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Results (1 - 100 of 126)

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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#12602 Enter key at the end of block is broken confirmed Android Firefox Bug Normal
#13721 [Android][Firefox] Problems with text selection confirmed Android Firefox Bug Normal
#13841 Elements path selection and deletion work unexpectedly confirmed Blink firefox Bug Normal
#10949 [Blink Firefox] Readonly editor elementspath selection doesn't select as expected. confirmed Blink Firefox Bug Normal
#13735 Paste from word confirmed Blink Firefox Bug Normal
#14563 Active link cursor continues on new line when pressing enter confirmed Blink Webkit Firefox Bug Normal
#14614 Whitespace is removed when pasting content in visual mode confirmed Blink Webkit Firefox Bug Normal
#2981 Sample 10 second instance not working after clicking combo confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#3934 New line collapsed in enterMode=BR review_failed Firefox Bug Normal
#4398 Support for detaching from the DOM confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#4451 Different "Apple + LeftArrow" keyboard shortcut behavior in Firefox on Mac OS X confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#4528 Empty select box is added automatically under some conditions confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#4903 Indent command on multiple table cells incorrect confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#4917 FF3: List indentation change relocates caret confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#5777 JS error when fullPage is set to true and the title tag is missing confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#5804 Form elements are not editable confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#5842 Keyboard Cursor No Longer Visible When After Showing CKEditor in a DIV that was display:none confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#6302 if both 'blur' and 'click' events handled - they fires infinitely in firefox confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#6354 The i() function takes a lot more time in 3.4.1 than in 3.4.0 confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#6659 Removing selected li while typing review_failed Firefox Martin Bug Normal
#6827 List: possible to place cursor in front of list bullet/number, and delete then breaks the list confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#7053 Firefox: right arrow does not close the link confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#7143 Text Cursor loses position when document-overflow is modified confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#7605 [FF] Right click selects all content of pre block confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#7635 FF scrollIntoView doesn't work confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#7771 'Maximize' in container with Opacity makes container disappear (FF) confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#7825 Autogrow with sharedSpaces on firefox confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#7830 [FF] Select all + inline style in enterMode BR removes selection confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#7835 [FF] Word metadata not cleaned when pasting from word without cleanup confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#7836 In Firefox, a <br /> is inserted in an empty text area when using editor.focus() on initially hidden editors confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#7842 Selection handles in FF can't be set or removed confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#7864 Flash plugin url escapes some values confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#7888 Deleting the link in editor - the text font stays underlined confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#8010 setData from dialog makes empty undo step confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#8021 Problem handling images confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#8096 Firefox: Additional </br> added after clicking legend in fieldset and switching to Source mode confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#8138 Arrow keys stop working after hide-show cycle confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#8206 Firefox: unable to access caption with arrow keys confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#8351 Image not visible in page preview confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#8517 Selection Field content is broken in firefox when clicked on left , right justification plugins. confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#8646 CKEditor 3.x vertical scroll bar is hang/not working on Firefox browser confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#8654 entering character sometimes creates spurious newline in firefox confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#8661 Copy paste table does not retain table width - style attribute in not copied confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#8958 can not escape style for a whole line in firefox confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#9098 FF: Can't apply styles after removing line confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#9106 FF, WinXP, JAWS: Can't use arrows in Smiley or Special Chars Dialogs when opened for second time confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#9433 [FF] "Browse Server" popup appears behind browser window confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#9612 Moving the text cursor inside form elements causes js-error and breaks source-mode confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#9827 Collapse toolbar keystroke doesn't work on FF confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#9881 [FF] JS error when right-click on textarea confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#9957 [FF] Cannot delete text at the end of the line with cursor placed after the space confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#10047 FF: Replacing <Enter> with <Shift+Enter> results in extra <br /> confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#10121 [FF] Sourcearea is 1px lower than wysiwygarea confirmed Firefox Bug Low
#10201 Table properties have no width when opening dialog after resizing table confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#10252 disableObjectResizing=true in full screen mode confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#10305 Strange jumps to the top in Firefox upon dialog closing (testcase included) confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#10402 TypeError: A/range is undefined when calling insertHtml after hide/show. confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#10404 Strange insertHTML behaviour with FF 20.0.1 after selectRanges and hide/show confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#10413 Inline CKEditor doesn't hide its toolbars after interaction with richcombo confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#10502 [FF]Right click on some elements causes Error: Permission denied to access property 'nodeType' confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#11212 [FF] It is impossible to exit styled list with Enter Key. confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#11323 [FF] preview does not display images confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#11399 [FF] Instability of nested editables tests confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#11581 Enter Backspace Shift+Enter fails on FF confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#11668 delete key behavior is WRONG!! confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#11687 [FF] Caret position reset when clicking editable confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#11795 [FF] Ctrl+backspace inside table removes too much stuff confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#11873 flash and iframe resizing confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#11876 [FF] Remove -moz- prefix from box-sizing property confirmed Firefox Task Normal
#12179 [FF] Error while using :after pseudoclass in contents.css confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#12641 Firefox merges paragraphs with wrong style confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#12649 FF makes wrong selection of text confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#12696 [Firefox] It is possible to create BODY without P using HR confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#12979 [FF] Preview does not work when CKEditor is loaded from a different domain confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#13020 CKEditor exception in Firefox confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#13190 Maximize problems confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#13772 Contents appear unstyled on Firefox when setData() called immediately confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#13798 Changing paragraph format causes cursor to move on Firefox 41 review Firefox Tomasz Jakut Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#13826 [FF] Wrong caret position after removing characters confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#14565 Pressing delete key in a highlighted image inside a floating div throws an error review_failed Firefox Tade0 Bug Normal
#14586 Copy-paste in Firefox results in extra spaces confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#16900 Table from Excel gets pasted as image in Firefox confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#16929 [ENTER_BR]: Enter hides space before text confirmed Firefox Bug Normal
#9677 [FF3.x] Autogrow fails in case of continuous massive content creation confirmed Firefox3 Bug Low
#8209 [Firefox5] : Unable to write in the same line ,After using display none/block on editor. confirmed Firefox5 Bug Normal
#12584 Paste table within CK-Editor looses formattings (FF 33) confirmed Firefox Blink Webkit Bug Normal
#4636 [FF]Small squares for resizing table lacks height for 'caption' confirmed Firefox CantFix Bug Normal
#8306 FF : Custom attributes on links dropped during copy/paste confirmed Firefox CantFix VendorFix Bug Normal
#2155 Nested OL/UL doesn't get fixed on output confirmed Firefox Chrome Bug Normal
#8852 Fx & Chrome @ Linux: Unlink option is not always available from the context menu when right clicking on a link confirmed Firefox Chrome Linux Bug Normal
#11601 FF - Pasting Chinese characters adds spaces to the pasted text confirmed Firefox IBM Bug Normal
#11914 FF: Default values for Horizontal Alignment & Vertical Aalignment not shown on Cell Properties dialog confirmed Firefox IBM Bug Normal
#5085 Bullet points duplicated on single line confirmed Firefox IE Bug Normal
#8636 Editing Absolute positioned DIVs in Firefox and IE is problematic confirmed Firefox IE Bug Normal
#8799 IE, FF: Delete/backspace keys remove anchor instead of joining paragraphs confirmed Firefox IE Bug Normal
#11491 Pressing delete key in highlighted text in blockquote removes paragraph tags confirmed Firefox IE Bug Normal
#13125 FF Only - The space after a contenteditable element is ignored when backspacing confirmed Firefox IE Bug Normal
#11324 checkDirty() return true, but should return false confirmed Firefox IE11 Bug Normal
#11346 Formatting lost when applied to highlighted section, cursor placed at end of line, then the same formatting option toggled again confirmed Firefox IE11 Bug Normal
#8273 Pasting into empty bullet doesn't behave as expected - FF/IE9 confirmed Firefox IE9 Bug Normal
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