Custom Query


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#9797 Align buttons' states not refreshed after changing image alignment confirmed Oracle Bug Normal
#10431 BR tag replacement seems to be to agressive. confirmed Oracle Bug Normal
#6672 Cannot "cut" the form element on top of the page confirmed Oracle IE Bug Normal
#10559 Deactivating list tool for empty list gives script error confirmed IE oracle Bug Normal
#16910 [Drag and Drop] Dropping file with " ' " in its name causes 404 confirmed Oracle Support Bug Normal
#11248 [FF] Permission denied is thrown when preview is used for page with document.domain confirmed Firefox Oracle Bug Normal
#10553 Find and Replace dialog cannot match text with multiple spaces confirmed oracle IBM Bug Normal
#10214 Find/Raplace doesn't match everything. confirmed Oracle Bug Normal
#11773 Hierarchy request script error confirmed IE Oracle Bug Normal
#10383 IE10 crashes after deleting certain content assigned IE10 oracle CantFix VendorFix Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal
#10752 IE10 crashes using custom bullets confirmed oracle IE10 Bug Normal
#10445 IE8 - JS error is thrown when you right-click on Magic Line confirmed IE8 Oracle Bug Normal
#10650 [IE] Cannot apply nested background colors confirmed IE oracle Bug Normal
#10378 IE: empty lines removed from list on copy/paste review_failed IE Opera Oracle Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal
#5669 [IE] JAWS doesn't recognize the 'application' role on editor chrome confirmed Oracle Bug Normal
#11280 [IE] Selection not refreshed or incorrect if clicked outside body confirmed IE Oracle Bug Normal
#11604 [IE] Unable to indent list selected by Element Path confirmed Oracle Bug Normal
#8386 IE: When copying and pasting a table, an empty <p> is appended on output confirmed IE Oracle HasPatch Bug Normal
#10702 Image dialog gives script errpr when focus in all of a link. confirmed oracle IE9 IE10 Bug Normal
#6581 Invalid background color triggers js error in IE and erratic behavior in others confirmed oracle Bug Normal
#14797 [iPad Mini] Unable to scroll horizontally in CKEditor confirmed Oracle iOS Bug Normal
#3624 JAWS should announce dialog titles when dialogs are opened confirmed Oracle IBM New Feature Normal
#10319 Link Properties Dialog should search both Encoded and UTF-8 values confirmed Oracle Bug Normal
#9026 Make CKEditor prevent caching images in browsers confirmed Oracle New Feature Normal
#9637 Scripts can be executed from ckeditor using preview plugin confirmed Oracle Bug Normal
#10821 Scrollbars cannot be used with big pictures in certain cases. confirmed Oracle IE Bug Normal
#10554 SELECTION IS MODIFIED IN A SPECIAL CASES confirmed IE7 IE8 oracle Bug Normal
#11255 split merged cell vertically command transposes the cells confirmed oracle Bug Normal
#3318 There should be some guarantee at plugin loading order review Oracle Garry Yao New Feature Normal
#12194 Title tag is messed up using special characters. confirmed Oracle Bug Normal
#10979 Undo does not work for resizing elements such as table, image, horizontal line confirmed oracle Bug Normal
#11696 undo link scrolls to top of page confirmed IE Oracle Bug Normal
#8666 Wrong rowspan after vertically splitting and merging back cells confirmed Oracle Bug Normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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