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Results (1401 - 1500 of 2591)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#12527 Dragging widget does not scroll the editor confirmed Bug Normal
#12528 Bidi and Language plugins incompatibility confirmed Bug Normal
#12530 Right click on a text input in a widget stops working after moving a widget confirmed Bug Normal
#12535 Unable to select a table in IE after merging cells confirmed Bug Normal
#12537 [Android] Styles do not work on KitKat word suggest confirmed Bug Normal
#12538 [Devtools] Troublesome relative font-size and line-height confirmed Bug Normal
#12539 Two CKEditors within the same fieldset will overflow on resize in Chrome/Safari. confirmed Bug Normal
#12544 [IE] Percentage margin of the first element breaks autogrowing confirmed Bug Normal
#12547 Changes in docprops dialog do not make the editor "dirty" confirmed Bug Normal
#12555 Dialog blind is left behind when editor is destroyed confirmed Bug Normal
#12557 Magicline not shown before or after elements with alignment or float confirmed Bug Normal
#12567 Dialogs are incorrectly sized on iOS new Bug Normal
#12568 Docprops dialog color "choose" buttons behave strangely if colorpicker dialog is cancelled confirmed Bug Normal
#12569 Span gets removed or changed when pasting text. confirmed Bug Normal
#12570 Inline Editing: browser crash in Right to Left mode confirmed Bug Normal
#12574 baseHref option is ignored on inline editors confirmed Bug Normal
#12583 Certain edit operations destroy the protected structure of a widget confirmed Bug Normal
#12584 Paste table within CK-Editor looses formattings (FF 33) confirmed Bug Normal
#12586 CKEDITOR.resourceManager.addExternal does not behave as described confirmed Bug Normal
#12587 Text jumps up after removing list confirmed Bug Normal
#12588 MathJax Plugin: Tex input textarea should have spellcheck="false" confirmed Bug Normal
#12594 [IE8] Magicline throws an error when inserting block before list with inline elements confirmed Bug Normal
#12595 [iOS 7 Safari] Selection issue in inline editor new Bug Normal
#12602 Enter key at the end of block is broken confirmed Bug Normal
#12604 Unit dropdown (px, %) in cell properties layer does not fire an event confirmed Bug Normal
#12610 checkElementMatch always return false for color style in IE11 confirmed Bug Normal
#12618 Block alignment buttons during upload confirmed Bug Normal
#12623 Issues with Video tag confirmed Bug Normal
#12624 Meta-tags not displayed Document Properties dialog. confirmed Bug Normal
#12633 Styles system creates two identical subsequent inline elements confirmed Bug Normal
#12634 Impossible to place caret in an empty inline style that existed in an empty block confirmed Bug Normal
#12635 Keypress show that undo is available despite real undo count confirmed Bug Normal
#12638 BBCode plugin does not process URL's confirmed Bug Normal
#12641 Firefox merges paragraphs with wrong style confirmed Bug Normal
#12649 FF makes wrong selection of text confirmed Bug Normal
#12651 CKBuilder looks for icons in the dev/ directories confirmed Bug Normal
#12652 GCC's logs are useless confirmed Bug Normal
#12654 Once Paste from Word - always Paste from Word confirmed Bug Normal
#12655 Filler char is unnecessarily created between <brs> and perhaps in other cases confirmed Bug Normal
#12656 Unnecessary space added to table class attribute review Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal
#12658 Wrong caret position on undo. confirmed Bug Normal
#12662 Capitalisation of English names in the UI should be unified confirmed Bug Normal
#12666 [IE9-11] Double-byte space disappears when pasting confirmed Bug Normal
#12673 Pasting a single whitespace besides an existing one in firefox has no effect confirmed Bug Normal
#12677 [Google Chrome] Triple-clicking a heading and then pressing backspace forces the text below to inherit the deleted heading styles confirmed Bug Normal
#12678 fail access toolbar button list using JAWS confirmed Bug Normal
#12684 Styles removed when cursor is placed at the beginning of a new line confirmed Bug Normal
#12687 Move workaround for #12403 to the styles system confirmed Bug Normal
#12689 Empty inline element should be removed when selection leaves it. confirmed Bug Normal
#12690 [Safari] problems with collapsed selection and inline elements confirmed Artur Delura Bug Normal
#12694 Cursor in wrong possition confirmed Bug Normal
#12696 [Firefox] It is possible to create BODY without P using HR confirmed Bug Normal
#12697 [Firefox] Image drag and drop lock cursor confirmed Bug Normal
#12698 Manual test selectionafterfocusing broken confirmed Bug Normal
#12702 [Android] Executing bold command twice move caret to weird position confirmed Bug Normal
#12717 setReadOnly() does not work well with the Shared Space plugin confirmed Bug Normal
#12718 Error on destroying editor, detached from DOM. pending Bug Normal
#12723 Menu plugin hides disabled command-assigned items confirmed Bug Normal
#12741 The table in a list item gets deleted when clicking enter confirmed Bug Normal
#12749 iOS 8 iPad screen scrolls back to top when typing into CKEditor pending Bug Normal
#12750 Paste from Word: strikethrough and underscore should have the same color as font reopened Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal
#12759 Colordialog plugin uses class name that may result in names collision confirmed Bug Normal
#12760 Match whole word option does not find words adjacent to special characters confirmed Bug Normal
#12764 Pasting pure text in Chrome causes weird results confirmed Bug Normal
#12768 Suggested Modification to jQuery Adaptor to better support jQuery UI confirmed Bug Normal
#12772 [IE] disableObjectResizing doesn't work confirmed Bug Normal
#12774 Image is inserted with styles even when disallowed by ACF confirmed Bug Normal
#12778 Cannot delete paragraph before and after a widget confirmed Bug Normal
#12783 Backspace and delete keys do not function properly when working with lists that have sublist confirmed Bug Normal
#12794 SCRIPT5022: IndexSizeError on table caption change in IE9-11 confirmed Bug Normal
#12800 Horizontal overflow on iOS new Bug Normal
#12823 Redo is broken after undoing typing with IME confirmed Bug Normal
#12839 Link is not available for ACF-custom mode live demonstration in documentation confirmed Bug Normal
#12846 No block wrapper after removing table confirmed Bug Normal
#12853 Removing HTML comment nodes with dataProcessor.htmlFilter removes script nodes too confirmed Bug Normal
#12863 Enter key issue with multi-byte character confirmed Bug Normal
#12864 Toggling bulleted list insert line breaks when enterMode is configured as CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR confirmed Bug Normal
#12876 Required "type" attribute is missing in the <style> element generated by the editor confirmed Bug Normal
#12888 Inline editor loses focus/toolbar when dialog with file input on primary tab shown confirmed Bug Normal
#12891 Inline mode + Widgets( codeSnippet or formula ): CheckDirty() always returns "true" after page is loaded confirmed Bug Normal
#12895 allowedContent for form elements can be improved confirmed Bug Normal
#12915 Edit cell properties inside editable scrolls to top confirmed Bug Normal
#12929 Single entry point for command state confirmed Bug Normal
#12934 Plugin bbcode: type error + unexpected result confirmed Bug Normal
#12936 suggestion for translation - pt-br confirmed Bug Normal
#12940 Unable to paste text on new line after line with <o:p> MSWord formatting confirmed Bug Normal
#12942 Anchors require deprecated name tag, id should be enough confirmed Bug Normal
#12950 drop-down list WITHOUT a pre-selected option throws JS-Error in Chrome and IE11 confirmed Bug Normal
#12959 Focus issue when clicking on an image (inline editing) confirmed Bug Normal
#12967 Need to click undo twice to undo dropping an image confirmed Bug Normal
#12968 Deleting a paragraph deletes following div confirmed Bug Normal
#12969 SCAYT plugin stops working after setData is called with "Div Editing Area" plugin confirmed Bug Normal
#12979 [FF] Preview does not work when CKEditor is loaded from a different domain confirmed Bug Normal
#12985 Interferring Style Affecting Dialog Text Box Heights confirmed Bug Normal
#12986 Undo doesn't work when editor starts empty in source mode confirmed Bug Normal
#12998 'blur' event lost when destroying confirmed Bug Normal
#13004 SHift Enter Mode = P is not working for .NET site confirmed Bug Normal
#13005 Change Event is not fired after Delete confirmed Bug Normal
#13006 Drag and drop element with id duplicate id confirmed Bug Normal
#13009 [Notification Aggregator] Counting _doneWeights is over-complicated confirmed Bug Normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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