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Results (1401 - 1500 of 1636)

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#14571 IE11: Widget selection lost after Undo & Redo assigned Tade0 Bug Normal
#14572 Drag & drop of anchor at edge of content to same location causes error confirmed Bug Normal
#14575 Page is scrolling down when I click on any panel element confirmed Bug Normal
#14581 Pasting from MS Excel to CKEditor using IE loses background colors IF cells are resized from the default prior to copying confirmed Bug Normal
#14586 Copy-paste in Firefox results in extra spaces confirmed Bug Normal
#14588 CKEditor doesn’t translate 4-byte entities correctly. confirmed Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#14591 French localization: Overlapped labels on flash properties windows confirmed Bug Normal
#14593 CHROME: Copying & pasting content from one editor instance to another removing all styles confirmed Bug Normal
#14598 Order of style properties is changed when inserting content confirmed Bug Normal
#14606 Problem with TableResizer confirmed Bug Normal
#14608 The inline editor is not scrolling inside scrollable div confirmed Bug Normal
#14613 race issue loading plugins when editor already destroyed review Tade0 Bug Normal
#14615 protected source in attributes modified in custom html elements confirmed Bug Normal
#14619 Unable to resize editor on mobile confirmed Tade0 Bug Normal
#14622 Borders lost when pasting from libre office calc from Chrome Windows - config.allowedContent off or with ACF filters confirmed Bug Normal
#14630 Failing magicline test on hidpi screen confirmed Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.1
#14631 [IE/Edge] Colordialog - focus moves to colors on "clear" button click confirmed Bug Normal
#14632 Tabbing through table merged cells creates invalid rows confirmed Bug Normal
#14634 getSelectedText omits <br> characters in IE confirmed Bug Normal
#14636 Clicking at the end of text in table cell results in some menu options being disabled. confirmed Bug Normal
#14640 user agent Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of null confirmed Bug Normal
#14642 Shift+Enter after pressing backspace inserts two br's instead of one confirmed Bug Normal
#14643 [Chrome][Android][AC] Pop-up window misplaced when view enlarged confirmed Bug Normal
#14644 [Safari][iOS][AC] Minimized AC window hides under virtual keyboard. confirmed Bug Normal
#14646 Text de-select problem on IE11 confirmed Bug Normal
#14648 config.allowedContent doesn't work when BBCode plugin active confirmed Bug Normal
#14654 [Webkit/Blink] Empty line is removed when changing selection after inline widget removal. confirmed Bug Normal
#14655 When merging header cell with body cell, table tools options for merge should be disabled confirmed Bug Normal
#14658 BBCode adds extra nodes when toggling modes in default sample. confirmed Bug Normal
#14675 On change event is not fired on first content remove after D'n'D confirmed Bug Normal
#14693 When applying a header style to a paragraph in OSX Chrome, the paragraph below will also be a header confirmed Bug Normal
#14698 Vertical scrollbar flashes during auto grow review Tade0 Bug Normal
#14699 Pressing outdent merges first list item with previous line if enter mode is BR confirmed Bug Normal
#14703 FF: Adding extra paragraphs or space when text pasted confirmed Bug Normal
#14704 IE11: Japanese Kanji character breaks when you repeatedly typing Japanese confirmed Bug Normal
#14705 Inserting list inside widget focused empty editable area causes error confirmed Bug Normal
#14712 adding template without replacing content - removing code from template confirmed Bug Normal
#14722 Block Widget inside Lists disappear on enter. confirmed Bug Normal
#14727 Clear Format doesn't remove strikethrough confirmed Bug Normal
#14733 setting Italic fails for Japanese character, in Japanese locale pending Bug Normal
#14739 APPHOST9602 Error when using CKEditor in native Windows App confirmed Bug Normal
#14744 [Safari] Failing embedbase tests assigned kkrzton Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#14752 Autogrow & fullPage - body elements gets modified. confirmed Bug Normal
#14754 Removing anchor doesn't remove link's id attribute confirmed Bug Normal
#14759 Big images makes editor scroll top on input in iPad with iOS 9.3.2 confirmed Bug Normal
#14760 ScrollIntoView also expands selection to entire paragraph confirmed Bug Normal
#14761 Missing "`startDisabled: 1`" in table-related commands definition confirmed Bug Normal
#14765 Copying from IE divarea editor to Chrome/Firefox in results in full nodes path. confirmed Bug Normal
#14767 Browser becomes unresponsive at the input of the multi-byte character confirmed Bug Normal
#14795 Color picker dialog should validate entry upon dialog close confirmed New Feature Normal
#14797 [iPad Mini] Unable to scroll horizontally in CKEditor confirmed Bug Normal
#14800 Pressing Down or Right arrow on a page with a DIV contained CKEditor, steals focus and places it in the RTE. confirmed Bug Normal
#14812 Editor calls setData twice at load new Bug Normal
#14818 Using Safari's history back when editor is maximised fails to remove CSS from HTML and Body elements. confirmed Bug Normal
#14827 [Edge] Editor viewport is scrolled back to the top when focusing editor for the first time. confirmed Bug Normal
#14829 Can't open image dialog when double-clicking on image in mobile Environment new Bug Normal
#14836 Editor content scrolls when pasting data from clipboard (iOS) confirmed Bug Normal
#14837 Can't tab through table inside a widget. confirmed Bug Normal
#14844 [WebKit] Image2 throws IndexSizeError while undoing deletion of partially uploaded image confirmed Bug Normal
#14845 Using justify in BR mode doesn't remove trailing BR's in IE thus resulting in new line confirmed Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#14847 [Safari] Scrolls editor viewport to the top and changes selection after confirming cancelling changes in a dialog confirmed Bug Normal
#14848 [IE8] link plugin test fails confirmed Bug Normal
#14849 [QM] Editor does not load up in IE9 QM confirmed Bug Normal
#14851 trailing slash is removed from meta tag confirmed Bug Normal
#14860 Whole viewport is scrolled in the inline editor on dialog close action confirmed Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#14862 Inline editor replacing textarea doesn't handle [required] confirmed Bug Normal
#14872 [Firefox] Insert cell before then after confirmed Bug Normal
#14884 Divarea - It is possible to type after opening dialog without input field. confirmed Bug Normal
#14895 Uncaught IndexSizeError JS error confirmed Bug Normal
#14902 CHROME: Empty paragraphs lost when copied & pasted from Notepad confirmed Bug Normal
#14905 Initiating widget can add blank space confirmed Bug Normal
#14907 Drop down list of toolbar inside a dialog is not moving with scrollbar of the dialog. confirmed Bug Normal
#14911 Table cell lose formatting on tab switch an new text pending Bug Normal
#14919 hitting enter in a ckeditor when multiple ckeditors are on the page, scrolls randomly down the page in IE 11 only pending Bug Normal
#14924 Dialog tab is disabled if has content elements of html type only (same as ticket 13193) confirmed Bug Normal
#16338 Make link dialog simpler confirmed New Feature Normal
#16391 CKEditor: Clipboard is pasted multiple times pending Bug Normal
#16444 Inline Editor Not fully destroyed with .destroy() method confirmed Bug Normal
#16451 Inserting table after resize fails with error " Unable to get property 'checkReadOnly' of undefined or null reference" pending Bug Normal
#16471 Update hidpi settings when it changes confirmed Bug Normal
#16491 Moono-lisa Image dialog - invisible preview border confirmed Bug Normal
#16492 Moono-lisa Image dialog - reduce empty space confirmed Task Normal
#16500 Copy/Paste list doesn't paste first bullet. confirmed Bug Normal
#16518 Please move notifications of Notification plugin to bottom status bar confirmed New Feature Normal
#16608 Removing paragraph below nested widget and moving the nested widget removes main widget editable confirmed Bug Normal
#16618 [IE11][FF][CF] Styling could not be reapplied on a simple click review_failed kkrzton Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.1
#16619 [Safari] Can't focus widget's editable after dragging it confirmed Bug Normal
#16620 Source button disabled after block widget copy-paste confirmed Bug Normal
#16621 Missing keystroke for copy formatting command confirmed Bug Normal
#16622 Balloonpanel first appearance arrow rendered in a wrong position. confirmed Bug Normal
#16625 FF & IE: Increasing Indent not working on lists confirmed Bug Normal
#16628 Anchor with space in name confirmed Bug Normal
#16629 Editable inside widget disappears after other widget drag&drop confirmed Bug Normal
#16637 Anchor disappears when dropped into widget editable region confirmed Bug Normal
#16638 [iOS] Support for copyformatting plugin confirmed New Feature Normal
#16640 [iOS] Balloonpanel does not update its position when in inserting text mode. confirmed Bug Normal
#16641 [iOS] Balloonpanel position misplaced on init for inline editor. confirmed Bug Normal
#16642 [iOS] Widget fake selection is not correctly removed. confirmed Bug Normal
#16646 ckeditor sets style="height:0px; width:0px" when Drag 'n Drop Images into Editor in safari pending Bug Normal
#16654 Ipad enter key doesn't work when I finish typing hangul (south of korea language) to vowel new Bug Normal
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
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