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Results (1201 - 1300 of 2591)

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#14905 Initiating widget can add blank space confirmed Bug Normal
#14907 Drop down list of toolbar inside a dialog is not moving with scrollbar of the dialog. confirmed Bug Normal
#14911 Table cell lose formatting on tab switch an new text pending Bug Normal
#14919 hitting enter in a ckeditor when multiple ckeditors are on the page, scrolls randomly down the page in IE 11 only pending Bug Normal
#14921 Copy paste content in WYSIWYG 4.5.11 removes styles created using WYSIWYG, version 4.4.7 works fine confirmed Bug Normal
#14922 event listeners leak between each setData confirmed Bug Normal
#14923 Copy paste from word does not retain font size for first <li> tag confirmed Bug Normal
#14924 Dialog tab is disabled if has content elements of html type only (same as ticket 13193) confirmed Bug Normal
#14933 Buggy behaviour when getting current selected node indexes new Bug Normal
#16338 Make link dialog simpler confirmed New Feature Normal
#16391 CKEditor: Clipboard is pasted multiple times pending Bug Normal
#16444 Inline Editor Not fully destroyed with .destroy() method confirmed Bug Normal
#16451 Inserting table after resize fails with error " Unable to get property 'checkReadOnly' of undefined or null reference" pending Bug Normal
#16454 Pasted plain text should have the same format where it is pasted in CKEditor confirmed Bug Normal
#16471 Update hidpi settings when it changes confirmed Bug Normal
#16472 [IE/Edge] Bold (and other style tags) are applied multiple times confirmed Bug Normal
#16491 Moono-lisa Image dialog - invisible preview border confirmed Bug Normal
#16492 Moono-lisa Image dialog - reduce empty space confirmed Task Normal
#16500 Copy/Paste list doesn't paste first bullet. confirmed Bug Normal
#16518 Please move notifications of Notification plugin to bottom status bar confirmed New Feature Normal
#16608 Removing paragraph below nested widget and moving the nested widget removes main widget editable confirmed Bug Normal
#16619 [Safari] Can't focus widget's editable after dragging it confirmed Bug Normal
#16620 Source button disabled after block widget copy-paste confirmed Bug Normal
#16621 Missing keystroke for copy formatting command confirmed Bug Normal
#16622 Balloonpanel first appearance arrow rendered in a wrong position. confirmed Bug Normal
#16625 FF & IE: Increasing Indent not working on lists confirmed Bug Normal
#16628 Anchor with space in name confirmed Bug Normal
#16629 Editable inside widget disappears after other widget drag&drop confirmed Bug Normal
#16637 Anchor disappears when dropped into widget editable region confirmed Bug Normal
#16638 [iOS] Support for copyformatting plugin confirmed New Feature Normal
#16640 [iOS] Balloonpanel does not update its position when in inserting text mode. confirmed Bug Normal
#16641 [iOS] Balloonpanel position misplaced on init for inline editor. confirmed Bug Normal
#16642 [iOS] Widget fake selection is not correctly removed. confirmed Bug Normal
#16645 Update SCAYT and WSC localizations confirmed Task Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#16646 ckeditor sets style="height:0px; width:0px" when Drag 'n Drop Images into Editor in safari pending Bug Normal
#16654 Ipad enter key doesn't work when I finish typing hangul (south of korea language) to vowel new Bug Normal
#16658 Placeholder widget losses styling after switching to source mode. confirmed Bug Normal
#16659 <embed> tag should not have a closing tag confirmed Bug Normal
#16662 Stylescombo not updated after applying/removing styles to widget. confirmed Bug Normal
#16663 Case sensitive class not applied on Chrome confirmed Bug Normal
#16664 Setting two styles with the same name for different widgets is not properly handled by stylescombo plugin. confirmed Bug Normal
#16676 Improvements in loading the debug code for async confirmed New Feature Normal
#16680 Possibility to alter widget structure after initialization new New Feature Normal
#16681 Pasting List from Word in IE wraps list utems in paragraphs. confirmed Bug Normal
#16683 Balloonpanel should handle non-existent styles. confirmed New Feature Normal
#16687 &shy; character breaks paragraph wrapping in Chrome confirmed Bug Normal
#16689 Special char dialog entries unnecessarily encoded confirmed Bug Normal
#16700 Widget editables allowedContent does not filter correctly confirmed Bug Normal
#16704 IE-8 Insert link not working pending Bug Normal
#16706 UI Tooltips confirmed New Feature Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#16707 double protocol in link plugin when entered URL contains a space in front confirmed Bug Normal
#16708 Inserting text before a table breaks paragraph wrapping in Chrome confirmed Bug Normal
#16710 Font-familly gets pasted pasted from MS Word with &quot; confirmed Bug Normal
#16714 Add missing API jsdoc tags confirmed Task Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#16716 Paste from Word support in MS Edge assigned Tade0 New Feature Normal
#16718 [IE11][CF] Styles applied to the wrong node when CF used exactly on the same position for the second time. confirmed Bug Normal
#16719 Widgetselection plugin improvements - follow up of #11064 confirmed Task Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#16720 Firefox: Not possible to enter normal text after inserting Link using Link dialog confirmed Bug Normal
#16721 [Windows Phone 8.1] Cursor moves at the end of text when I hit the Enter key confirmed Bug Normal
#16722 Number of rows must be a number greater than 0 confirmed Bug Normal
#16723 [Umbrella] Plugin items that use contenteditable=false have cursor issues confirmed Bug Normal
#16724 [Safari] Can't focus widget's editable confirmed Bug Normal
#16725 Non-editable widget selection blocks pasting in IE8 compat mode confirmed Bug Normal
#16726 Cannot undo after removing uploading image. confirmed Bug Normal
#16727 Cannot select all if non-editable element on the beginning/end of the content on mobile Chrome and Safari (Android, iOS) confirmed Bug Normal
#16734 Browser crash in Safari 10.0.1 when CKEditor is given a particular template confirmed Bug Normal
#16735 You cannot place a cursor to the rightmost of the table created from tool bar (While from excel you can) confirmed Bug Normal
#16739 Indentation for Text lost when pasted from word doc confirmed Bug Normal
#16740 Native spell checking always active in Source mode confirmed Bug Normal
#16743 [Edge] PFW generic tests confirmed Bug Must have (possibly next milestone)
#16744 Drag&drop of multiple files results in an error: The given range isn't in document confirmed Bug Normal
#16756 Image are inserted as file/link after pasting several images with text in between new Bug Normal
#16761 Toolbar button status on touch devices does not update for inline styles (italics, font family, etc). confirmed Bug Normal
#16768 [WebKit][FF] Normalize behaviour of styles combo on link boundaries confirmed Bug Normal
#16769 Event fired when style is changed review Tomasz Jakut New Feature Normal
#16778 Maximize hides the toolbar, can't minimze. pending Bug Normal
#16780 selectElement and/or extractSelectedHtml work differently in Chrome and Safari pending Bug Normal
#16782 Add ES6 compatibility to CKBuilder confirmed New Feature Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#16785 [IOS] Editor scrolls back to top of the page new Bug Normal
#16788 [IE10] IndexSizeError while aborting image upload via undo/redo confirmed Bug Normal
#16789 [Safari] Cannot insert widget if focused before widget on the beginning of the content confirmed Bug Normal
#16790 [IE8] Highlight of found phrase is not deleted confirmed Bug Normal
#16793 [IE9] Dropping menu content into editor confirmed Bug Normal
#16796 Plugin TableTools in combination with inline editor breaks out of editable element confirmed Bug Normal
#16807 Pasting widgets with the clipboard plugin under firefox removes some classes. pending Bug Normal
#16808 The Justify plugin doesn't obey the custom Advanced Content Filter rules review Mateusz Samsel Bug Normal
#16823 Tabletools and liststyle should not force custom context menu confirmed Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#16824 Change the "Normal" label/tag for block element formats to "Paragraph" instead. confirmed New Feature Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#16827 Container span with drag handle being added to widget after updating to 4.6.1 pending Bug Normal
#16828 copy/paste duplicate text bug pending Bug Normal
#16829 [IE11] Missing text justification in some cases when content is pasted from Word confirmed Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#16833 IE11 malformed list pasted from Word assigned Marek Lewandowski Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#16834 Caught error of toolbar pending Bug Normal
#16837 Insert row after not working correctly pending Bug Normal
#16841 Optionally display element classes in path to selected item confirmed New Feature Normal
#16844 No focus indication for disabled context menu options confirmed Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#16848 Selecting all triggering on certain characters pending Bug Normal
#16849 Cannot use Paste From Word on numbered lists with parens around number/letter confirmed Bug Normal
#16851 Page Break indication is actually printed new Bug Normal
#16852 No carriage returns after images in Edit Draft mode & document is corrupt on saving new Bug Normal
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