Custom Query


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#7636 Wildly varying copy/paste results between browsers confirmed Bug Normal
#8386 IE: When copying and pasting a table, an empty <p> is appended on output confirmed Bug Normal
#8661 Copy paste table does not retain table width - style attribute in not copied confirmed Bug Normal
#8801 IE8 Bug when paste to an exist selection when ENTER_BR mode is on confirmed Bug Normal
#8881 [iOS] Paste images does not work on iOS new Bug Normal
#8947 [iOS] (iPad) copy/pasting formatted text new Bug Normal
#9159 pasting a table in IE8 and Chrome all cells inherits indent from a paragraph confirmed Bug Normal
#9931 Copy/paste of hyperlinks with IE creates font tags confirmed Bug Normal
#10078 BBCode: No line-breaks when pasting paragraphed text confirmed Bug Normal
#10156 [Webkit] Cut&pasting text adds inline wrappers confirmed Bug Normal
#10169 Editor context menu unavailable when opened outside the body element of the content area confirmed Bug Normal
#10372 Paste as plain text do not work confirmed New Feature Normal
#10495 Pasting as plain text into pre blocks shouldn't replace pre confirmed Bug Normal
#11601 FF - Pasting Chinese characters adds spaces to the pasted text confirmed Bug Normal
#11708 Magic-Line showing in email confirmed Bug Normal
#12156 [Safari] Paste URL/Link from Twitter or other browser doesn't work confirmed Bug Normal
#12410 [Blink, Webkit] Pasting plain text into styles text is causing text formatting lost. confirmed Bug Normal
#12907 Improve paste dialogs confirmed Task Normal
#12940 Unable to paste text on new line after line with <o:p> MSWord formatting confirmed Bug Normal
#13442 Editor scrolls to the top after paste when contained in absolute positioned element confirmed Bug Normal
#13500 Delay before seeing upload notifications after pasting image from MS Paint. confirmed Bug Normal
#14393 New line after styled elements creates inline context which breaks pasting block elements. confirmed Bug Normal
#14614 Whitespace is removed when pasting content in visual mode confirmed Bug Normal
#14921 Copy paste content in WYSIWYG 4.5.11 removes styles created using WYSIWYG, version 4.4.7 works fine confirmed Bug Normal
#16454 Pasted plain text should have the same format where it is pasted in CKEditor confirmed Bug Normal
#16756 Image are inserted as file/link after pasting several images with text in between new Bug Normal
#16936 pastefromword plugin issue with paragraph formatting new Bug Normal
#4891 Paste: Indentation problems for simple indented text confirmed Bug Normal
#6371 Chrome: Copy/Paste mangles Formatted text confirmed Bug Normal
#6383 Holding ctrl+v in IE - pasting copied text as <p> confirmed Bug Normal
#7523 IE Can't Drag and Drop text outside of paragraph confirmed Bug Normal
#7942 [Webkit] Paste elements carries applied style confirmed Bug Normal
#8068 Issue with pasting subscript confirmed Bug Normal
#8076 Link attribute is not pasted with image. confirmed Bug Normal
#8785 There is no option like CKEDITOR.config.forcePasteFromWord confirmed New Feature Normal
#9413 Handle text pasted by drag&drop confirmed Bug Normal
#9429 [FF] Enter pressed in ENTER_BR mode disables copy/cut/paste buttons confirmed Bug Normal
#10359 [Webkit] Extra &nbsp; and inline styles when copying and pasting aligned text confirmed Bug Normal
#10766 [Webkit] Irresistible content when pasting into entirely selected editable confirmed Bug Normal
#11434 [IE] Exception thrown while pasting page break confirmed Bug Normal
#12764 Pasting pure text in Chrome causes weird results confirmed Bug Normal
#13029 [Safari] Pasting fragment of an image does not trigger its upload assigned Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal
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