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Results (201 - 300 of 361)

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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#5498 [IE] Inline quotation problem confirmed IE8 Bug Normal
#5501 Missing attributes of Text Area confirmed IE Bug Normal
#5535 Stack overlow in IE6 when pasting strange HTML confirmed IE HasPatch Bug Normal
#5655 [IE] contentEditable:false doesn't work on tables confirmed IE Bug Normal
#5698 [IE] Create empty paragraph in list item display problem confirmed IE Bug Normal
#5700 SCAYT doesn't work with 'replace' command confirmed HasPatch, Review? Bug Normal
#5704 [IE] Undo remove row/column/cell problem confirmed IE Bug Normal
#5708 [IE] Outdent list result incorrect confirmed IE Bug Normal
#5762 Finishing a list causes the caret to go back to the last item with enterMode br confirmed IE Bug Normal
#5773 SCAYT: Memory leak in IE confirmed IE, Review?, HasPatch Bug Normal
#5812 Image properties can't be loaded when image's container has certain styles in IE (at least IE8) confirmed IE Bug Normal
#5822 [IE] It's not able to block certain keystrokes confirmed IE HasPatch Bug Normal
#5854 SCAYT's class apears in the body tag during save operation confirmed HasPatch, Review? Bug Normal
#5948 IE8 delete list element bug confirmed IE Bug Normal
#5972 Enter !@#$ and click on enter will be show underline even does not select underline format confirmed IE Bug Normal
#6029 [IE] Last character is skipped when navigating through list items confirmed IE Bug Normal
#6119 Web Spell Checker - "finish checking" takes ages to finish confirmed HasPatch, Review? Bug Normal
#6140 IE Selected format fails to reflect in entered texts correctly confirmed IBM IE VendorFix Bug Normal
#6173 Removing Items from unordered list (WinXP/IE8) confirmed IE Discussion Bug Normal
#6307 IE: Option to disable automatic creation of links confirmed IE New Feature Normal
#6317 [Safari] Check Spelling dialog - JavaScript warnings confirmed Safari HasPatch, Review? Bug Normal
#6383 Holding ctrl+v in IE - pasting copied text as <p> confirmed IE Bug Normal
#6460 IE: Shift+Enter and nestes lists issue confirmed IE Bug Normal
#6571 [IE] showblocks doesn't bring focus back to editor with shared toolbar confirmed IE6 IE7 Bug Normal
#6572 Webkit: SCAYT repositions cursor in enterMode=BR confirmed Review? Bug Normal
#6828 [IE] Block selection breaks enterBr confirmed IE Opera Bug Normal
#7000 [IE8] Unable to put cursor before horizontal line at start confirmed IE Bug Normal
#7010 IE: UIcolor picker plugin does not load confirmed IE Bug Normal
#7017 [IE] Table cells deleted when trying to set formatting for the entire table confirmed IE Discussion IBM Bug Normal
#7022 [IE] % in image URL breaks dialog close confirmed IE Bug Normal
#7118 SCAYT: options dialog is not translated confirmed HasPatch, Review? Bug Normal
#7186 [IE9] HR carries text confirmed IE9 Bug Normal
#7367 Unable to remove style at end of block confirmed IE Bug Normal
#7447 [IE9] HC toolbar items wrapping confirmed IE Bug Normal
#7503 Problems with select lists in IE confirmed IE Bug Normal
#7517 Removing second-level lists in IE is unintuitive. confirmed IE Bug Normal
#7614 [HC] buttons and textarea go outside editor when it's resized in IE9 confirmed IE9 Bug Low
#7744 IE9 : Problems with creating list from selected text confirmed IE9 Bug Normal
#7973 Editor scrolls to the top when opening the context menu in a floating element confirmed IE Firefox Bug Normal
#7974 IE: "Image properties" not available in the context menu in a floating element confirmed IE Bug Normal
#7976 IE: error when saving cell properties on selected content confirmed IE Bug Normal
#8027 IE Quirks: problem with typing text after inserting an anchor confirmed IE Bug Normal
#8039 [IE9] Bgcolor partial removal problematic confirmed IE Bug Normal
#8086 [IE] office skin Link dialog broken confirmed IE Bug Normal
#8109 [IE] Readonly collapses empty paragrahs confirmed IE Support Bug Normal
#8161 IE9: an iframe without doctype causes problem with combo elements confirmed IE9 Bug Normal
#8166 Problems in IE when pressing CRTL+B on bolded text confirmed IE Bug Normal
#8175 Add/edit Radio button, enabled status is not saved under IE9/10 in CKE 3.x 4.x confirmed IE9 IE10 Bug Normal
#8207 IE8 IE9: empty paragraphs inserted when aligning text confirmed IE Bug Normal
#8303 IE8: can't delete whole text before an anchor. confirmed IE8 Bug Normal
#8360 UI color picker - units are placed on dialog border or labels overlap text fields confirmed IE Bug Normal
#8362 Bullet list, options dialog, wrong size of content in V2 & Office skins confirmed IE7 Bug Normal
#8363 Selected Style and Font not visible in V2 and office skin confirmed IE Bug Normal
#8416 IE: toolbar buttons don't respect cursor location. confirmed IE8 IE9 Bug Normal
#8425 IE8 IE9: Selection Defect with contentEditable = "false" and unselectable = "on" confirmed IE8 IE9 Bug Normal
#8521 IE: Pictures are not visible in preview for Flash Dialog confirmed IE Bug Normal
#8525 Not possible to edit selected element confirmed IE8 IE9 Bug Normal
#8670 dom.node#getAddress returns different addresses for detached trees in IE7&8 than in normal browsers confirmed IE Bug Normal
#8694 IE: copy/paste problem in pre tag confirmed IE Bug Normal
#8743 IE9: in ENTER_BR table/smiley/form is inserted under br tag confirmed IE9 Bug Normal
#8817 IE: Context menu doesn't show on second click confirmed IE8 Bug Normal
#8854 [IE] A Japanese key input is repeated (when enter mode is set to BR) confirmed IE Bug Normal
#8858 [IE] : Undo add extra space at the end of list item confirmed IE Bug Normal
#8861 [IE] Content document scrolls upon focus restored confirmed IE Bug Normal
#8926 IE: Unnecessary horizontal scrollbar appears when inserting table with width set to 100% confirmed IE8 IE9 Bug Normal
#8960 IE6-8: editor scrolls up when right clicking on image wrapped in element with styles. confirmed IE Bug Normal
#8989 IE placeholder plugin - you can't insert one place holder after another confirmed IE Bug Normal
#9038 IE: error when selecting contents with SHIFT+Arrow confirmed IE8 IE9 Bug Normal
#9046 IE9: linking a word doesn't work right when line ends with BR. confirmed IE9 Bug Normal
#9090 IE: Editing link changes link text confirmed IE Bug Normal
#9125 IE8 Quirks - find and replace dialog confirmed IE8 IE9 Bug Normal
#9126 IE8 Quirks - iframe elements goes beyond dialog confirmed IE8 Quirks Bug Normal
#9139 [IE8 Quirks] Find and Replace with selected text confirmed IE Bug Normal
#9161 [IE]: SCAYT affecting IsDirty confirmed IE, Review?, HasPatch Bug Normal
#9425 [IE] Unnecessary vertical scrollbar in UI Color dialog confirmed IE8 IE9 Bug Normal
#9438 [IE]: Formatting Normal (Div) removes empty table cells. confirmed IE Bug Normal
#9513 IE10: some cursor problems while working with tables. confirmed IE10 Bug Normal
#9526 [IE] Selection is not properly reflected on startup new IE Discussion Bug Normal
#9545 [IE7] Black page mask flicks when opening dialog confirmed IE7 Bug Normal
#9632 IE7-8 cut command doesn't work as expected in v4 confirmed IE7 IE8 Bug Normal
#9679 Deleting extra space below table and "unlisting" causes JS error confirmed Webkit IE Bug Normal
#9719 [IE10] Enterkey is not working confirmed IE Bug Normal
#9867 [IE10] Dialog buttons - the arrow for "OK" button is outside of the button confirmed IE10 Bug Normal
#9886 [IE8-10] No scrollbar in maximized editor with autogrow enabled confirmed IE Bug Normal
#9890 [Quirks Mode] UIColor button doesn't show in toolbar when uicolor plugin loaded confirmed IE Bug Normal
#9926 IE9: deleting iframe in BR mode causes JS error confirmed IE9 Bug Normal
#9927 IE10: Executing new page command in enter BR cuases JS error. confirmed IE10 IE9 Bug Normal
#10358 [IE]:Editor removes &nbsp; if after &shy; confirmed IE Bug Normal
#10412 IE7-8: Undo moves cursor to beginning of div confirmed IE7 IE8 Bug Normal
#10427 Menu Styles get broken in compatibility view confirmed IE Bug Normal
#10432 [IE9-10] Image properties don't get updated. confirmed IE9 IE10 Bug Normal
#10445 IE8 - JS error is thrown when you right-click on Magic Line confirmed IE8 Oracle Bug Normal
#10527 IE8 - Link not preserved on double-click in inline editor. confirmed IE8 Bug Normal
#10557 [IE8] Delete creates unordered list from ordered list confirmed IE8 Bug Normal
#10584 IE8 throws error on delete confirmed IE8 Bug Normal
#10616 IE11 numbers lists from zero IN COMPATIBILITY MODE confirmed IE11 Bug Normal
#10617 [IE]: BIDI button breaks toolbar when in compatibility mode confirmed IE Bug Normal
#10679 IE complains if "@" is used right after comment start confirmed IE Bug Normal
#10794 [IE10 Quirks Mode]Toolbar for RTL languages looks bad confirmed IE10 Bug Normal
#10795 [IE10 Quirks Mode]Not code formating in source mode confirmed IE10 Bug Normal
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