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Results (101 - 200 of 361)

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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#10464 [IE] onDelete of Image not removing the Link confirmed IE Bug Normal
#10477 Exception on DELETE key confirmed IE8 IE7 Bug Normal
#10554 SELECTION IS MODIFIED IN A SPECIAL CASES confirmed IE7 IE8 oracle Bug Normal
#10559 Deactivating list tool for empty list gives script error confirmed IE oracle Bug Normal
#10631 Content Advisor in IE8 Causes 4.1.2 to not function confirmed IE8 IBM Bug Normal
#10650 [IE] Cannot apply nested background colors confirmed IE oracle Bug Normal
#10702 Image dialog gives script errpr when focus in all of a link. confirmed oracle IE9 IE10 Bug Normal
#10709 Firefox, IE: Text entered after pasted URL becomes part of that URL confirmed IE Firefox Support Bug Normal
#10710 Error: Object doesn't support property or method 'getParent' confirmed IE10 Bug Normal
#10752 IE10 crashes using custom bullets confirmed oracle IE10 Bug Normal
#10791 It is possible to write in hidden elements in IE 9+. confirmed IE9 IE10 Bug Normal
#10792 Error in IE10 With Compatibility View confirmed IE10 IE11 Support Bug Normal
#10821 Scrollbars cannot be used with big pictures in certain cases. confirmed Oracle IE Bug Normal
#10894 IE: Unspecified error thrown when we tro to delete a row in a table containing list confirmed IE9 IE10 IBM Bug Normal
#10897 IE9/IE10 - No visual indication that a table is selected confirmed IBM IE9 IE10 Bug Normal
#10941 Indentation not applied to ul/ol element when the entire list is indented confirmed IE Firefox IBM Bug Normal
#10955 IE9: Cursor jumps to start of next list level when we press tab to create another list level confirmed IBM IE Bug Normal
#11070 Bullet point content loses font style/size (Possibly other settings) given various scenarios confirmed IE9 IE10 Bug Normal
#11320 IE: cursor not visible when CKEditor opened as a modal dialog confirmed IE IBM Bug Normal
#11324 checkDirty() return true, but should return false confirmed Firefox IE11 Bug Normal
#11346 Formatting lost when applied to highlighted section, cursor placed at end of line, then the same formatting option toggled again confirmed Firefox IE11 Bug Normal
#11491 Pressing delete key in highlighted text in blockquote removes paragraph tags confirmed Firefox IE Bug Normal
#11506 Image inside floating DIV looses selection with Context Menu on IE confirmed IE Bug Normal
#11671 [IE 8-10] inserttext space as first call on editor problem confirmed IE Bug Normal
#11696 undo link scrolls to top of page confirmed IE Oracle Bug Normal
#11708 Magic-Line showing in email confirmed IE Bug Normal
#11773 Hierarchy request script error confirmed IE Oracle Bug Normal
#11840 [IE11] Editable fixDom causes selection to lose direction confirmed IE11 Bug Normal
#11853 Fail to correctly copy and paster the Upper Roman list confirmed IE Bug Normal
#12026 'Cut' option in tool bar is still enabled even when there is no text in the text area confirmed IE Bug Normal
#12062 Performance issues typing at the end of a large document in IE and Chrome confirmed Blink IE VendorFix Bug Normal
#12114 image2 widget (align left/center/right) does not lose focus on IE8-11 in order to write text if alone confirmed IE Bug Normal
#12193 placeholder sometimes get deleted on move in IE9 confirmed IE Bug Normal
#12458 CSS style attribute values with semicolons converted to lowercase in IE confirmed IE Bug Normal
#12525 IE: Drop-downs closed immediately after show in a Bootstrap Modal confirmed CantFix IE Bug Normal
#12535 Unable to select a table in IE after merging cells confirmed IBM IE Bug Normal
#12610 checkElementMatch always return false for color style in IE11 confirmed IBM IE Bug Normal
#12666 [IE9-11] Double-byte space disappears when pasting confirmed IBM IE Bug Normal
#12772 [IE] disableObjectResizing doesn't work confirmed VendorFix IE Bug Normal
#12794 SCRIPT5022: IndexSizeError on table caption change in IE9-11 confirmed IE Bug Normal
#13041 menus not working in showmodaldialog confirmed IE10 IE11 Bug Normal
#13058 IE8 Problem copy or cut and paste numeroted list with linebreak confirmed IE Bug Normal
#13094 Delete CR removes form html below confirmed IE Bug Normal
#13120 Removing special container in IE confirmed IE Bug Normal
#13125 FF Only - The space after a contenteditable element is ignored when backspacing confirmed Firefox IE Bug Normal
#13250 Style attribute type gets corrupted when editing source in IE 8 confirmed IE8 Bug Normal
#13504 [IE9-10]:Inline styles are not always removed confirmed IE9 IE10 Support Bug Normal
#13509 [IE11] It is not possible to type in Japanese in right aligned table confirmed IE11 Support Can't Fix Bug Normal
#13592 [IE] Non-editable widget can become editable by clicking near the bottom of the widget confirmed IE Bug Normal
#13630 [IE11] Focus issues when the editor gets loaded confirmed IBM, IE11 Bug Normal
#13708 IE option menu is different when right clicked on element with hasLayout==true confirmed IBM, IE Bug Normal
#13775 Typing into selected contents of span tag creates font tag confirmed IE11 Blink Webkit Bug Normal
#14313 Copying/pasting nested lists in IE results in flat list confirmed IE Can't Fix Bug Normal
#14337 [IE] Proper selection restoring after modification of text while unfocused confirmed IE Bug Normal
#14518 On IE11, data-bound elements in dialog are not updated when clicking OK pending IE Bug Normal
#14525 Japanese charactor disappeared while typing confirmed IE11 Bug Normal
#14634 getSelectedText omits <br> characters in IE confirmed IE Bug Normal
#14704 IE11: Japanese Kanji character breaks when you repeatedly typing Japanese confirmed IBM IE11 Bug Normal
#14733 setting Italic fails for Japanese character, in Japanese locale pending IBM IE11 Bug Normal
#14767 Browser becomes unresponsive at the input of the multi-byte character confirmed IE11 Bug Normal
#14845 Using justify in BR mode doesn't remove trailing BR's in IE thus resulting in new line confirmed Support IE10 IE9 IE8 Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#16472 [IE/Edge] Bold (and other style tags) are applied multiple times confirmed IE Bug Normal
#16500 Copy/Paste list doesn't paste first bullet. confirmed IE9-11 Bug Normal
#16625 FF & IE: Increasing Indent not working on lists confirmed IBM IE Firefox Bug Normal
#16681 Pasting List from Word in IE wraps list utems in paragraphs. confirmed IE11 Bug Normal
#16718 [IE11][CF] Styles applied to the wrong node when CF used exactly on the same position for the second time. confirmed IE11, Copyformatting Bug Normal
#16854 startupFocus: false doesn't work in IE 11 new startupFocus,IE Bug Normal
#16901 Duplicate selection field after changing some styles new selection field Bug Normal
#16932 [ENTER_BR]: Enter hides space before text and leaves cursor in first line. confirmed IE EDGE Bug Normal
#16941 Deleting Paragraph before the description list, changes first list element to instead of moving cursor into list confirmed Webkit IE Support Bug Normal
#17002 [IE9-11] Advanced Color Dialog won't close on IE11 with Caret Browsing (F7) enabled confirmed IE Edge Bug Normal
#674 problematic cut/copy/paste with lists confirmed IE Bug Normal
#726 ieSpell & multiple editors not responding confirmed SF IE Bug Normal
#808 Show table size while changing size confirmed SF IE New Feature Normal
#2134 Inserting horizontal rule results in JavaScript error in IE confirmed IE Bug Normal
#2554 Select All using Ctrl-A does not work in modal dialog confirmed IE Bug Normal
#2716 Image upload dialog freezes on IE when uploaded file is missing (or server response is invalid) confirmed IE Bug Normal
#2759 error when perfroming drag and drop in ie confirmed IE Bug Normal
#2770 Issue tabbing out of FCKeditor field to Radio Button group or Submit button confirmed IE Bug Normal
#2848 suggestion: make hidden element actually hide in IE too, x-browser behavior confirmed IE HasPatch New Feature Normal
#3088 [IE]RichCombo scrolling document confirmed IE8 Bug Normal
#3106 [IE]editor.getSelection not right empty document confirmed IE Bug Normal
#3186 IE : DEL stop working when using scrollbars confirmed IE6 Bug Normal
#3379 [IE] Select all command problem confirmed IE Webkit Bug Normal
#3419 Paste button not available after SetData function confirmed IE Bug Normal
#3507 [IE] Context menu always opens next to mouse cursor confirmed IE Bug Normal
#3513 [IE8] Form elements at end of line confirmed IE Bug Normal
#3979 IE+Quirks: Dialogs are smaller confirmed IE Bug Normal
#4173 [IE] loading long text in text input streatching dialog confirmed IE Discussion Bug Normal
#4617 some of the Align field's options' captions are being amputated in IE confirmed IE Bug Normal
#4921 CKEditor - broken layout in IE when specific CSS is used on a web site confirmed IE Bug Normal
#4927 Enterkey result incorrect with paragraph inside list item confirmed IE Bug Normal
#5027 [IE] Standards Mode Selection: Cannot click to select to the right of a control node confirmed IE8 HasPatch Bug Normal
#5085 Bullet points duplicated on single line confirmed Firefox IE Bug Normal
#5116 IE: dialog checkboxes have no visual clue for keyboard navigation confirmed IE Bug Normal
#5200 IE: Div Container may show extra top padding confirmed IE Bug Normal
#5298 Up/Down Arrow Key in IE8 stops on certain paragraphs confirmed IE Bug Normal
#5350 Problems inserting new lines with IE8 inside pre confirmed IE Bug Normal
#5482 Smiley icons preload confirmed IE Bug Normal
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