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Results (1 - 100 of 228)

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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#2778 Wrong colspan after vertically splitting and merging back cells confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#11115 Widgets are not filtered by ACF when pasting confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8502 we can't shift+Tab out of the editor if there is no focusable element before the editor confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7920 Webkit: Incorrect font name is displayed confirmed IBM Webkit Bug Normal
#10247 [Webkit] Enter key before sub list is not right assigned Webkit IBM Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal
#8097 URL is applied incorrectly when the selection contains an anchor confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8561 Unexpected lists get created when selecting nested divs confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#12535 Unable to select a table in IE after merging cells confirmed IBM IE Bug Normal
#7762 Unable to delete form elements with backspace key confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#12123 [Umbrella] Problems with selection in table cells confirmed IBM New Feature Normal
#14851 trailing slash is removed from meta tag confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#4582 Toolbar expand/collapse toggle button cannot be tabbed to and does not have tooltip text confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#12043 The table should be highlighted when user selects table contents with keyboard (Ctrl+A, Shift+Arrow) confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#12741 The table in a list item gets deleted when clicking enter confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#6553 The Find and Replace dialog does not submit on the Enter key confirmed IBM New Feature Normal
#8934 Text/Background color applied to entire paragraph removed when we apply new colour to a word in the paragraph confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#12743 Task list: let the user create a list of actionable checkboxes pending IBM New Feature Normal
#11192 Table Tools modify the wrong table when working with the <th> element in a nested table confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7903 Table Tools APIs are not exposed confirmed IBM New Feature Normal
#8044 Table row inserted incorrectly with missing cells confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#14309 Table or horizontal line disappeared after insert in case of numbered/bulleted list. confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#11017 Table border value should only allow integers confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7530 Support for setting a default font and applying it through inline styles review_failed IBM Garry Yao New Feature Normal
#4523 Style plugin should allow refreshing of data confirmed IBM Discussion New Feature Normal
#8426 Strings for specialchar plugin added directly to editor.lang instead of editor.lang.specialChar confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#14733 setting Italic fails for Japanese character, in Japanese locale pending IBM IE11 Bug Normal
#6443 SelectionChange not firing in all instances confirmed IBM Discussion Bug Normal
#6911 Safari we can't change Styles for Numbered/Bulleted lists in a Table confirmed IBM Safari Bug Normal
#14349 Safari on MAC : Drag & drop of images from web not working confirmed ibm Bug Normal
#8358 Safari & Chrome : Paste options are enabled & Paste option shown in context menu when Clipboard is empty confirmed Webkit IBM Bug Normal
#7740 [[safari/chrome]] not possible to insert special character after smiley in a table cell confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7737 [[safari/chrome]] have to click twice or type text to get elements in path bar confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8536 Safari/ Chrome: Default Alignment not shown for the text in editor. confirmed IBM Webkit Bug Normal
#8589 Safari & Chrome : Copying & Pasting first table row with headers & some cells with rowspan > 1 not working confirmed Webkit IBM Bug Normal
#14549 Safari 9: Link context menu opions are missing when image has alignment set confirmed Safari IBM Bug Normal
#12876 Required "type" attribute is missing in the <style> element generated by the editor confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#5291 Replace alert messages with user-defined UI assigned IBM Sa'ar Zac Elias New Feature Normal
#14411 Removing content using backspace right after paste not triggering onChange event confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8058 Removing a list removes indentation confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8344 Remove nested duplicate inline elements on parsing review IBM Frederico Caldeira Knabben New Feature Normal
#7206 Provide support to load CKEditor in one frame and render it in another new IBM New Feature Normal
#7144 Provide ability for users to resize column widths using the keyboard confirmed IBM New Feature Normal
#7875 Problem with tables: Coulmn sizing and deleting table confirmed IBM New Feature Normal
#12441 Permanent Pen feature confirmed IBM, MailNext New Feature Normal
#8136 Pasting numbered list with a different start value and style not working properly confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#14581 Pasting from MS Excel to CKEditor using IE loses background colors IF cells are resized from the default prior to copying confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#12673 Pasting a single whitespace besides an existing one in firefox has no effect confirmed IBM Firefox Bug Normal
#4891 Paste: Indentation problems for simple indented text confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#14307 Page scrolling when spacebar is pressed to de-select lock ratio checkbox confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#10351 Opera: Replace Textarea Elements by Class Name sample - CKEditor loses focus confirmed IBM Webkit Opera Bug Normal
#8338 Opera: link not inserted in correct position when we have image before cursor position (CORE-14592) confirmed IBM Opera Bug Normal
#8278 Opera: In Table dialog values for rows & columns not shown in Rows & Columns fields confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8412 Opera: insertElement() not working as expected for inline elements confirmed IBM Opera Bug Normal
#9374 Opera: Editor displays off-screen in autogrow sample in maximize mode confirmed IBM Opera Bug Normal
#8018 Opera: cursor not staying in current table cell after inserting a smiley. confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7846 Opera : Copying and pasting tables not working properly. (CORE-41467) confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#11087 Opera & Chrome: Extra Border displaying across all menus list boxes confirmed IBM Blink Bug Normal
#7831 Opera: can not enter text after inserting Horizontal Line confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#14540 Opening native context menu on a link & selecting "Open Link" results in new page loaded in content area confirmed IBM Jakub Ś New Feature Normal
#12744 Numbered bulleted list improvements confirmed IBM New Feature Normal
#12419 Not possible to change title for Table in Text and Table Template confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7923 No horizontal scrollbar when inserting a right aligned floating element that is wider than the page confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#5944 Menu button does not display sometimes in high contrast mode. confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#864 Make subscript/superscript switchable assigned IBM SF Szymon Cofalik New Feature Normal
#9860 Magic line should only access space between the current and the closest block confirmed magicline IBM Bug Normal
#6826 List: enter key causes outdent in empty list item only when item has no sublist. With sublist it creates new item on same level confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#11257 Language dropdown display issues with many language options confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#3624 JAWS should announce dialog titles when dialogs are opened confirmed Oracle IBM New Feature Normal
#12159 JAWS reading the "not set" option twice in the Code Snippet dialog confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7902 JAWS not reading updated values of width/height on Image Properties dialog confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#13102 It is not possible to align/justify whole table. confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7006 Issues with decrease & Increase Indent on Numbered & Bulleted lists confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#11759 Introduce a "split button" UI component confirmed IBM New Feature Normal
#11663 Input Method Editor(IMEs) didn't work properly in CKEditor with the AutoGrow plugin in IE11 review IBM IE11 Support Szymon Cofalik Bug Normal
#5130 inoperable accessibility instructions confirmed IBM VendorFix Bug Normal
#7484 Indented text copied from Word is not displaying properly when pasted into the editor confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#10941 Indentation not applied to ul/ol element when the entire list is indented confirmed IE Firefox IBM Bug Normal
#16739 Indentation for Text lost when pasted from word doc confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#10479 Increase/Deecrease Indent icons not displayed in toolbar when we have rtl lang & allowed content is p{margin-right} confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#13839 Incorrect Tab navigation behavior with radio buttons inside the dialog review_failed IBM Tomasz Jakut Bug Normal
#11065 Incorrect paragraph style after applying indentation and changing text direction confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#9759 Inconsistency in preview field for images with % heights confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7828 Improvements to the selection API and documentation confirmed IBM New Feature Normal
#13623 Improve copy and paste from Office applications (particularly Excel & Powerpoint) confirmed IBM New Feature Normal
#12634 Impossible to place caret in an empty inline style that existed in an empty block confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7449 Image dialog size lock inaccuracy confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7995 IFrame dialog Style field in Advanced tab not reflecting values entered for Width & Height in General tab confirmed IBM New Feature Normal
#8186 If copied MS-Word text contains a text box, then text does not display correctly in the editor confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8205 IE: using Undo after Unlink moving cursor to start of document in editor confirmed IBM IE Bug Normal
#10894 IE: Unspecified error thrown when we tro to delete a row in a table containing list confirmed IE9 IE10 IBM Bug Normal
#7950 [IE] Text pasted differently than in other browsers reopened IBM Bug Normal
#6650 IE: Text fields in Table dialog not displaying correct values confirmed IBM IE Bug Normal
#7017 [IE] Table cells deleted when trying to set formatting for the entire table confirmed IE Discussion IBM Bug Normal
#8939 IE: Selecting a table row and pressing backspace only deletes a cell instead of the full row confirmed IE IBM Bug Normal
#6140 IE Selected format fails to reflect in entered texts correctly confirmed IBM IE VendorFix Bug Normal
#6705 IE Selected font not applied to typed text confirmed IBM IE Bug Normal
#7827 IE Selected font name/size not shown in font name/ size drop down list after selecting an option confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7345 IE Quirks: List item disappears when editor does not have focus confirmed IBM IE Quirks Bug Normal
#8322 [IE] Performance problems with nested documents confirmed IBM IE v4 Bug Normal
#8382 [IE] PageUp and PageDown not working confirmed IBM IE Bug Normal
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