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Results (101 - 132 of 132)

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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#12099 Table Cell properties get duplicated on Chrome/Mac confirmed Webkit Blink Bug Normal
#12156 [Safari] Paste URL/Link from Twitter or other browser doesn't work confirmed Webkit VendorFix Bug Normal
#12212 carriage return at <br> followed by <a> causes cursor to move unexpectedly to beginning of buffer (chrome only) confirmed Webkit Blink Bug Normal
#12410 [Blink, Webkit] Pasting plain text into styles text is causing text formatting lost. confirmed Blink Webkit Bug Normal
#12490 Bug of MathJax plugin confirmed Webkit Blink Bug Normal
#12539 Two CKEditors within the same fieldset will overflow on resize in Chrome/Safari. confirmed Chrome Webkit Bug Normal
#12570 Inline Editing: browser crash in Right to Left mode confirmed Webkit Blink Bug Normal
#12583 Certain edit operations destroy the protected structure of a widget confirmed Blink Webkit Bug Normal
#12584 Paste table within CK-Editor looses formattings (FF 33) confirmed Firefox Blink Webkit Bug Normal
#12717 setReadOnly() does not work well with the Shared Space plugin confirmed Webkit Blink Bug Normal
#12888 Inline editor loses focus/toolbar when dialog with file input on primary tab shown confirmed Webkit Blink Bug Normal
#13291 Easy copy and paste of checkboxes confirmed Webkit Blink Bug Normal
#13620 insertElement and insertHtml fail if widget is first in editor (Chrome) confirmed Webkit Bug Normal
#13775 Typing into selected contents of span tag creates font tag confirmed IE11 Blink Webkit Bug Normal
#13820 backspace to beginning of line causes text to subsequently lose some formats confirmed Blink Webkit Bug Normal
#13969 forcepasteasplaintext CTRL + V not working confirmed Blink Webkit Bug Normal
#14272 You can't delete (using Ctrl+A Del) two lists separated by a paragraph confirmed Blink Webkit Support Bug Normal
#14429 Webkit Blink add multiple &nbsp; to HTML pasted into contenteditable element. confirmed Blink Webkit CantFix VendorFix Bug Normal
#14563 Active link cursor continues on new line when pressing enter confirmed Blink Webkit Firefox Bug Normal
#14566 Link continues to the second line confirmed Blink Webkit Bug Normal
#14593 CHROME: Copying & pasting content from one editor instance to another removing all styles confirmed Blink Webkit IBM Bug Normal
#14614 Whitespace is removed when pasting content in visual mode confirmed Blink Webkit Firefox Bug Normal
#14636 Clicking at the end of text in table cell results in some menu options being disabled. confirmed Webkit Blink Mac Support Bug Normal
#14693 When applying a header style to a paragraph in OSX Chrome, the paragraph below will also be a header confirmed Blink Webkit Bug Normal
#14800 Pressing Down or Right arrow on a page with a DIV contained CKEditor, steals focus and places it in the RTE. confirmed Webkit Bug Normal
#14884 Divarea - It is possible to type after opening dialog without input field. confirmed Blink Webkit Bug Normal
#14895 Uncaught IndexSizeError JS error confirmed Webkit Blink Bug Normal
#16708 Inserting text before a table breaks paragraph wrapping in Chrome confirmed Blink Webkit Bug Normal
#16756 Image are inserted as file/link after pasting several images with text in between new paste, word, site, web Bug Normal
#16863 Partial selection in and inside the table cause cells to be deleted when pressing Del or Backspace confirmed Blink Webkit Support Bug Normal
#16905 Editor enterMode: ENTER_BR doesn't strip leading whitespace immediately confirmed Webkit Bug Normal
#16941 Deleting Paragraph before the description list, changes first list element to instead of moving cursor into list confirmed Webkit IE Support Bug Normal
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