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Results (1 - 100 of 228)

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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#2778 Wrong colspan after vertically splitting and merging back cells confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#4582 Toolbar expand/collapse toggle button cannot be tabbed to and does not have tooltip text confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#4891 Paste: Indentation problems for simple indented text confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#5009 Context sub-menu items should not hide other context menu items new IBM Discussion Bug Normal
#5130 inoperable accessibility instructions confirmed IBM VendorFix Bug Normal
#5503 Font-size overlaps background-color confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#5621 [IE] 32-bit windows has broken document.domain for IPv6 address, causing access denied errors new IBM Bug Normal
#5944 Menu button does not display sometimes in high contrast mode. confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#6127 IE Cursor not going to next line when we press enter & we have set forceEntermode=br as config option review_failed IBM Tobiasz Cudnik Bug Normal
#6140 IE Selected format fails to reflect in entered texts correctly confirmed IBM IE VendorFix Bug Normal
#6303 IE : entering Misspelled color name in Cell Background or Border color fields creating empty span each time we press OK button. confirmed IBM IE Bug Normal
#6428 [FF] The cursor disappears from the editor after dragging an image confirmed IBM Firefox Bug Normal
#6443 SelectionChange not firing in all instances confirmed IBM Discussion Bug Normal
#6514 [IE8]: Highlighted text is deleted when using browser Edit => Copy confirmed IBM IE8 Bug Normal
#6650 IE: Text fields in Table dialog not displaying correct values confirmed IBM IE Bug Normal
#6677 BIDI: IE6 Cursor missing from Editor body when we click on RTL icon with out focusing in Editor body confirmed IBM Bug Low
#6705 IE Selected font not applied to typed text confirmed IBM IE Bug Normal
#6826 List: enter key causes outdent in empty list item only when item has no sublist. With sublist it creates new item on same level confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#6911 Safari we can't change Styles for Numbered/Bulleted lists in a Table confirmed IBM Safari Bug Normal
#6923 IE: Caret shows through styles dropdown confirmed IE IBM Bug Normal
#6937 Applying Block Quote to empty or the only paragraph in Table cell applying Block Quote to Table instead of Table Cell or Paragraph in Table Cell new IBM Discussion Bug Normal
#6974 IE Flash Auto Play functionality not working confirmed IBM IE Bug Normal
#6995 FF : We can't scroll down right align table using mouse confirmed IBM Firefox Bug Normal
#7006 Issues with decrease & Increase Indent on Numbered & Bulleted lists confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7017 [IE] Table cells deleted when trying to set formatting for the entire table confirmed IE Discussion IBM Bug Normal
#7079 FF : Opening Cell Properties dialog resetting Columns Width confirmed IBM v4 Bug Normal
#7173 Autogrow usability confirmed IBM Garry Yao Bug Normal
#7175 IE: Drop-downs closed immediately after show confirmed IE HasPatch IBM Bug Normal
#7224 Editing pasted lists not working properly confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7225 FF - Font/Size/Styles not being continued on Enter confirmed IBM VendorFix Bug Normal
#7299 IE6/IE8: Borders on color panels are not displaying correctly in RTL languages confirmed IBM IE6 IE8 Bug Normal
#7333 IE6 Cursor goes missing when we come out of RTL Numbered/Bulleted list confirmed IBM IE6 Bug Normal
#7343 Copying a table row content in a different row does not paste properly confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7345 IE Quirks: List item disappears when editor does not have focus confirmed IBM IE Quirks Bug Normal
#7350 Clicking in the editor returns the fonts to the default values confirmed IBM Firefox Bug Normal
#7370 FF & Safari : Underline for list item not shown for the below html code confirmed IBM Firefox WebKit Bug Normal
#7449 Image dialog size lock inaccuracy confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7451 Backspace stops working when working with nested list confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7484 Indented text copied from Word is not displaying properly when pasted into the editor confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7561 IE 'editor.getSelection()' is null or not an object review_failed IE8 HasPatch IBM Garry Yao Bug Normal
#7665 IE9: Toolbar buttons are not displaying properly in RTL languages in v2 skin confirmed IE9 IBM Bug Normal
#7737 [[safari/chrome]] have to click twice or type text to get elements in path bar confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7740 [[safari/chrome]] not possible to insert special character after smiley in a table cell confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7762 Unable to delete form elements with backspace key confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7779 getData converts BR tag to nbsp confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7827 IE Selected font name/size not shown in font name/ size drop down list after selecting an option confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7831 Opera: can not enter text after inserting Horizontal Line confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7846 Opera : Copying and pasting tables not working properly. (CORE-41467) confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7902 JAWS not reading updated values of width/height on Image Properties dialog confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7920 Webkit: Incorrect font name is displayed confirmed IBM Webkit Bug Normal
#7923 No horizontal scrollbar when inserting a right aligned floating element that is wider than the page confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7934 IE: Image dialog is unable to load image properties inside of a floating element review IE IBM Garry Yao Bug Normal
#7950 [IE] Text pasted differently than in other browsers reopened IBM Bug Normal
#7954 Editing pasted Numbered list with different Start Value not working properly confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#7984 AutoGrow fails on Firefox with document that has quirks mode Doctype confirmed IBM Garry Yao Bug Normal
#8008 Cannot delete horizontal rule via backspace confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8018 Opera: cursor not staying in current table cell after inserting a smiley. confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8044 Table row inserted incorrectly with missing cells confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8058 Removing a list removes indentation confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8092 CKEDITOR.editor.resize - Invalid documentation confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8097 URL is applied incorrectly when the selection contains an anchor confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8118 [FF] Strikethrough style works incorrectly for bigger fonts confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8136 Pasting numbered list with a different start value and style not working properly confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8156 IE6: In RTL Preview for some special characters not showing properly confirmed IE6 IBM Bug Normal
#8186 If copied MS-Word text contains a text box, then text does not display correctly in the editor confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8205 IE: using Undo after Unlink moving cursor to start of document in editor confirmed IBM IE Bug Normal
#8237 CK Editor doesn't support translation of keystroke names confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8278 Opera: In Table dialog values for rows & columns not shown in Rows & Columns fields confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8322 [IE] Performance problems with nested documents confirmed IBM IE v4 Bug Normal
#8323 FF 4: In HC mode, No Visual Focus when we tab to Check boxes & Combo boxes on all the dialogs confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8325 Error Message not displayed when we enter invalid CSS in Styles field confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8332 Chrome : link not inserted in correct position when we make a selection for the first time. confirmed IBM Webkit Bug Normal
#8338 Opera: link not inserted in correct position when we have image before cursor position (CORE-14592) confirmed IBM Opera Bug Normal
#8358 Safari & Chrome : Paste options are enabled & Paste option shown in context menu when Clipboard is empty confirmed Webkit IBM Bug Normal
#8382 [IE] PageUp and PageDown not working confirmed IBM IE Bug Normal
#8412 Opera: insertElement() not working as expected for inline elements confirmed IBM Opera Bug Normal
#8426 Strings for specialchar plugin added directly to editor.lang instead of editor.lang.specialChar confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8428 Copyright header missing from specialchar\lang\en.js confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8446 IE8 - Unable to place cursor after image confirmed IBM IE8 HasPatch Bug Normal
#8502 we can't shift+Tab out of the editor if there is no focusable element before the editor confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8536 Safari/ Chrome: Default Alignment not shown for the text in editor. confirmed IBM Webkit Bug Normal
#8548 Cursor position on FF4+ different from FF 3.6 & other browsers confirmed IBM Firefox Bug Normal
#8561 Unexpected lists get created when selecting nested divs confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8589 Safari & Chrome : Copying & Pasting first table row with headers & some cells with rowspan > 1 not working confirmed Webkit IBM Bug Normal
#8677 cke_disabled class is not added to the span for a disabled dialog button confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8716 Better indication of required fields confirmed IBM Discussion Bug Normal
#8811 Cell width is not updated when a cell is split horizontally confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8813 Cell width is not updated when cells are merged confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8830 IE - Cannot determine which cells are selected in a table confirmed IBM IE v4 Bug Normal
#8934 Text/Background color applied to entire paragraph removed when we apply new colour to a word in the paragraph confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8939 IE: Selecting a table row and pressing backspace only deletes a cell instead of the full row confirmed IE IBM Bug Normal
#8943 FF: (HC mode) Text does not get highlighted when using Find & Replace dialog in High Contrast mode until the dialog is closed confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#8957 Copy-paste of table rows does not work correctly confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#9017 FF, Opera - Page down gets stuck confirmed Firefox Opera IBM Bug Normal
#9104 IE Compat view: Cursor missing when we apply Right alignment with out focus in editor body confirmed IBM IE Bug Normal
#9189 Changing Table Headers from both to First Column not working confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#9294 IE: Inserting Cell Before or After not working if the table has only one cell confirmed IE IBM Bug Normal
#9295 Font Size and Bold/Italic/Underline create multiple spans confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#9320 Editor does not autogrow after entering content in Maximize mode confirmed IBM Bug Normal
#9329 IE: Focus lost when editor's horizontal or vertical scroll bar is scrolled confirmed IE IBM Bug Normal
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