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Results (101 - 200 of 2591)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#17067 Can't select cells in tfoot review Tomasz Jakut Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open
  2. Start selecting from a row above the one with headings.
  3. Stop selecting at the end of the table

Expected result

All selected rows remain selected.

Actual result

All rows below the one with headings are unselected just after releasing mouse button.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

It seems to be connected with the order of elements in table. If tfoot is after tbody, then everything seems to be working correctly.

#1066 Multi-user simultaneous editing support reopened New Feature Normal

add online editing, allowing multiple users to redline and display all edits to the ower

#3944 Preview mode reopened New Feature Normal

It would be useful to have the preview mode (just like Source).

#7950 [IE] Text pasted differently than in other browsers reopened Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

with config.pasteFromWordRemoveStyles = false & config.pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles = false copy the text from attached word doc and paste it in to the editor.

Expected Result Text pasted properly and should be same across all browsers

Actual Result we are seeing the differences between IE(6,7,8& 9) & all other browsers.

In IE the top text is shown in bold and big font size where as in other browsers it is shown with small font size and with out bold.

I have attached screen shots of pasted text in IE & FF.

#12750 Paste from Word: strikethrough and underscore should have the same color as font reopened Piotr Jasiun Bug Normal

Maintain color of strikethrough and underscore the same as font color of the text when copying from Word into CKEditor.


  • In MS Word, type in “Test font” with font family = Calibri, size = 14px and font color = red and then underscore and strikethrough the words “Test font”.
  • Copy from Word and paste the same in CK Editor. The font color remains red as expected but the underscore and strikethrough changes to default black.

Solution: the color of strikethrough (<s>) and underline (<u>) will be maintained, but only if colors, underline, strikethrough are applied to exactly the same selection (portion of text).

#5317 Create tool to improve detection of non released memory pending Task Normal

Follow up of #4555

It's not the typical "memory leak" problem present in the browsers, but it's easy to store data in a way that it isn't released after one instance is destroyed in an AJAX way, and that means more and more memory use, so it's in the end a memory leak.

In the previous bug we have cleaned up the main codeline, but there are other parts that will have to be reviewed and instead of trying to dig into every plugin we must try to find an automated way that help us diagnose where are the problems.

#6486 IE bug: Many smiles in the smiley dialog do not fit into surrounding TD tag pending Bug Normal

This is IE bug only:

I can see that the table with smiles is placed in TD tag (with class cke_dialog_contents) and the TD tag has attribute style="width:270px;height:120px;".

If I put 64 smiles into the smiles table into 8 columns then this table with smiles is bigger then the surrounding TD tag (width:270px;height:120px;).

In FF it is OK and the surrounding TD is enlarged according to the smiles table but in IE it is not.

#6948 Styles combo should more accurately reflect the selection pending Bug Normal

Use the following styles:

	{ name : 'Red Title'		, element : 'h3', styles : { 'color' : 'Red' } },
	{ name : 'Red title with blue background'		, element : 'h3', styles : { 'color' : 'Red', 'background-color' : 'Blue' } }

And the following content (place the caret somewhere inside the <h3>:

<h3 style="color: red; background-color: blue;">
	This is some <strong>sample text</strong>. You are using <a href="">CKEditor</a>.</h3>

Open the styles combo. Both "Red title" and "Red title with blue background" are marked as focused, while only "red title" is presented in the combo label. IMO the label should read "Red title with blue background".

#7239 Upload file and adobe air pending Bug Normal

Hi On air, the file uploader doesn't appears I have to precise that a <input type = "file" /> is properly rendered in air

#11007 Incorrect display of URL, file path including bidi data pending Bug Normal


Display of text on the screen is governed by Unicode Bidi Algorithm (UBA). This is true for both platform level rendering, web browser rendering and CKEditor rendering. UBA provides good results for plain text but fails to preserve structured in case of structured text includes bidi (Arabic / Hebrew) characters. UBA provide various tools (i.e. Unicode Control Characters) which can be used to instruct it about structure of the text. Using those tools we can achieve perfect display.

CKEditor context

In CKEditor we see following types of structured text:

  1. File paths
  1. URL

When Bidi data is used as part of those cases, the display of data is completely incomprehensible. For example: c:\AAA\BBB\Aa\file.txt (capital letters refer to Bidi letters) will be displayed as: c:\A\BBB\AAAa\file.txt As you can see not only the order of folders names but also their integrity is violated. Judging by appearance, you would think that top most folder is A, while in reality it is AAA. You would also think that there is a folder AAAa, while in reality there is no such folder.

#11166 Mirror editor if using divarea with a JavaScript loader pending Bug Normal

I have discovered a pretty weird issue causing the creation of a double editor, let's call it "Mirror Editor".

The setup:

  • CKEditor 4 (confirmed for 4.0 - 4.3, including custom built from Git)
  • JavaScript loader (self-made/head.js/LABjs)
  • jQuery Adapter
  • divarea Plugin

I need to make use of a JavaScript loader because CKEditor is sometimes dynamically loaded from a remote host, forcing me to use a dependent loader with callback. It is worth noting, that this issue is raised even if the files are loaded from the same host.

The issue is caused by a race condition, we're creating an CKEditor instance by using a custom config passed to $(...).ckeditor($config). Meanwhile the other scripts on the page finished executing and CKEditor's callbacks for domReady are executed. One of these callbacks invokes inlineAll() which normally isn't much of a big deal, but since we're using the divarea plugin, it happens to sometimes trigger it on the editor in creation.

As a result we end up with two editors (the 2nd one has a generic ID and element.$ = div.cke_wysiwyg_div) which are unaware of each other and ultimately breaking everything, even the toolbars overlap.

It is worth noting, that the issue is not always reproducible, usually 1 of 3 page loads result in the broken editor(s).

To solve this issue I'm setting CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true; immediately after CKEditor has loaded to prevent this double creation.

You can see this issue on the attached screenshot, the editor with the grayed-out buttons is the mirror editor (2nd created) and you can clearly see the "real" editor hidden below it. Once it loses focus, the 2nd editor becomes invisible.

#11541 In Find & Replace, Match Whole Word option is not working pending Bug Normal

Dear Team,

In Find and Replace, "Match Whole Word" is not working.
when typing the whole word and searching it shows

The Specified Text was not found

It works fine for "Match Case" & "Match Cyclic"

Kindly check with the demo site as mentioned below[[BR]]

Please guide me to resolve this problem.

Thanks in Advance.

#11714 [iOS] Slowness when CKEditor is within an inline-block element on iPad pending Bug Normal

Significant slowness occurs when CKEditor is contained in an inline-block element using an iPad. When styled as a block element these issues go away. This occurs with both Safari and Chrome, both being webkit bases browsers. A simple test case

#12083 placeholder plugin - inline editor - text align break html of the page pending Bug Normal

Hi, I tried using placeholder plugin in a ckeditor inline version in Chrome (Windows 8 64 bit, chrome version 35.0.1916.114 m). If I put one placeholder at the end of the content of a textarea and then I try to modify many times text-aling property (changing to left, right, justify, center randomly), then the html of the page breaks up.

Can you explain that? It does not happen in Firefox (version 29.0.1)

Many thanks Daniele

#12250 Cannot disable auto inline functionality when CKEditor is being loaded via Ajax pending Bug Normal


It seems it is not possible to disable the auto inline functionality when CKEditor is being loaded via Ajax. This is because DOM is ready on the moment CKEditor executes the following code:

CKEDITOR.domReady( function() {
    !CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline && CKEDITOR.inlineAll();
} );

I cannot set CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline before that, because CKEDITOR does not exist in window yet.

Is there a way to resolve this nasty issue?

#12314 Entermode inconsistencies pending Bug Normal

I'm using inline mode, enterMode : CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV

1) Slap a heap of divs into the editor 2) Hit enter anywhere, a new div is created (is this by design?) 3) Ctrl-A, Del 4) Use source button to verify editor is indeed "empty" 5) Use blocks plugin to verify editor is not actually empty, but has a dummy div holder 6) Hit Enter, divs are still created 7) Use source to set <p></p> for content 8) Hit Enter, <p>s are created now

Problems: 1) Is the enter-in-div=div by design? 2) There should be a way to go back to <p> mode between divs 3) The dummy container created for an empty editor should fall back to <p> if editor is indeed empty

#12718 Error on destroying editor, detached from DOM. pending Bug Normal

If you remove editor container from DOM and then call editor.destroy(), you got exception, because CKEditor assumes frameElement of editable is available. But element.frameElement is null.


#12743 Task list: let the user create a list of actionable checkboxes pending New Feature Normal

Let the user enter a list of checkboxes/ radio buttons, that are actionable.

#12749 iOS 8 iPad screen scrolls back to top when typing into CKEditor pending Bug Normal

I have a report where I wait for user input before creating a textarea object in jquery and turning it into a CKEditor instance. This works beautifully on IE 10/11, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on Desktops but when we test on an iPad iOS 8 users have an issue typing into the editor.

When a user starts to type, the entire view scrolls back to the top of the page away from editor. The text still gets entered and after scrolling the page back down the user can see editor with their new text.

Plugins Using: autogrow clipboard colordialog dialog find link pastefromword

I'm hoping since I can't find another post/ticket on this topic it is a configuration or css setting conflicting with CKEditor. Any help would be beneficial.

PS: Some browsers on the iPad only scroll back to top when pressing the space button.

#13087 How to unfocus newly created CKEditor widgets pending Task Normal

I'm not sure whether its an issue with CKEditor or an error on my part but this is the issue that I'm facing:

  • I insert some HTML using a custom CKEditor command
  • That element is upcasted to a custom CKEditor widget
  • Focus is on the widget

Now, if an user wants to add some text or something else, one has to explicitly click on the red "Add new paragraph" thingy at the bottom of the widget. Now, my question is that can we automatically add that new paragraph after the widget? From what it seems to me, the issue is that the newly created widget is in focus and hence no other text can be added.

Please let me know how to fix this issue.

#13380 Alert messages in RTL mode are not mirrored pending Bug Normal

(tested on IE11 and FF)

Impact on all languages: text is not translated in the message box (i.e. text on the button) unless web browser itself is translated to that language.

Impact on bidi languages: message boxes are not mirrored / flipped unless web browser itself is translated to Arabic / Hebrew.

This behavior has a pretty serious impact on user experience, since there are around 18 contexts in which alert message is called.

We suggest to contribute a solution by developing a general modal message box in pure JS which will address all the needs currently addressed by alert dialog.

Do you agree that this issue should be fixed? If so, do you accept the suggested approach to the solution?

Thank you

#13627 [bidi] Structure text is not supported in URL fields in Insert image dialogs pending Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

URLs or file paths should have structure text (STT) support in order to properly display them. In Insert image dialogs, STT expression is not ordered correctly when contains Hebrew strings/resources duo to lack of STT support.

See attached images for each case:

  • Image file path
  • URL link
  • URL image info

Expected result

Actual result

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

#13900 Drag line for widgets is misaligned when paragraphs have margins pending Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a drag-able widget.
  2. Have a paragraph with left and right margins after it.
  3. Drag the widget and hover between the widget and the paragraph.

Expected result

The line will match the size of the paragraph content.

Actual result

The line starts at the start of the paragraph content but is the width of the widget.

#14518 On IE11, data-bound elements in dialog are not updated when clicking OK pending Bug Normal

Perhaps related to Issue 14517, but this one only happens on IE. On Safari and Firefox, there is no issue. The testcase uses a very simple example of knockout.js to bind an html input element to a value in a viewModel. It seems that because ckeditor tries to manage all aspects of focus and blur, something is lost (on IE only) when the OK button is clicked and the input field loses focus.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Download the attached plug-in to plugins folder, and add to config.js

config.extraPlugins = 'bugplugin';

  1. Run index.html, adjusting paths to require.js and knockout.js as needed
  2. Follow the simple testcase on-screen, basically change a value and click OK.

Expected result

Alert should show the value you just entered into Input1.

Actual result

On IE11, the current value is not shown . The old value is shown.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

#14733 setting Italic fails for Japanese character, in Japanese locale pending Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. change all locale to Japanese
  2. open the demo site ( and type some Japanese character
  3. select those Japanese character and set Italic

Expected result

the selected text will set to Italic

Actual result

the selected text will still keep non-Italic

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)


OS locale set to Japanese Browser locale set to Japanese (try to make sure it's 100% Japanese... it's the key to reproduce. i have a Win10 VM that cannot reproduce this and i suspect it's because it's not set Japanese completely)

#14911 Table cell lose formatting on tab switch an new text pending Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a table in ckeditor with 4 columns.
  2. Insert text in the cells of the the first row. (formatting: bold)
  3. Put cursor in the first cell in the first row and switch with tab to the next cell.
  4. Type in new text to overwrite the selected text.

Expected result

The new text has the same formatting (bold) like the text before.

Actual result

In Firefox and sometimes in IE the text lost the formatting. In Chrome not.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Browser: Firefox 45.3.0, Internet Explorer 11, Chrome 53

#14919 hitting enter in a ckeditor when multiple ckeditors are on the page, scrolls randomly down the page in IE 11 only pending Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open a page in IE11 that has about 5 ckeditors on a single page.
  2. scroll down the page to a ckeditor that you can not see unless you scroll.
  3. put the cursor in that ckeditor and type a word and then hit enter.
  4. The cursor stays in the ckeditor but the webpage randomly scrolls downward and you have to scroll back up to find where your cursor is.

This does not happen in Firefox, Chrome or MS Edge. The check editor doesn't scroll when enter is pushed in those browsers. In the config.js I have the doctype set to html 4 and it does not help per issue I am using ckeditor 4.5.11. This is happening only in IE 11 in Windows 10 and Windows 7.

#16391 CKEditor: Clipboard is pasted multiple times pending Bug Normal

In Firefox Version Firefox 49.0.1:

When a text is pasted from a word file or a Thunderbird e-mail the text is SOMETIMES pasted multiple times instead of just once. It's no issue with the clipboard since pasting it into notepad works just fine. Any hints on what might cause this issue are welcome. Thank you!

The issue is very similar to this one: ​

#16451 Inserting table after resize fails with error " Unable to get property 'checkReadOnly' of undefined or null reference" pending Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. CkEditor is launched from within a frame in HTML page. Please see code sample attached.
  2. Launch the page. Create some content.
  3. Open insert table dialogue.
  4. Maximize editor using "resize" link.
  5. Click on "Ok" in table dialogue.

Expected result

Table should get inserted at desired position.

Actual result

Nothing happens on browser. In debugger console, we see following error - SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'checkReadOnly' of undefined or null reference ckeditor.js (341,347)

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

  • Using IE 11 browser in quirks mode.
#16646 ckeditor sets style="height:0px; width:0px" when Drag 'n Drop Images into Editor in safari pending Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to
  2. Try Drag 'n Drop Images to editor
  3. Now we don't see the image because style="height:0px; width:0px"

Expected result

Image is appeared

Actual result

Image does not appear

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)


#16704 IE-8 Insert link not working pending Bug Normal

We are using CK editor 4.5.11. in our application. We are facing weird issue in creating content link from CK editor text. If we try to add link on selected text by clicking link button from toolbar nothing happens in IE8. It works fine in a later versions of IE and Chrome browser. By some more attempts it seems to create link but chances are seldom. Most of the time it just gets blink on click of ok button and link dialog goes away. We dont see any error or warning in browser console.

#16778 Maximize hides the toolbar, can't minimze. pending Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Click on “Maximize” button to enter full-screen editing mode.

Expected result

Ability to use the toolbar, including minimizing the full-screen mode.

Actual result

The toolbar is hidden above the top of the window. A white gap appears at the bottom. I opened up dev tools and found div#page. In the CSS inspector, I got the page to re-render by unchecking position: static and then checking it again. This instantly caused the toolbar to be displayed, and the white gap at the bottom to disappear.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Firefox 50.0.1, Mac OSX 10.11.6, CKEditor 4.4.3 Plugins: Code Snippets, word counting, Linkit module, Media CKEditor, HTML snippets, and Table Resize

#16780 selectElement and/or extractSelectedHtml work differently in Chrome and Safari pending Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. I have the following html:
     <p>Some text...</p>
          More text ...

I am trying to replace the <question> element with another html string.

  1. My code:
// here element is an instance of CKEDITOR.dom.element.
// Its nodeName property is 'QUESTION' in all browsers

  1. This works fine in Chrome and Firefox but doesn't work in Safari.

In Safari I get the following error when running extractSelectedHtml: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'a.startContainer.getDtd()'). The inner html of the <question> element gets deleted, but the <question> tag itself stays.

I tried to check what editor.getSelectedHtml method returns in Chrome and Safari. In Chrome it returns CKEditor.dom.documentFragment with question as firstChild, and in Safari it returns CKEditor.dom.documentFragment with answer (inner node) as firstChild.

Expected result

I would expect my code snippet to produce the same result in all browsers.

Is this working as intended? Is there any workaround for this issue in Safari?

#16807 Pasting widgets with the clipboard plugin under firefox removes some classes. pending Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open the ckeditor with firefox, copy a widget with more html.
  2. Click right button on the editor, then paste from the dropdown.
  3. The paste dialog is shown, then press Ctrl+V to paste it in the dialog and click OK.

Expected result

The widget should be inserted with all its classes, same content, and same styles.

Actual result

All elements are present but some of their classes are removed, the style is not the same. I've debugged the paste dialog and in the event 'pasteDialogCommit', { dataValue: html }) - the dataValue contains all necessary elements and their classes. However when the widget is inserted and I inspect its elements it seems some of their classes are removed.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

It works perfectly under chrome, IE and Safari.

#16827 Container span with drag handle being added to widget after updating to 4.6.1 pending Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Add some form of widget into a ckeditor
  2. Switch to source view and back again

Expected result

Should be the same as before going into source mode

Actual result

It added a container span around the element as well as an image after it that looks like a drag handle. Repeatedly switching between source and html adds more wrappers and more drag handle images, some of which end up being block-level. These elements persist after saving the content of the ckeditor and viewing it outside this context, e.g. the iframe that gets added into the content we're editing can be selected like a ckeditor element even outside of ckeditor.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Tested in chrome and edge. Bug did not happen in 4.5.x, it only took place after updating to 4.6.x.

Has widget plugin installed, both the 4.5.x version and the 4.6.x version exhibit the same behaviour.

The widget in question is a custom google maps plugin which is supposed to output an iframe in a wrapping div. It also takes place when using the oembed plugin, which uses a widget.

#16828 copy/paste duplicate text bug pending Bug Normal

Sometimes when I perform a Copy/Paste from txt file into the CKEDITOR (latest version), the text gets copied multiple times.(2-6-8-10 times) and the browser also freezes when this happens. But this only happens after long periods of use, with a considerable amount of text and it's hard to reproduce.

I'm wondering if there is any way we can prevent this from happening even though we don't really know what the cause of it is.

Any help would be much appreciated.

#16834 Caught error of toolbar pending Bug Normal

I got this error when i use online builder and simply download the full package leaving default sets.

ckeditor.js:925 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'toolbar' of undefined

#16837 Insert row after not working correctly pending Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create table
  2. Fill rows with data
  3. focuse on first row -> Click Right -> Insert row after

Expected result

Inserting new empty row after focused one

Actual result

Row is inserted as second after focused one

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

#16848 Selecting all triggering on certain characters pending Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Be on Windows and a Webkit browser
  2. Position the cursor in such a way that pressing Ctrl+A will, using the code added in, select all editor contents
  3. Press Ctrl+*Alt*+A

Expected result

Ctrl+Alt+A is used to enter the character ą on a US keyboard layout. The ą character should be inserted.

Actual result

The editor's contents are selected.

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Suggested fix (which actually probably explains the issue better than the above description)




if ( == 65 && ( CKEDITOR.env.mac && data.metaKey
!CKEDITOR.env.mac && data.ctrlKey ) ) {


To add a !data.altKey check on Windows.


if ( == 65 && ( CKEDITOR.env.mac && data.metaKey
!CKEDITOR.env.mac && data.ctrlKey && !data.altKey ) ) {


#16898 Getting "Unable to set property 'setState' of undefined and null reference" in richcombo/plugin.js pending Bug Normal

We are using ckeditor4.5.7 in our applications which contains multiple editor sections and getting the error when we click on first editor section and then click on another editor section quickly. There could be a race condition due to which facing issue. but, please look into this and let me know if there is any fix for that.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Click on first editor section
  2. Click on another editor section quickly

Expected result

Should work without any issue

Actual result

Getting "Unable to set property 'setState' of undefined and null reference" error in richcombo/plugin.js

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Browser:IE11, OS:Win-7, CKEditor:4.5.7

#16922 the size of picture upload manager window is break pending Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. set the chrome height < 600
  2. open the editor and set fullscreen
  3. open the picture mananger and switch to upload tab

Expected result

the window's width is well

Actual result

the window's width is bread

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

#16923 Jumping in and out of Source mode adds <p>&nbsp;</p> (again) pending Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. switch to source mode
  2. switch to wysiwyg mode

Expected result

my html, unmodified

Actual result

appended crud to my html

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

#16939 Unable to maintain scroll position after postback pending Bug Normal

I'm using the CKEditor 4.6.2 control in a .Net 4.0 web application. I'm experiencing an issue where the correct scroll position is not maintained after performing a postback on large web form containing multiple CKEditor controls. When a button is clicked, the page performs a postback and the screen appears to return to the correct scroll position but then appears to jump up a few spaces for no apparent reason. This issue only occurs when a postback is triggered towards the bottom of a large web form. It does not occur if a postback is triggered in the top half of large web form or on a small web page. We are experiencing this issue in IE 11.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a large web form using .net 4.0.
  2. Add multiple CKEditor controls to the page.
  3. Click a button to trigger a page postback.

Expected result

We expect the correct scroll position to be maintained after performing a postback. The size of the web page should not affect scroll positioning.

Actual result

The page will return to the correct scroll position but will jump up immediately after.

#16953 On adding links it fails first time and duplicates text 2nd time pending Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

Secenario : I am using ckeditor in inline mode in a angular project. The ckeditor is added using the angular-ckeditor directive ( HTML:

<div class="section-editor" ckeditor="options" ng-model="section.content" contenteditable="true" ready="ckeditorOnReady($instance)" ></div>
  1. I select a text (Example towards) and do add link. The popup opens I add my url. On doing OK, Sometimes on first click it does not work and produces an error in console (error attached). On again doing OK it works, but in the ckeditor I see 2 times my text (towards). Once with the right url and once just plain text.

Expected result

The link should be added in first attempt without any error

Actual result

Sometimes the link doesnt get inserted in the first attempt and there is an error in console.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getParent' of undefined
at a (ckeditor.js:formatted:9746)
at [as applyToRange] (ckeditor.js:formatted:9776)
at (ckeditor.js:formatted:10258)
at CKEDITOR.dialog.onOk (link.js?t=G87E:formatted:626)
at CKEDITOR.dialog.def.onOk (plugin.js?t=G87E:1467)
at CKEDITOR.dialog.def.onOk (plugin.js?t=G87E:1467)
at CKEDITOR.dialog.def.onOk (plugin.js?t=G87E:1467)
at CKEDITOR.dialog.def.onOk (plugin.js?t=G87E:1467)
at CKEDITOR.dialog.<anonymous> (ckeditor.js:formatted:12035)
at CKEDITOR.dialog.m (ckeditor.js:formatted:136)

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

It can be reproduced in all the browsers and any OS. We are using Ckeditor verson : 4.5.11 (we tried updating the ckeditor version to 4.6.2 but it didnt fix the error) ==

#16981 When use BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = true in C#, the CKEditror can not work. pending Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/ckeditor/ckeditor").Include("~/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"));
  2. BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = true;

Expected result

Actual result

SyntaxError: expected expression, got keyword 'else'. ckeditor:1:172788

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

CKEditor info: timestamp:"G87E",version:"4.5.11",revision:"3876e73" later than this version has the same issue

#16986 When I use meta name="description", ckeditor not work pending Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. in form, I used a name="description" for the textarea
  2. and add meta tag name="description"
  3. ckeditor not works

Expected result

CKEditor Works

Actual result

Textarea display instead of CKEditor

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

I used fuelPHP framework for CKEditor


echo ckeditor('description', Input::post('description', isset($user) ? $user->description : ), array('class' => 'form-control', 'height' => '140px')); ?>

#513 Implement source view with rich text area (designMode=on) new New Feature Normal

Implement the source view as an IFRAME with designMode=on (using FCKEditingArea), instead of using the <textarea>.

This change would give us many new possibilities to enhance the source view, like source code coloring, automatic selection positioning, and other features that could be implemented by using the DOM only.

Before doing this, we need to discuss all pros and cons of it, and the real possibility to implement it on browsers.

#590 Cluster toolbar items into dropdowns new New Feature Normal

Yahoo Mail has a wysiwyg editor for composing emails, and its toolbar has only one icon for alignment which drops down for left/right/centre/justify. same with bullets. Also, the colour selector, font, font size, and smilies all use the same system.

Its doesn't overwhelm the user with buttons. simple like plucking fruit from a tree!

There's another sourceforge project which does the same little dropdown windowing system: Not fckn half as good as fckeditor tho.

Moved from SF:

#667 [SS] Combination of a link and a style new Bug Normal

Following situation:


  • developer runtime (uncompiled scripts)
  • fckstyles.xml
<Style name="Fat link" element="a">
    <Attribute name="class" value="aBold" />
  1. there is nothing more in the editor then 2 plain words without any formatting
  2. select one word and create a hyperlink using toolbar "Insert/Edit link"
  3. enter some target as usual, the hyperlink is created
  4. now while the text is still selected choose the "Fat link" from the toolbar style pulldown menu

IE behavior

crashes with

Unknown runtime error
Line 28 in fckstyledef_ie.js > e.innerHTML =
oRange.htmlText ;
May be it is a IE bug...

FF behaviour

Firefox has 2 conditions

  1. if the text is still selected it messes up the code
New document -> New <a class="aBold"><a
href="bala.ccc/" />
  1. if the word has been re-selected it is ok (problem with selection cache?)

In both browsers if the style choise is done first, there are no problems.

This problem is not as big in new documents as in old stuff where hyperlinks exist and have to be "re-styled" or modified.

Best regards


Moved from SF:

#855 FCKeditor as a Local Text Editor. new New Feature Normal

Check out This personal wiki program uses JavaScript to save files locally. It only uses html and javascript to do this. It works for all the major browsers (firefox, ie,...). I would like to see your program use the same type of technique to save it's data.

Moved from SF:

#1824 table wizard new New Feature Normal

A table wizard as a GUI to create (complex) table structures.

See rad editor's table wizard

#3358 Optimize 'CKEDITOR.dom.range.enlarge' on block unit new Task Normal

After enlarging the range with a block unit with the following input:


We'll got:


No we got a partially selected block, it's better to have the 'div' been fully selected to prevent consequence operation like extractContent from resulting in unwanted node pieces, so an optimized result would be the following:

#4380 Listblock: Stylename containing single quote will crash onclick method new Bug Normal

When a style contains a single quote in its title, it will crash the listblock.

Offending code (plugins/listblock/plugin.js):

add : function( value, html, title )
	var pendingHtml = this._.pendingHtml,
		id = 'cke_' +;

	if ( !this._.started )
		pendingHtml.push( '<ul class=cke_panel_list>' );
		this._.started = 1;

	this._.items[ value ] = id;

		'<li id=', id, ' class=cke_panel_listItem>' +
			'<a _cke_focus=1 hidefocus=true' +
				' title="', title || value, '"' +
				' href="javascript:void(\'', value, '\')"' +
				' onclick="', this._.getClick(), ',\'', value, '\'); return false;">',
				html || value,
			'</a>' +
		'</li>' );

As you can see, 'value' is passed verbatim into the pendingHtml array, which doesn't do anything to escape single quotes.

#5009 Context sub-menu items should not hide other context menu items new Bug Normal

Create an editor instance that spans the with of the screen.
Create a table with 100% width.
Move the mouse to the right hand side of the editor and right click on the table.
Observe the context menu correctly displays as fixed in #4594.
Open a sub-menu, e.g. Cell Properties.
Observe that the sub-menu covers the main context menu.

#5025 Approach for backward compatibility new Task Normal

This is due to the patch in #4973, but it was a long talk that would distract from the real patch.

The patch in #4972 (v2) removes CKEDITOR.loadStylesSet and CKEDITOR.addStylesSet, so when people tries to upgrade they will get an error if they have used them.

I think that most of the people didn't know anything about CKEDITOR.loadStylesSet unless they had to fight with the lack of CKEDITOR.stylesSet as I did, but I think that there's lots of people using their own styles with the addStylesSet call. If they don't change the code then it will fail and they have to find out the reason.

So my question is: how do we approach backwards compatibility?

We can leave the code as is and they have to read the release notes to notice the reason of the problem. This can be more complex if they are upgrading for example from 3.0 to 3.3 with hundreds of bugs in the mean time.

We can add bold and red statements in the what's new to make it clearer, but they still have to read the docs.

We can provide also a "compatibility" plugin that it's used just to provide compatibility with older apis. This plugin could define just the old functions as mapping to the new APIs and launch a silent warning in the console (if it exists)

Something along these lines:

CKEDITOR.addStylesSet = function( name, styles ) 
    if (window.console)
        window.console("The CKEDITOR.addStylesSet function has been deprecated. Please use CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add. Read... for further info");
    CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add(name, styles)

This way the upgrade is easier, there's a very little overhead and people can remove the plugin when they know that everything is working OK.

#5497 allow 'grouping' in Styles to be configurable new New Feature Normal

My clients find it confusing when the styles, listed in the "Styles" plugin, are grouped by style type.

I created a patch for "stylescombo\plugin.js"

#5600 Create new block Format to end PRE at start of line new New Feature Normal

People usually don't know anything about html tags, they just want things to work, so as long as it's possible we should try to think like a new user and how the expect the editor to behave.

In order to end a PRE-formatted paragraph I think that it's easy to expect that just selecting "Normal" in the format dropdown should start a new paragraph and get out of the pre if the caret is at the start of a new line. This would work in a similar way to the Bold button: you press to start marking things as bold and when you press it again you end the effect.

#5621 [IE] 32-bit windows has broken document.domain for IPv6 address, causing access denied errors new Bug Normal

This issue is partly related to #5434. On a 64-bit server, the fix for #5434 works but on a 32-bit server a different error occurs.

The issue is that 32-bit IE does not appear to support IPv6 addresses correctly, especially when getting document.domain. IE truncates the ip address when it reaches the first colon ":" in the address. This causes "access denied" errors when new IFrames are opened by CKEditor.

On (32-bit) IE:

document.domain = "[fe80:"
window.location.hostname = "fe80::fe80:fe80:fe80:fe80" 

A work-around is required for this IE bug.

#5692 Handle file dropping in editor new New Feature Normal

Provide a plugin to detect desktop file dropping into editor, for those support browsers.
The detected file info could be used to upload the file immediately or perform any possible customization.

Edit: Yes that is most correct. Editor should have at least a hook for implementing drag&drop into editor. What I mean is that if editor is connected with file uploader (like CKFinder) it should prepare image information that uploader can use to upload file. After file is uploaded, uploader should send new image path and editor should apply it.

#5768 List plugin: request for preserving paragraphs when creating a list new New Feature Normal

Version 3.3 added support for preserving heading structure when creating a list item. Would be nice to also preserve structure when creating list items from paragraphs.

#5938 Enter into dt/dd elements should toggle these tags new New Feature Normal

Enter at the end of DT element should create new DD element and vice versa.

#5998 Sample config.js file (config.sample.js perhaps) new Task Normal

It is sometimes very confortible to have a prepared config file where You could see all the available configuration (commented out) and its documentation without having to go online and search what configuration parts are worth to be added to some particular project (it takes less time to go through config text file).

I have made such sample configuration file and would like to suggest to add it to the project. It is based on the official documentation and at the moment - up to date. In the first usage examples I have placed default values instead of writting them seperately.

#6602 Automatically send WYSIWYG browsers into source mode instead of refusing to work new New Feature Normal

Browsers that don't support tag editing still support ckeditor's source mode, which is better than nothing, and provides a more gradual operational decline.

My suggested patch creates a env.isTextCompatible var, and if env.isCompatible is false but env.isTextCompatible is true, ckeditor defaults to a text entry mode with limited, but still existent functionality.

#6725 Mismatch between dialog::resize and dialog::getSize new Bug Normal

While working on #5084 I've noticed that there's a mismatch between the two methods.
The reason is that we use the contents element in the dialog::resize method, while we use the dialog element in the dialog::getSize method.

#6931 Form creation behaviour new Bug Normal

IMO forms creation should be much like DIV creation, wrapping the selection rather than removing it.

#6934 Alternative style/format outlook new New Feature Normal

Style combo item is not presented under the preview style of the each style definition (same with format combo), sometimes this isn't an option at all (seen on user request #6379), the editor should allow an alternative presentation to be provided in the following format:

		name : 'Colored: White',
		element : 'span',
		styles : { 'color' : 'White' },
		displayHtml: '<span style="background-color:#000;color:#fff;">Colored:White</span>'

#6937 Applying Block Quote to empty or the only paragraph in Table cell applying Block Quote to Table instead of Table Cell or Paragraph in Table Cell new Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

Scenario 1:

  1. Open CK Editor and insert a Table.
  1. Keep cursor inside a Table Cell and click on Block Quote icon.

Expected Result:

Block Quote is applied to Table Cell.

Actual Result:

Block Quote is applied to whole Table.

Scenario 2:

  1. Open CK Editor and insert a Table.
  1. Type some text inside a Table Cell, select the paragraph and click on Block Quote icon.

Expected Result:

Block Quote is applied to the selected paragraph inside Table Cell.

Actual Result:

Block Quote is applied to whole Table.

#7120 Line Spacing Button new New Feature Normal

as in MsWord, it looks nice to have line spacing option as in button click: -Space Sizes List -add/remove spacing after paragraph -add/remove space before paragraph

I Think this will completethe editor to be as perfect as using MSWORD.

#7206 Provide support to load CKEditor in one frame and render it in another new New Feature Normal

We would like to request support to load CKEditor in one frame and render it in another. This would be a very beneficial feature for optimising performance. It is currently not supported. Some issues that they have reported so far regarding this are:

  • does not support multiple frames
  • core/loader.js calls current document object

A sample test case is attached which demonstrates the desired functionality.

Instructions for running the test case:

  1. Copy the attached files to <CKEditor>\_samples directory.
  1. Open multiframe.html on Mozilla/Firefox.
  1. Press "Create Widgets" button.
  1. Verify CKEditor is created.
  1. Modify Widget_CKEditor.prototype.createEditorElem in multiframe.js like this:

// NG
loader.oDocument = globals.scriptFrame.document;

// OK
//loader.oDocument = globals.uiFrame.document;
  1. Open multiframe.html on Mozilla/Firefox.
  1. Press "Create Widgets" button.

Problem: CKEditor instance is not created in UI Frame.

#7229 Request for relaying cut and copy events to the editor instance new New Feature Normal

Request for normalizing cut, copy and paste events in the editor across browsers. In version 3.5.2 only the 'paste' event is relayed to the editor object. Would be very convenient if 'cut' and 'copy' could also be relayed.

The specific use case is having to add attributes to the elements in a selection prior to cutting/copying. These are then parsed when pasted back into the editor.

Some quick research gave me the following summary:

I ran the following code in each of the browsers' developer tools

var body = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.document.getBody();
var logger = function (name) {
    return function () {console.log(name);};
body.on('beforepaste', logger('beforepaste'));
body.on('paste', logger('paste'));
body.on('beforecut', logger('beforecut'));
body.on('cut', logger('cut'));
body.on('beforecopy', logger('beforecopy'));
body.on('copy', logger('copy'));

and registered the events fired:

Opera Version: 11.00, Build: 1156, WinXP

Cut: none
Copy: none

Google Chrome 9.0.597.98, WinXP


Firefox 3.6.13, WinXP


IE8, Windows Server 2003


IE also fires extra unlisted ones due to calling "queryCommandEnabled('paste')" in clipboard plugin.

#8260 Change from raising error to show an alert if instance exists new Bug Normal

Split from #8226

I think that many new users don't realize that they have errors in the console (after all IE is the only browser that currently shows clearly when a page has a js error). We must remember that many people aren't javascript developers, that's why they use things like the or Java adapters, they just know how to work at the server side and when they try to copy some javascript code as shown in some examples and doesn't work they don't understand what's the problem.

So I strongly suggest to change throw '[CKEDITOR.editor] The instance "' + + '" already exists.'; to alert('[CKEDITOR.editor] The instance "' + + '" already exists.'); }

#8705 [iOS] Caret (cursor) may not appear when typing is enabled new Bug Normal

With iOS on iPad:

  1. Open the a page with CKEditor and other standard text fields (the API sample is ok for it).
  1. Tap inside a standard text field to enable editing on it.
  1. Tap inside CKEditor to enable editing on it.

Bug: Editing will be enabled in the editor (it's possible to type), but no caret will be displayed.

#8881 [iOS] Paste images does not work on iOS new Bug Normal

If you copy an image on iOS (5.1 tested), it looks like its working, but if you show the source it shows: <img src="webkit-fake-url://749E63E5-2740-41C0-BACB-512E6198931E/imagejpeg" /></p>

No one Else can see this image...

Is it possible to paste it as URI image? See:

#8947 [iOS] (iPad) copy/pasting formatted text new Bug Normal

select a text and change its font size, text color and background color. Copy the selected text to the clipboard. Change position of cursor to new line and paste clipboard content via browser's tooltip. Pasted text should have the same formatting. Instead, the only formatting that is preserved is the text background.

#8970 [iOS] Inconsistent behaviour in Editor using Jquery mobile in Safari on iOS5.1 new Bug Normal

When tapping in the editor to enable the on screen keyboard and edit the text, as well as using the next / previous control on the key board the editor does not allow text to be added.

I have tested this with the latest release of CKEditor 3.6.3 as well as and jquery-1.6.4

#8986 Delete bullet from middle of bullet list, extra space that cannot be removed. new Bug Normal

Bullet a list of 6 items. Delete the fifth bullet item from the middle of the list. Back space to attempt to rejoin the remaining bullet items to the list. There is a wider space than expected between the last 2 items. The only way to get rid of this space is to un-bullet list and re-bullet.

I am using the CKEditor Demo on iOS 5.1.1

#8987 [iOS] Can not "Select All" after Copy and Paste text in the editor new Bug Normal
  1. Select and Copy Text that already exists in edit.
  2. Paste the text further down in the editor.
  3. Focus cursor anywhere in the editor and tap twice to get the Select option menu.
  4. Attempt to choose Select All, the cursor directs to the top of the text editor, but all of the content in the editor has not been selected.

I was using iOS 5.1.1

#9011 CKFinder doesn't allow Select, Download or Upload options new Bug Normal

Using iOS5.1 on the iPad.

In any CKEditor instance, when clicking the Browse Server button CKFinder opens in a new Tab.

  1. The "Upload" button is missing and should be next to the "Refresh" button. I understand this is because of lack of iOS support of input type=file.
  1. When you try to choose a file to link to via the context menu drop down (push the down arrow in the upper left corner of the thumbnail), you can Delete, View, Resize and Rename but you cannot Select or Download.

#9271 Merge Columns new New Feature Normal

The merge and add row/column function provided is too basic . Merge a row of 10 columns needs 10 individual click to merge.

Step 1: User adds a Table with 10 columns and 3 rows. by clicking on the “Insert/Edit” Table functionality Step 2: User wants to merge the column for the table created. If the user wants to merge the columns C, D, E, and F, the user needs to perform the following steps:

  • Click each cell and right click to select “Cell”
  • Merge Right.

Problem: The user needs to perform multiple clicks in order to perform a simple merging of columns in the table. If the table has multiple columns and rows and some of the columns within certain rows need to be merged then it becomes very time-consuming.

Requested Solution: The customer expects a much more easier functionality like creating a “Table” in Microsoft Word.

#9402 [iOS] keyboard gets closed after Paste in the editor new Bug Normal
  1. Select and Copy text that already exists in the editor.
  2. Paste the text somewhere in the editor. After tapping on the Paste menu the keyboard goes away.

The bug can be reproduced using the CKEditor demo:

This bug exists in iOS 6. There is not such a bug in iOS 5.

#9407 [iOS] Flash content displays as very long rectangle on iOS 6 new Bug Normal

It looks like iOS 6 is having problems when trying to display a CKEditor-generated Flash object, or at least embedded Youtube videos.
I created the embed code using the CKEditor demo and published the resulting source here:
Attached is a screenshot of the resulting rendering on an iPhone with iOS 6.

#9460 [iOS] CKE4 nighly build; Selection lost when selecting font menu new Bug Normal

On the latest version of iOS 6, on the iPad 2 you cannot use the Rich Combo Fields, you lose your selection and the style is not applied. Steps to reproduce;

  1. Access the nightly build demo site on device (At the time of writing):
  2. Create a selection around some text (doesn't matter what text is selected, just that there is a selection of text)
  3. Tap on the 'Font' menu

Page "jumps up", selection is lost but menu appears. Cannot tap on any item in the menu, tapping on the menu items causes the menu to disappear and restore the cursor on the editor. Selection is lost; cursor seems to appear where you attempted to tap on the menu item.

Expected result:
The menu should work like the desktop experience.

#9486 Using CKEDITOR.templates for stylesheets new Bug Normal

In Moono skin we used CKEDITOR.templates to create content of CSS stylesheet. CSS uses '{' and it's also part of our wildcard, so we had to use trick to make it work.

There are couple of solutions:

  1. Escaping '{' by e.g. doubling. Note that escaping with '\' is not possible because it's also escape character in JS string.
  2. Specifying more precise regexp for template's wildcards, so e.g. only [a-zA-Z0-9]+ will be accepted.
  3. Changing wildcard format.

Solution first is ok, because it's backward compatible, but we will have to add more characters in our templates making them longer and less readable.

Third solution completely breaks backward compatibility so it's bad.

Second solution isn't fully backward compatible, but should work in 99% of cases (if we'll make good pattern) and it doesn't enlarge template and doesn't make it less readable.

#9526 [IE] Selection is not properly reflected on startup new Bug Normal
  1. Load the replacebyclass in IE;
  2. Check the toolbar status without focusing the document;
  • Actual: the toolbar is not properly given the initial states as in other browsers.
  • Expected: the toolbar should reflects the selection as if it's anchored at the start of document, this works for Firefox and Webkit.
#9556 [iOS] Can't fully exit out of list and continue adding text to editor in iOS 6.0.1 new Bug Normal

iOS6.0.1 create an ordered list


  1. lions
  2. tigers
  3. mountain lions

After the last item hit enter twice. xit the list. Start typing, the focus seems to wrap down from the last list item and what I was typing got wrapped up to the last list item rather than remaining as a new line below the list. I see this behavior when the spell check is active on the text I am typing on the new line.

I have a video demonstrating this behavior.

#9567 [iOS] Select All, selected area is not confined to the text area in iOS 6.0.1 new Bug Normal

Select all using the apple context menu.

The selection is not limited to only the text editor.

See image.

#9614 Tabletools insert column before behavior is confusing new Olek Nowodziński Bug Normal

I'm a little bit concerned about the expected behavior of "insert column before" for the following case:

| 1.1 | 1.2^ |
| 2.1 |

How it works now:

| 1.1 | &nbsp; | 1.2^ |
| 2.1 |

How it should look like in my opition:

| 1.1 | &nbsp; | 1.2^ |
| 2.1 | &nbsp; |

Most likely this is not an issue but it brings some confusion. The origin of this issue is in #9609.

#9774 HasPatch adding a body wrapper (usefull for adding (invisible) css wrappers) new New Feature Normal

This is a patch on ckeditor 3.6.2. (this is a new feature and not actually a bugfix, I call it a patch because it involves editing an existing pluging file)

This patch allows inserting html source into the wysiwyg iframe area, which you can NOT edit in the editor itself, is NOT saved in the real source, but WILL allow you to modify the appearance of the wysiwyg editor. It does this by inserting (both prepending and appending) html in the body tag of the wysiwyg editor. (Note: it only works for the NON-FULLPAGE version. luckily, you won't need it for the fullpage config.)

for example, you can add <div id="x" class="y">...</div> wrappers so included css files will work.

I use it to insert html blocks quite deep into a fairly complex website and it still works like a charm.



body#mybodyid.mybodyclass div#myIdcontainer  div.myclasscontainer1{float:right;}
body#mybodyid.mybodyclass div#myIdcontainer  div.myclasscontainer1 div.myclasscontainer2{color:#f00;font-weight:bold;}


	var myckconfig = {
		contentsCss : 'site.css?1234',	
		bodyId      : 'mybodyid',
		bodyClass   : 'mybodyclass',
		bodyPrepend : '<div id="myIdcontainer"><div class="myclasscontainer1"><div class="myclasscontainer2">',
		bodyAppend  : '</div><br style="clear:both;" /></div></div>',
<textarea class="ckeditor1">this should show up bold and red!</textarea>

#9849 Orphan <br> should be transformed into <p><br></p> new Bug Normal

We do several inline elements fixing that are found orphan inside body. This was true for <br> as well, until we reverted a fix that was causing #9167.

Because of that, I've commented out a test made for that case form dt/core/htmlparser/fragment.html, test name "test_parser_13".

It is still unclear for me the cases for this fix, but considering that we were used to do so, we should keep doing it.

I'm just unsure if this is necessary.

#9855 Better context checking for toolbar buttons new New Feature Normal

There is room the enhance the context checking we do for several toolbar buttons. While the current approach is correct, it can be optimized to better fit user's intentions, helping on the UI usability.

One good example for that is related to object selections. There is no much sense on having inline styles, like bold, enabled when an image is selected.

Let's open a discussion and analise all possible cases first.

#9928 [iOS] creating form disables text entering new Bug Normal


When using iOS to create a form, the keyboard is disabled.


  1. Use iOS5+
  2. Load the Full-featured demo (ie, 5 line toolbar)
  3. Clear the content using Source View.
  4. Switch to wysiwyg and click the Form button
  5. Insert a form and move your cursor inside of it
  6. Insert a text field in the form.

Expected result:

The cursor should be positioned after the new field and I should be able to enter new text using my keyboard.

Actual result:

The cursor is positioned after the field but I can type away and no characters are entered.

#9937 [iOS] CKEditor 3.6.3 (revision 7474) - iOS6 iPad - CK editor textarea lost the focus new Bug Normal

When user clicks in the middle of the ckditor text-area, try to type-in, only the first key pressed character is added to the text-area & text-area immediately lost the focus so keyboard hides before user press another key.

Strange thing is when user click on top place of ckeditor textarea OR click between the already written text and try to type-in, it works fine and focus remain in text-area.

Top area means, the area of <p> tag generated by the ckeditor by default.

#10026 Breaking quotes in Email replies new New Feature Normal

see article in forum: Breaking block quotes in Email replies relaated topic: Ticket #7354

Short Description: Quoted parts of messages are not allways splited, if enter is pressed, e.g. "quotes with a <div>-Tag" are not splitted.

Thunderbird or any other Email client splits the quoted part of the message, if enter is pressed.

#10101 afterUndo and afterRedo are fired on the commands new Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Bug Normal

There are two events "afterUndo" and "afterRedo" that seem like good ways to be notified about when an undo/redo operation is performed but they are trickier to use because they aren't fired on the editor but on the commands themselves:

			var undoCommand = editor.addCommand( 'undo',
					exec : function()
						if ( undoManager.undo() )
							editor.selectionChange(); 'afterUndo' );
					canUndo : false

			var redoCommand = editor.addCommand( 'redo',
					exec : function()
						if ( undoManager.redo() )
							editor.selectionChange(); 'afterRedo' );
					canUndo : false

if instead of "" the code is "" then they can be used in a normal way.

I think that this is just a typo that no one has realized so far (after all these events aren't documented in any way)

I don't think that anyone is using the current events so it shouldn't be a problem to correct them.

I guess that you won't bother about fixing this in 3.6 so I'll create a patch just for 4.0

#10180 [iOS] iPad issue with Dropdown Menus new Bug Normal

I am trying to solve an issue I have on an iPad with the dropdown menus (font, style, spellcheck, etc). On a project I am working on it is impossible to click on the options in the menu with the iPad.

The issue can be demonstrated with the following jsfiddle links: works correctly on the iPad. You are able to select the options as you would expect. does not work correctly. You cannot select any of the options from the menu.

I originally posted this to the forums at but have not gotten any replies.

#10239 Tabletools: add ability to set scope in cell attributes dialog new New Feature Normal


I was very happy to see how well CKE handles the creation of tables, and its half-automated way of creating table headers, which are essential for table accessibility, esp. for screen readers.

While CKE does a good job in "guessing" the correct directionality of table header scope, it doesn't get them right all the time, and also does not automatically create scope="colgroup" or scope="rowgroup" on merged header cells.

Thus, it would be great if you could add a dropdown to the cell attributes dialog that allows the user to specify the correct scope of a header cell (row|col|rowgroup|colgroup) without having to switch to code view, which is often overwhelming for "mere" content editors.

This dropdown would be perfectly placed following the dropdown with which one can set a cell as data or header cell.

Hoping you can take this option into consideration for the next release, and thanking you in advance!

#10583 [iOS] CKeditor 4.1.2 is not working in ipad 6.1.3 new Bug Normal

hi, I'm using ckediter version 4.1.2 in my application . it is working in every where except in ipad and iphone

I'm using Ipad -(ios- 6.1.3)

here it is display like a normal text-area, not showing the the editor options.

#10669 CKEditor follows links in WebKit-based browsers, replacing the iframe content new Bug Normal

Tested under qtwebkit 2.3.1, qtwebkit 2.3.2, qt5-webkit from Qt 5.1.0, and Safari on iPad.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open
  2. Hover any link in the editable content with the mouse pointer.
  3. Click the hovered link.

What should happen (as it does in, for example, Firefox 22.0):

  1. The cursor icon should be «text».
  2. The link should not open, the input caret should move to the clicked point.

What happens:

  1. The cursor is «pointer» (checked in qtwebkit).
  2. The link opens in the editor iframe and replaces all the content, resulting in data loss.

Workaround (jQuery-based):

/// WARNING: bloody fix for WebKit-based browsers
CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function(ev) {
	if (!CKEDITOR.env.webkit) return;
	function disableLinks() {
		var content = $(ev.editor.document.$.defaultView.frameElement).contents();
		content.find('body.cke_editable').on('click', 'a', function() {
			return false;
	ev.editor.on('mode', function() {
		if (this.mode === 'wysiwyg')
#10819 [iOS] Hitting return will cause all text below cursor to delete new Bug Normal

Hitting return enough times in a CKEditor field will cause all text below cursor to delete, and will continue to delete text below cursor when pressing return. This is also reproducible using the demo you have online following these steps:

  • Go to on an ipad:
  • Click into CKEditor several lines into text (around Broadcasting and quotes). Hit return 10 or more times.
  • Result: Text below initial point is removed and hitting return further deletes any text added.
#10820 [iOS] Calling insertText switches CKEditor into "Read Only" mode new Bug Normal

After using the CKEditor function insertText on an editor that already contains text, the CKEditor seems to go into a "Read Only" type mode.

Text can be read and selected but no typing is allowed. This can happen after insertText is used once, but happens more frequently when it is used several times.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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