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Results (1701 - 1800 of 2591)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#11321 File Browser plugin doesn't show that image is being uploaded in IE confirmed New Feature Normal
#6965 Filebrowser in the "image button" dialog opens general browser confirmed Bug Normal
#11046 figcaption moved outside figure tag confirmed Bug Normal
#13826 [FF] Wrong caret position after removing characters confirmed Bug Normal
#7835 [FF] Word metadata not cleaned when pasting from word without cleanup confirmed Bug Normal
#9106 FF, WinXP, JAWS: Can't use arrows in Smiley or Special Chars Dialogs when opened for second time confirmed Bug Normal
#10988 [FF] Widgets: Caret goes outside of contenteditable on home/end keys confirmed Bug Normal
#6995 FF : We can't scroll down right align table using mouse confirmed Bug Normal
#10966 [FF] Unable to escape from the link or anchor confirmed Bug Normal
#6428 [FF] The cursor disappears from the editor after dragging an image confirmed Bug Normal
#8118 [FF] Strikethrough style works incorrectly for bigger fonts confirmed Bug Normal
#10121 [FF] Sourcearea is 1px lower than wysiwygarea confirmed Bug Low
#4636 [FF]Small squares for resizing table lacks height for 'caption' confirmed Bug Normal
#14321 [FF] Selection from native getSelection inconsistent with other browsers. confirmed Bug Normal
#7830 [FF] Select all + inline style in enterMode BR removes selection confirmed Bug Normal
#7635 FF scrollIntoView doesn't work confirmed Bug Normal
#7370 FF & Safari : Underline for list item not shown for the below html code confirmed Bug Normal
#7605 [FF] Right click selects all content of pre block confirmed Bug Normal
#10502 [FF]Right click on some elements causes Error: Permission denied to access property 'nodeType' confirmed Bug Normal
#13368 [FF] Resizing tooltip in Bidi mode aligned to the right confirmed Bug Normal
#10047 FF: Replacing <Enter> with <Shift+Enter> results in extra <br /> confirmed Bug Normal
#11876 [FF] Remove -moz- prefix from box-sizing property confirmed Task Normal
#12979 [FF] Preview does not work when CKEditor is loaded from a different domain confirmed Bug Normal
#11323 [FF] preview does not display images confirmed Bug Normal
#11248 [FF] Permission denied is thrown when preview is used for page with document.domain confirmed Bug Normal
#11601 FF - Pasting Chinese characters adds spaces to the pasted text confirmed Bug Normal
#9017 FF, Opera - Page down gets stuck confirmed Bug Normal
#7079 FF : Opening Cell Properties dialog resetting Columns Width confirmed Bug Normal
#13125 FF Only - The space after a contenteditable element is ignored when backspacing confirmed Bug Normal
#10209 [FF] Odd cursor position after deleting single bullet point confirmed Bug Normal
#12649 FF makes wrong selection of text confirmed Bug Normal
#9881 [FF] JS error when right-click on textarea confirmed Bug Normal
#11410 [FF] jQuery sample, maximize + minimize framed editor allows to edit whole page confirmed Bug Normal
#13141 [FF] It's not possible to DnD inline widget inside nested editable confirmed Bug Must have (possibly next milestone)
#11212 [FF] It is impossible to exit styled list with Enter Key. confirmed Bug Normal
#11399 [FF] Instability of nested editables tests confirmed Bug Normal
#10745 [FF&Inline] Cells selection is lost when merging cells confirmed Bug Normal
#10847 [FF] Incorrect cursor position on Backspace confirmed Bug Normal
#16625 FF & IE: Increasing Indent not working on lists confirmed Bug Normal
#11408 [FF][IE11] Opening preview using keyboard triggers popup blocker confirmed Bug Normal
#13473 [FF] Help icon is not mirrored in RTL CKEditor confirmed Bug Normal
#8943 FF: (HC mode) Text does not get highlighted when using Find & Replace dialog in High Contrast mode until the dialog is closed confirmed Bug Normal
#7225 FF - Font/Size/Styles not being continued on Enter confirmed Bug Normal
#12179 [FF] Error while using :after pseudoclass in contents.css confirmed Bug Normal
#9429 [FF] Enter pressed in ENTER_BR mode disables copy/cut/paste buttons confirmed Bug Normal
#11594 [FF] Dropdown arrows in the toolbar look nasty confirmed Bug Normal
#11914 FF: Default values for Horizontal Alignment & Vertical Aalignment not shown on Cell Properties dialog confirmed Bug Normal
#8306 FF : Custom attributes on links dropped during copy/paste confirmed Bug Normal
#10946 [FF] Cursor stuck in widget confirmed Bug Normal
#11795 [FF] Ctrl+backspace inside table removes too much stuff confirmed Bug Normal
#10940 [FF] contenteditable false prevents removing line breaks confirmed Bug Normal
#5988 FF/Chrome: Paragraphs go nuts after modifying copy-pasted text confirmed Bug Normal
#11687 [FF] Caret position reset when clicking editable confirmed Bug Normal
#9098 FF: Can't apply styles after removing line confirmed Bug Normal
#9957 [FF] Cannot delete text at the end of the line with cursor placed after the space confirmed Bug Normal
#9433 [FF] "Browse Server" popup appears behind browser window confirmed Bug Normal
#6564 [FF] Applying inline style on a selected cell has no effect confirmed Bug Normal
#12312 [FF] An extra BR added to the elementspath confirmed Bug Normal
#8180 FF and Opera: Dialog contents go out of dialog border when CKEditor is in RTL language confirmed Bug Normal
#14703 FF: Adding extra paragraphs or space when text pasted confirmed Bug Normal
#7505 [FF] Accessibility shortcuts problem confirmed Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.1
#7656 [FF4] startupFocus/first execCommand moves cursor to the end of document confirmed Bug Low
#8323 FF 4: In HC mode, No Visual Focus when we tab to Check boxes & Combo boxes on all the dialogs confirmed Bug Normal
#9678 [FF3.x] Tabindex requires double TAB key press to highlight an editor confirmed Bug Low
#9677 [FF3.x] Autogrow fails in case of continuous massive content creation confirmed Bug Low
#4917 FF3: List indentation change relocates caret confirmed Bug Normal
#10066 Feature to make it possible to hook into elementspath events confirmed New Feature Normal
#16877 Feature detection for clipboard.isCustomDataTypesSupported confirmed Task Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#855 FCKeditor as a Local Text Editor. new New Feature Normal
#1172 FCKConfig.AutoDetectLanguage issue confirmed Bug Normal
#6143 Fakeobjects element inserted inside paragraph confirmed Bug Normal
#7940 Fake object can be styled as images review Jakub Ś Bug Normal
#9418 Fake element must have at least two &nbsp; inside or it gets removed. confirmed Bug Normal
#11853 Fail to correctly copy and paster the Upper Roman list confirmed Bug Normal
#4250 Fails to warn on usage of non-existing command confirmed Bug Normal
#14630 Failing magicline test on hidpi screen confirmed Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.1
#12678 fail access toolbar button list using JAWS confirmed Bug Normal
#7735 Extra stylesheet on contentsCss doesn't work with fullPage = true confirmed Bug Normal
#12963 Extract resizer as a separte plugin confirmed New Feature Normal
#17016 Extract colorpicker from colordialog. confirmed Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.1
#12294 Extend the list of entries in lang.common confirmed Task Normal
#13464 Expose simple way to trigger lineutils-based DnD confirmed New Feature Normal
#8891 Expand toolbar button is wrong confirmed Bug Normal
#8470 existing link can not be modified confirmed Bug Normal
#10477 Exception on DELETE key confirmed Bug Normal
#12459 Exception occurs after using Replace All and closing Find and Replace dialog in IE11 review kkrzton Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#11743 Exception flood caused by calling nativeSelection.createRange() confirmed Bug Normal
#11761 Event system dies along with the last editor being destroyed confirmed Bug Normal
#10597 Event sample confirmed Task Normal
#14922 event listeners leak between each setData confirmed Bug Normal
#16769 Event fired when style is changed review Tomasz Jakut New Feature Normal
#4252 Establish testing APIs for editor UI assigned Garry Yao New Feature Normal
#629 Escaping HTML with htmlspecialchars() confirmed New Feature Normal
#9054 Error when using with extjs on IE9 confirmed Bug Normal
#10594 Error when replacing element with <br> in HTML filter confirmed Bug Normal
#2759 error when perfroming drag and drop in ie confirmed Bug Normal
#10636 Error thrown when in/outdenting inside of a list element (caret in a paragraph) confirmed Bug Normal
#13889 Error on drag/drop images in inline editor inside an iframe confirmed Bug Normal
#12718 Error on destroying editor, detached from DOM. pending Bug Normal
#10710 Error: Object doesn't support property or method 'getParent' confirmed Bug Normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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