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Results (201 - 300 of 361)

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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#9438 [IE]: Formatting Normal (Div) removes empty table cells. confirmed IE Bug Normal
#9513 IE10: some cursor problems while working with tables. confirmed IE10 Bug Normal
#9526 [IE] Selection is not properly reflected on startup new IE Discussion Bug Normal
#9545 [IE7] Black page mask flicks when opening dialog confirmed IE7 Bug Normal
#9565 in IE, incorrect enter key behavior with block element in a list item confirmed IE Bug Normal
#9632 IE7-8 cut command doesn't work as expected in v4 confirmed IE7 IE8 Bug Normal
#9679 Deleting extra space below table and "unlisting" causes JS error confirmed Webkit IE Bug Normal
#9719 [IE10] Enterkey is not working confirmed IE Bug Normal
#9745 IE9, IE10: Image overriding the link if you try to insert it inside a link. confirmed IBM IE9 IE10 Bug Normal
#9760 IE9 crashes when user clicks on toolbar dropdowns confirmed IE9 VendorFix Bug Normal
#9867 [IE10] Dialog buttons - the arrow for "OK" button is outside of the button confirmed IE10 Bug Normal
#9886 [IE8-10] No scrollbar in maximized editor with autogrow enabled confirmed IE Bug Normal
#9888 [IE7-10] Magicline keyboard support for editor.enterMode BR confirmed magicline IE Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal
#9890 [Quirks Mode] UIColor button doesn't show in toolbar when uicolor plugin loaded confirmed IE Bug Normal
#9926 IE9: deleting iframe in BR mode causes JS error confirmed IE9 Bug Normal
#9927 IE10: Executing new page command in enter BR cuases JS error. confirmed IE10 IE9 Bug Normal
#9931 Copy/paste of hyperlinks with IE creates font tags confirmed IE Bug Normal
#9962 Paste buttons are disabled after deselecting text. confirmed IE Bug Normal
#10092 Focus lost on IE when reopening in an iframe with a jQuery onload listener confirmed CantFix IE Bug Normal
#10093 IE9 inline/destroy multiple times causes return key to repeat that many times confirmed IE9 IE10 Support Bug Normal
#10096 [IE10] Error javascript (Browser mode IE 10) confirmed IE10 Bug Normal
#10226 Add extra <p> tag in IE in enter mode is <br> confirmed IE Bug Normal
#10279 4.0.x Autogrow in IE8/9 causes cursor to 'jump' confirmed IE Bug Normal
#10312 Checkbox styling within a Dialog IE applied multiple times. confirmed IE Bug Normal
#10358 [IE]:Editor removes &nbsp; if after &shy; confirmed IE Bug Normal
#10369 IE9 ENTER_BR problem with AUTOGROW plugin confirmed IE9 Bug Normal
#10378 IE: empty lines removed from list on copy/paste review_failed IE Opera Oracle Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal
#10383 IE10 crashes after deleting certain content assigned IE10 oracle CantFix VendorFix Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal
#10412 IE7-8: Undo moves cursor to beginning of div confirmed IE7 IE8 Bug Normal
#10427 Menu Styles get broken in compatibility view confirmed IE Bug Normal
#10432 [IE9-10] Image properties don't get updated. confirmed IE9 IE10 Bug Normal
#10445 IE8 - JS error is thrown when you right-click on Magic Line confirmed IE8 Oracle Bug Normal
#10464 [IE] onDelete of Image not removing the Link confirmed IE Bug Normal
#10477 Exception on DELETE key confirmed IE8 IE7 Bug Normal
#10527 IE8 - Link not preserved on double-click in inline editor. confirmed IE8 Bug Normal
#10554 SELECTION IS MODIFIED IN A SPECIAL CASES confirmed IE7 IE8 oracle Bug Normal
#10557 [IE8] Delete creates unordered list from ordered list confirmed IE8 Bug Normal
#10559 Deactivating list tool for empty list gives script error confirmed IE oracle Bug Normal
#10584 IE8 throws error on delete confirmed IE8 Bug Normal
#10616 IE11 numbers lists from zero IN COMPATIBILITY MODE confirmed IE11 Bug Normal
#10617 [IE]: BIDI button breaks toolbar when in compatibility mode confirmed IE Bug Normal
#10631 Content Advisor in IE8 Causes 4.1.2 to not function confirmed IE8 IBM Bug Normal
#10650 [IE] Cannot apply nested background colors confirmed IE oracle Bug Normal
#10679 IE complains if "@" is used right after comment start confirmed IE Bug Normal
#10702 Image dialog gives script errpr when focus in all of a link. confirmed oracle IE9 IE10 Bug Normal
#10709 Firefox, IE: Text entered after pasted URL becomes part of that URL confirmed IE Firefox Support Bug Normal
#10710 Error: Object doesn't support property or method 'getParent' confirmed IE10 Bug Normal
#10752 IE10 crashes using custom bullets confirmed oracle IE10 Bug Normal
#10791 It is possible to write in hidden elements in IE 9+. confirmed IE9 IE10 Bug Normal
#10792 Error in IE10 With Compatibility View confirmed IE10 IE11 Support Bug Normal
#10794 [IE10 Quirks Mode]Toolbar for RTL languages looks bad confirmed IE10 Bug Normal
#10795 [IE10 Quirks Mode]Not code formating in source mode confirmed IE10 Bug Normal
#10796 [IE] Text selection to end of caption causes JS error confirmed IE Bug Normal
#10821 Scrollbars cannot be used with big pictures in certain cases. confirmed Oracle IE Bug Normal
#10894 IE: Unspecified error thrown when we tro to delete a row in a table containing list confirmed IE9 IE10 IBM Bug Normal
#10897 IE9/IE10 - No visual indication that a table is selected confirmed IBM IE9 IE10 Bug Normal
#10941 Indentation not applied to ul/ol element when the entire list is indented confirmed IE Firefox IBM Bug Normal
#10952 Various issues when choosing inactive option in context menu confirmed Chrome IE Bug Normal
#10955 IE9: Cursor jumps to start of next list level when we press tab to create another list level confirmed IBM IE Bug Normal
#10970 [IE] Not able to remove row in inline confirmed IE9 IE10 Bug Normal
#11026 Htmlentities of php start tag makes attributes empty in internet explorer assigned IE Jakub Ś Bug Normal
#11038 [IE] Click on MathJax/Image widget wrapped with link causes location change confirmed IE Bug Normal
#11060 [IE11+] Selection is not placed right above the cursor when clicking below body confirmed IE11 Bug Normal
#11070 Bullet point content loses font style/size (Possibly other settings) given various scenarios confirmed IE9 IE10 Bug Normal
#11094 [IE8] Editor loses focus when moving focus from nested editable to widget confirmed IE8 Bug Normal
#11095 [IE8] Copying single widget does not work when using toolbar button confirmed IE8 Bug Normal
#11113 [IE] Elementspath does not display valid path for first click after selectall confirmed IE Bug Normal
#11158 [IE10@Win8] Dnd of inline widgets throw an exception in Win8 confirmed IE10 Bug Normal
#11234 IE 11 doesn't like links with display:inline-block confirmed IE11 Bug Normal
#11271 [IE9-11] INDEX_SIZE_ERR thrown after closing find dialog confirmed IE Bug Normal
#11280 [IE] Selection not refreshed or incorrect if clicked outside body confirmed IE Oracle Bug Normal
#11320 IE: cursor not visible when CKEditor opened as a modal dialog confirmed IE IBM Bug Normal
#11322 Impossible to delete some block elements at the beginning of content confirmed IE Blink Webkit New Feature Normal
#11324 checkDirty() return true, but should return false confirmed Firefox IE11 Bug Normal
#11346 Formatting lost when applied to highlighted section, cursor placed at end of line, then the same formatting option toggled again confirmed Firefox IE11 Bug Normal
#11398 [IE8] Image2 widget explodes after list type change confirmed IE8 Bug Normal
#11423 [IE8] Error closing search&replace dialog confirmed IE8 Bug Normal
#11429 [IE11] Can't place space at the beginning of text input confirmed IE11 Bug Normal
#11491 Pressing delete key in highlighted text in blockquote removes paragraph tags confirmed Firefox IE Bug Normal
#11506 Image inside floating DIV looses selection with Context Menu on IE confirmed IE Bug Normal
#11605 [IE] Selection cached after making selection by mouse confirmed IE Bug Normal
#11609 [IE] List items annihilated after certain actions with Elements Paths confirmed IE Bug Normal
#11663 Input Method Editor(IMEs) didn't work properly in CKEditor with the AutoGrow plugin in IE11 review IBM IE11 Support Szymon Cofalik Bug Normal
#11671 [IE 8-10] inserttext space as first call on editor problem confirmed IE Bug Normal
#11691 [IE8] Can not expand selection when caret is at the end of a inline element confirmed IE8 Bug Normal
#11692 [IE9-10] Home and end buttons in inputs move cursor to the wrong possition confirmed IE9 IE10 Bug Normal
#11696 undo link scrolls to top of page confirmed IE Oracle Bug Normal
#11708 Magic-Line showing in email confirmed IE Bug Normal
#11720 Method insertElement causes error in IE if editable hasn't been yet focused confirmed IE Bug Normal
#11750 Iframe Dialog Scrollbar problem. confirmed IE Bug Normal
#11773 Hierarchy request script error confirmed IE Oracle Bug Normal
#11778 IE11: The xml object loaded with Ajax plugin fails to find children confirmed IE10 IE11 Bug Normal
#11806 [IE-all] Creating placeholder in anchor and click drag handler load page which URL is set in anchor confirmed IE Bug Normal
#11836 [IE8-10] Special container style is not fully removed confirmed IE Bug Normal
#11837 [IE8-10]: Delete key removes too much confirmed IE Support Bug Normal
#11840 [IE11] Editable fixDom causes selection to lose direction confirmed IE11 Bug Normal
#11843 [IE8-11] selectionChange event outputs invalid element when Ie is in Compatibility mode. confirmed IE Bug Normal
#11853 Fail to correctly copy and paster the Upper Roman list confirmed IE Bug Normal
#11878 [IE11]: Applying different numbers to list doesn’t work. confirmed IE11 Bug Normal
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