
#6826 List: enter key causes outdent in empty list item only when item has no sublist. With sublist it creates new item on same level confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#6871 Add <other> option to the Image Link's target field confirmed Chris Bradley Bug Normal
#6923 IE: Caret shows through styles dropdown confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#7017 [IE] Table cells deleted when trying to set formatting for the entire table confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#7078 Integration VB WebBrowser control and CKEditor Problem confirmed elenammez@… Bug Normal
#7079 FF : Opening Cell Properties dialog resetting Columns Width confirmed Damian, James Cunningham, monahant@… Bug Normal
#7143 Text Cursor loses position when document-overflow is modified confirmed emeerson@…, rbudigelli@… Bug Normal
#7173 Autogrow usability confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Garry Yao Bug Normal
#7175 IE: Drop-downs closed immediately after show confirmed Teresa Monahan, Satya Minnekanti, peter, irinauru@… Bug Normal
#7225 FF - Font/Size/Styles not being continued on Enter confirmed satya_minnekanti@…, jamcunni@… Bug Normal
#7275 IE session dropped when using SCAYT, MVC confirmed, camden.michael@…, abrir.fuego@… Bug Normal
#7325 Webkit: backspace moves content between p tags (instead of merging them) confirmed dane@… Bug Normal
#7343 Copying a table row content in a different row does not paste properly confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#7350 Clicking in the editor returns the fonts to the default values confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#7367 Unable to remove style at end of block confirmed kenny.demetter@…, satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#7380 Line breaks in list items are lost when followed by another list review kenny.demetter@…, satya_minnekanti@… Garry Yao Bug Normal
#7449 Image dialog size lock inaccuracy confirmed satya_minnekanti@…, jamcunni@… Bug Normal
#7451 Backspace stops working when working with nested list confirmed jamcunni@… Bug Normal
#7456 Problem with editing links when text follows immediately the link confirmed manuel@… Bug Normal
#7523 IE Can't Drag and Drop text outside of paragraph confirmed camden.michael@… Bug Normal
#7561 IE 'editor.getSelection()' is null or not an object review_failed mcamden@…, satya_minnekanti@…, tkrah@…, joel.peltonen@… Garry Yao Bug Normal
#7779 getData converts BR tag to nbsp confirmed monahant@… Bug Normal
#7794 Editor missing or placed wrong, after fullscreen enabled confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#7806 SCAYT plugin moves cursor in IE confirmed, RoBorg@… Bug Normal
#7813 Unable to apply more than one style to selected text confirmed johaness.noreiga@… Bug Normal
#7824 Cannot call method 'split' of undefined on CKEDITOR.replace confirmed mcamden@…, Bug Normal
#7846 Opera : Copying and pasting tables not working properly. (CORE-41467) confirmed Damian, James Cunningham, Teresa Monahan, Hallvord R. M. Steen (Opera Software) Bug Normal
#7852 Autogrow flickrs when grow review typeof, satya_minnekanti@…, saniln@… Garry Yao Bug Normal
#7865 enterMode BR + SELECT element = Javascript Error confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#7934 IE: Image dialog is unable to load image properties inside of a floating element review director@…, satya_minnekanti@… Garry Yao Bug Normal
#7942 [Webkit] Paste elements carries applied style confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#7974 IE: "Image properties" not available in the context menu in a floating element confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#7976 IE: error when saving cell properties on selected content confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#7984 AutoGrow fails on Firefox with document that has quirks mode Doctype confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Garry Yao Bug Normal
#7985 Horizontal Line breaks current formatting confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#7989 Lists: Hitting enter with a selection outdents instead of clearing selection confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#7994 [IE8, FF] Problems with typing text next to an anchor confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8008 Cannot delete horizontal rule via backspace confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8009 Paste From Word creates <a> tags with no attributes wherever contents are "highlighted" by Comments confirmed torque18@… Bug Normal
#8011 Empty paragraph added on pasting in Webkit and Firefox4 confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8017 Webkit: Problems with undo and lists after switching to source mode and back confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8058 Removing a list removes indentation confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8061 Webkit Drag and Drop shifts event focus to iframe document confirmed mcamden@… Bug Normal
#8066 [enterBr] Inserting page break / horizontal line creates a paragraph confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8072 "Insert column before/after" on split cell confirmed satya_minnekanti@…, Hallvord R. M. Steen (Opera Software) Bug Normal
#8091 IE CKEDITOR.editor.resize throw 'invalid argument' when no height value is specified confirmed mcamden@… Bug Normal
#8092 CKEDITOR.editor.resize - Invalid documentation confirmed mcamden@…, Irina, Satya Minnekanti Bug Normal
#8118 [FF] Strikethrough style works incorrectly for bigger fonts confirmed monahant@…, satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8129 Inline CSS does not work when there are comments inside <style> tags confirmed krithika.ha@… Bug Normal
#8148 issue about sub-table confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8149 ElementsPath doesn't show correct element confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8160 Text selection disappears when open dialogs confirmed noorsulayman@… Bug Normal
#8161 IE9: an iframe without doctype causes problem with combo elements confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8186 If copied MS-Word text contains a text box, then text does not display correctly in the editor confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8206 Firefox: unable to access caption with arrow keys confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8207 IE8 IE9: empty paragraphs inserted when aligning text confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8271 CKEditor toolbar becomes invisible when using Tab key and Maximize toolbar button confirmed lesilvav@… Bug Normal
#8273 Pasting into empty bullet doesn't behave as expected - FF/IE9 confirmed mcamden@… Bug Normal
#8338 Opera: link not inserted in correct position when we have image before cursor position (CORE-14592) confirmed Damian, Teresa Monahan, Hallvord R. M. Steen (Opera Software) Bug Normal
#8346 Focus after close dropdown confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8351 Image not visible in page preview confirmed satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8365 List item breakage in IE8 confirmed mcamden@… Bug Normal
#8382 [IE] PageUp and PageDown not working confirmed Damian, Teresa Monahan, rschnorenberg@…, giorgio Bug Normal
#8473 JS error will cause CKEDITOR instances to not update their data to the iframe. confirmed julianalucenaa@… Bug Normal
#8517 Selection Field content is broken in firefox when clicked on left , right justification plugins. confirmed knimmagadda@… Bug Normal
#8549 [IE, Webkit] can not delete selected text in table contents confirmed alvaro.lechner@… Bug Normal
#8552 Spaces lost on copying during editing confirmed rschnorenberg@… Bug Normal
#8561 Unexpected lists get created when selecting nested divs confirmed Teresa Monahan, satya_minnekanti@… Bug Normal
#8621 WYSIWYG focus fails on Opera Mobile and Kindle Silk browsers confirmed Hallvord R. M. Steen (Opera Software) Bug Normal
#8646 CKEditor 3.x vertical scroll bar is hang/not working on Firefox browser confirmed sithomas@…, blkishor@…, akbaby@…, prodbaugh@… Bug Normal
#8686 Bold, Italic, Underline plugins not detecting formatting using style element confirmed blkishor@…, prodibaugh@… Bug Normal
#8705 [iOS] Caret (cursor) may not appear when typing is enabled new mcamden@… Bug Normal
#8717 Mobile Safari - Cursor remains after switching between wysiwyg mode and text mode confirmed mcamden@… Bug Normal
#8832 Stylesheet parser error if file not on cache review joel.peltonen@… Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug Normal
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