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Results (201 - 300 of 2591)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#8761 Better support for pasting from Open Office confirmed New Feature Normal
#5597 Better validation in the colorbutton plugin confirmed Bug Normal
#12528 Bidi and Language plugins incompatibility confirmed Bug Normal
#14657 Bidi - Arabic UI - Image Properties window Perview section not translated into Arabic confirmed Bug Normal
#14661 Bidi - Arabic UI - Some Icons are missed Mirroring confirmed Bug Normal
#6677 BIDI: IE6 Cursor missing from Editor body when we click on RTL icon with out focusing in Editor body confirmed Bug Low
#14306 BIDI: Missing support for Arabic (Arabic Indic) numeric digits in CKEditor new New Feature Normal
#14652 Bidi - Replace Icon in Arabic UI is not correctly mirrored confirmed Bug Normal
#13627 [bidi] Structure text is not supported in URL fields in Insert image dialogs pending Bug Normal
#14653 Bidi - Template window in Arabic UI should be translated into arabic confirmed Bug Normal
#14319 BIDI: When locale is set to Arabic, Font Size combo displays Arabic-European digits confirmed Bug Normal
#8280 big amount of invalid content slows down SCAYT (chrome) confirmed Bug Normal
#14759 Big images makes editor scroll top on input in iPad with iOS 9.3.2 confirmed Bug Normal
#11923 [Blink] Caret is rendered at wrong location when editable region ends with a non-editable region confirmed Bug Normal
#11365 Blink crashes if right clicking on mapped image confirmed Bug Normal
#14435 [Blink] Cursor disappears on removing selection confirmed Bug Normal
#13717 [Blink] Editor loses selection when accessing context menu via Mac's ctrl+click assigned Tade0 Bug Normal
#14391 [Blink, FF] Alignment/Indentation/Language direction lost when we copy & paste review kkrzton Bug Normal
#14358 [Blink, FF] Block Elements removed when we copy & paste review kkrzton Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#10949 [Blink Firefox] Readonly editor elementspath selection doesn't select as expected. confirmed Bug Normal
#16956 [blink] Focus placement issue with inline widget new Bug Normal
#11610 [Blink] It is not possible to select text in with Shift+Click in link. confirmed Bug Normal
#14353 [Blink] It is possible to select content outside nested editable confirmed Bug Normal
#14257 [Blink] Pasting from MS Word leaves <![endif]--> confirmed Bug Normal
#11261 [Blink] Problem with textarea in paragraph confirmed Bug Normal
#14501 [Blink] Range.enlarge behaves different with empty blocks. confirmed Bug Normal
#11272 [Blink] Two paragraphs after one enter before <hr> confirmed Bug Normal
#12139 [Blink, Webkit]: Can't delete inline styles with Ctrl+A Backsapce/Del confirmed Bug Normal
#13224 Blink/Webkit change formatting of inline styles when removing them and don't remove them completely. confirmed Bug Normal
#11442 [Blink, Webkit, IE11] Comments inside iframe tags get messed up confirmed Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Low
#12410 [Blink, Webkit] Pasting plain text into styles text is causing text formatting lost. confirmed Bug Normal
#12618 Block alignment buttons during upload confirmed Bug Normal
#12091 Blocking ability to drop content in specific container confirmed New Feature Normal
#14412 <blockquote> breaks into 2 <blockquote> when you increase indent for Blockquote confirmed Bug Normal
#9984 Blockquote with enterMode = ckeditor.ENTER_BR and autoParagraph = false creates <p> tags confirmed Bug Normal
#11023 Blocks and objects names should be taken from DTD in core/style.js confirmed Task Normal
#14250 Block Styles are not copied to new line confirmed Bug Normal
#14722 Block Widget inside Lists disappear on enter. confirmed Bug Normal
#12998 'blur' event lost when destroying confirmed Bug Normal
#7452 bodyClass and bodyId not applied to combobox (e.g. styles or format) confirmed Bug Normal
#9808 Bogus <br> is inserted after nested table confirmed Bug Normal
#8686 Bold, Italic, Underline plugins not detecting formatting using style element confirmed Bug Normal
#10411 Bookmarks are rooted to documentElement. confirmed Bug Normal
#881 borders in a cell confirmed New Feature Normal
#14622 Borders lost when pasting from libre office calc from Chrome Windows - config.allowedContent off or with ACF filters confirmed Bug Normal
#10026 Breaking quotes in Email replies new New Feature Normal
#13024 break on backspace with arabic/persian languanges confirmed Bug Normal
#14331 BR Enter Mode: New list item not created when we press ENTER at end of list item confirmed Bug Normal
#11700 Bringing accessibility support for widgets confirmed Bug Normal
#9203 <br> inside <body> tag crashes CKEditor confirmed Bug Normal
#10765 Broken form submit with inline-textarea confirmed Bug Normal
#10885 Broken path to an anchor when CKEditor is located in a directory with a space confirmed Bug Normal
#10602 Browse button in Image dialog misaligned confirmed Bug Normal
#14767 Browser becomes unresponsive at the input of the multi-byte character confirmed Bug Normal
#16734 Browser crash in Safari 10.0.1 when CKEditor is given a particular template confirmed Bug Normal
#9156 Browser Difference: removing paragraph between two lists is inconsistent confirmed Bug Normal
#9414 Browser hangs and crashes when editing some valid HTML combination confirmed Bug Normal
#8551 Browser hangs with with certain combination html (meta/link) and 'enterMode' confirmed Bug Normal
#9650 "Browse server" button is not aligned to the URL field confirmed Bug Normal
#12209 BR tag replacement seems to be to agressive confirmed Bug Normal
#10431 BR tag replacement seems to be to agressive. confirmed Bug Normal
#11392 br tags are removed when switching to source an back. assigned kkrzton Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#8760 BR tags get removed when switching from source and back. confirmed Bug Normal
#13240 <br> vs \n in side a <pre> confirmed Bug Normal
#10591 Bug-Fix bbcode plugin: Font-Size confirmed Bug Normal
#14933 Buggy behaviour when getting current selected node indexes new Bug Normal
#13666 buggy copy + paste confirmed Bug Normal
#16891 Bug in CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.prototype.add new Bug Normal
#12281 Bug in Core.Editable isInline() function when using the editor inside an iFrame confirmed Bug Normal
#12490 Bug of MathJax plugin confirmed Bug Normal
#16985 Bugs with colors new Bug Normal
#13287 bug with table content drag-and-drop - removes the cells confirmed Bug Normal
#10344 build-config.js invalid to rebuild confirmed Bug Normal
#11673 Builder ignores languages set for plugins confirmed Bug Normal
#9595 Builder must define CKEDITOR.lang.languages confirmed Bug Normal
#844 Bullet Color confirmed New Feature Normal
#9173 Bulleted list properties context option is missing/unnecessary confirmed Bug Normal
#12274 Bulleted/numbered list applied to description list breaks HTML confirmed Bug Normal
#8362 Bullet list, options dialog, wrong size of content in V2 & Office skins confirmed Bug Normal
#11070 Bullet point content loses font style/size (Possibly other settings) given various scenarios confirmed Bug Normal
#5085 Bullet points duplicated on single line confirmed Bug Normal
#9437 Button for commenting/uncommenting part of source confirmed New Feature Normal
#14271 By pressing ENTER below a table in an enumerated list item, the whole list item will be deleted confirmed Bug Normal
#11019 calling destroy() throws an error when image dialog is open confirmed Bug Normal
#7824 Cannot call method 'split' of undefined on CKEDITOR.replace confirmed Bug Normal
#11411 Cannot change nested list type in blockquote confirmed Bug Normal
#10490 Cannot create two 'textColor' button in toolbar confirmed Bug Normal
#6672 Cannot "cut" the form element on top of the page confirmed Bug Normal
#8008 Cannot delete horizontal rule via backspace confirmed Bug Normal
#12778 Cannot delete paragraph before and after a widget confirmed Bug Normal
#12250 Cannot disable auto inline functionality when CKEditor is being loaded via Ajax pending Bug Normal
#11154 Cannot disable list in blockque confirmed Bug Normal
#8999 Cannot edit label elements confirmed Bug Normal
#8958 can not escape style for a whole line in firefox confirmed Bug Normal
#14534 Cannot read property 'blockLimit' of null review Tade0 Bug Normal
#5233 Can not remove blockquote that was written in source mode or as default text confirmed Bug Normal
#6120 Cannot Reorder CKEditor confirmed Bug Normal
#16727 Cannot select all if non-editable element on the beginning/end of the content on mobile Chrome and Safari (Android, iOS) confirmed Bug Normal
#12432 Can not select element after setting font size on it. confirmed Bug Normal
#10682 Cannot set tablet headers back to None on table with one row confirmed Bug Normal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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