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Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#12019 Styles' states and values when block widget is selected confirmed Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal
#12479 selection bug with widgets assigned Szymon Kupś Bug Normal
#13719 Right click on a widget loses editable selection review Tade0 Bug Normal
#14562 triple click and delete ruins widget in chrome review Tade0 Bug Normal
#10942 Image2: Introduce a proper visual indicator of selected resizable image confirmed Bug Normal
#10974 Add support for inline nested editables confirmed New Feature Normal
#11010 Fix memory leaks caused by CKEDITOR.filter.instances storing nested editables' filters forever confirmed Bug Normal
#11059 Widget reinitialization procedure should be redesigned confirmed Task Normal
#11094 [IE8] Editor loses focus when moving focus from nested editable to widget confirmed Bug Normal
#11095 [IE8] Copying single widget does not work when using toolbar button confirmed Bug Normal
#11118 Widgets drag handler is marked in selection when it's not visible confirmed Bug Normal
#11122 [IE] Widgets exception after native context menu + widget blur confirmed Bug Normal
#11158 [IE10@Win8] Dnd of inline widgets throw an exception in Win8 confirmed Bug Normal
#11275 [IE8] Widget: it is possible to use native drag handler confirmed Bug Normal
#11394 HtmlDP's current enter mode (and other options) should be passed to "match" and "upcast" methods confirmed Bug Normal
#11687 [FF] Caret position reset when clicking editable confirmed Bug Normal
#11771 Introduce styleableElement in widget API confirmed Bug Normal
#11808 [IE] It's possible to enter code snippet's (non-editable content's?) body by up/down keys confirmed Bug Normal
#11810 [IE] Widgets drag container allows to put text in it confirmed Bug Normal
#12070 [Webkit/Blink] It is possible to create selection that starts in one editable and ends in another one confirmed Bug Normal
#12072 [Linux][Chrome] Drag and drop of nested inline widgets confirmed Bug Normal
#12115 [UX] Drag handler not visable in the High Contrast Mode on Windows confirmed Bug Normal
#12374 Widget dialogs - provide an easy way to access edited widget in onOk / onShow confirmed New Feature Normal
#12524 [Widgets] Support multiple nested editables of the same name confirmed New Feature Normal
#13141 [FF] It's not possible to DnD inline widget inside nested editable confirmed Bug Must have (possibly next milestone)
#13220 Widget cannot be dropped into middle&last section of layout widget confirmed Bug Normal
#13413 [Autoembed] Multiple embedding actions are registered in a single undo step. confirmed Bug Normal
#10971 Add an option to make widgets non-removable confirmed New Feature Normal
#11252 Widget with complex structure allow editing of widgets' editables (if those are divs) confirmed Bug Normal
#11298 Mathjax plugin - baseline for eqations and text is defferent confirmed Bug Low
#11326 enterKey breaks block-level widgets confirmed Bug Normal
#11530 Dynamic Templates with Dialog Helpers confirmed New Feature Normal
#11770 Destroying an editor while a widget is selected causes JS error in IE confirmed Bug Normal
#11923 [Blink] Caret is rendered at wrong location when editable region ends with a non-editable region confirmed Bug Normal
#12046 Using figure wrapper even if there is no caption confirmed New Feature Normal
#12087 Can't delete an empty line between block widgets confirmed Bug Normal
#12114 image2 widget (align left/center/right) does not lose focus on IE8-11 in order to write text if alone confirmed Bug Normal
#12373 Magicline is sometimes difficult to use with widgets confirmed Bug Normal
#12388 Conflict when system uses data-widget attributes for other purposes than the Widget system confirmed Bug Normal
#12527 Dragging widget does not scroll the editor confirmed Bug Normal
#12530 Right click on a text input in a widget stops working after moving a widget confirmed Bug Normal
#13048 Editor's contentscss and "Image2 plugins" 100% width style not working properly new Bug Normal
#13087 How to unfocus newly created CKEditor widgets pending Task Normal
#13800 Focusing a widget and then defocusing the editor creates an undo step confirmed Bug Normal
#13900 Drag line for widgets is misaligned when paragraphs have margins pending Bug Normal
#14237 MenuButton with label puts "(Selected)" at the end of the label when clicked confirmed Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it) CKEditor 4.7.1
#14515 Nested widget hover css selects all children confirmed Bug Normal
#14717 Widget tag name with colon confirmed Bug Normal
#14900 Drop of inline widget in a span, splits the span in two confirmed New Feature Normal
#14901 Dragging an inline widget outside of span, carries leftover span around confirmed Bug Normal
#16680 Possibility to alter widget structure after initialization new New Feature Normal
#16807 Pasting widgets with the clipboard plugin under firefox removes some classes. pending Bug Normal
#16942 Cursor gets stuck in inline widget new Bug Normal
#16946 Underline and Strikethrough should work in placeholder confirmed New Feature Normal
#16956 [blink] Focus placement issue with inline widget new Bug Normal
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