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Results (501 - 600 of 2591)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#8237 CK Editor doesn't support translation of keystroke names confirmed Bug Normal
#8243 CKEDITOR assumes basepath will include protocol confirmed Bug Normal
#8252 Inner duplicated style is not being removed confirmed Bug Normal
#8260 Change from raising error to show an alert if instance exists new Bug Normal
#8267 protectedSource is removed when it is the only source confirmed Bug Normal
#8271 CKEditor toolbar becomes invisible when using Tab key and Maximize toolbar button confirmed Bug Normal
#8273 Pasting into empty bullet doesn't behave as expected - FF/IE9 confirmed Bug Normal
#8278 Opera: In Table dialog values for rows & columns not shown in Rows & Columns fields confirmed Bug Normal
#8280 big amount of invalid content slows down SCAYT (chrome) confirmed Bug Normal
#8281 Internet Explorer 7.x crashes when changing an item from a bulleted list into numbered list confirmed Bug Normal
#8288 Internet Explorer will not run blank javascript function as per documentation confirmed Bug Normal
#8303 IE8: can't delete whole text before an anchor. confirmed Bug Normal
#8306 FF : Custom attributes on links dropped during copy/paste confirmed Bug Normal
#8307 [iOS] Maximize is broken confirmed Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#8308 [iOS] There is no scrollbar on toolbar combos confirmed Bug Normal
#8309 [iOS] Selection marker and ballon remain over toolbar panels confirmed Bug Normal
#8310 [iOS] It's not (always) possible to close toolbar combos without selecting one item confirmed Bug Normal
#8311 [iOS] There is no way to open the context menu confirmed Bug Normal
#8312 [iOS] SCAYT blocks typing confirmed Bug Normal
#8313 [iOS] Dialogs in the wrong are not draggable confirmed Bug Normal
#8314 [iOS] Dialog fields don't get focus when opened confirmed Bug Normal
#8315 [iOS] Editing area grows with no scrollbar confirmed Bug Normal
#8316 [iOS] Resizer is not draggable confirmed Bug Normal
#8318 [iOS] Copy/Paste balloon hide toolbar options confirmed Bug Normal
#8319 [iOS][Android] The divreplace sample doesn't work confirmed Bug Normal
#8320 [iOS] The tableresize plugin is not usable confirmed Bug Normal
#8322 [IE] Performance problems with nested documents confirmed Bug Normal
#8323 FF 4: In HC mode, No Visual Focus when we tab to Check boxes & Combo boxes on all the dialogs confirmed Bug Normal
#8325 Error Message not displayed when we enter invalid CSS in Styles field confirmed Bug Normal
#8332 Chrome : link not inserted in correct position when we make a selection for the first time. confirmed Bug Normal
#8334 Strange behaviour, missing line confirmed Bug Normal
#8335 javascript error regularly in this situation confirmed Bug Normal
#8338 Opera: link not inserted in correct position when we have image before cursor position (CORE-14592) confirmed Bug Normal
#8346 Focus after close dropdown confirmed Bug Normal
#8351 Image not visible in page preview confirmed Bug Normal
#8358 Safari & Chrome : Paste options are enabled & Paste option shown in context menu when Clipboard is empty confirmed Bug Normal
#8360 UI color picker - units are placed on dialog border or labels overlap text fields confirmed Bug Normal
#8361 [Opera] Wrong cursor position occurs after editing link confirmed Bug Normal
#8362 Bullet list, options dialog, wrong size of content in V2 & Office skins confirmed Bug Normal
#8363 Selected Style and Font not visible in V2 and office skin confirmed Bug Normal
#8365 List item breakage in IE8 confirmed Bug Normal
#8375 onfocus: Input text selection not cleared in Chrome confirmed Bug Normal
#8382 [IE] PageUp and PageDown not working confirmed Bug Normal
#8385 Problem when switching between multiple instances of ckeditor confirmed Bug Normal
#8386 IE: When copying and pasting a table, an empty <p> is appended on output confirmed Bug Normal
#8388 CTRL-V Paste with Opera going to top of editor confirmed Bug Normal
#8398 customConfig applied to second instance of CKEditor may apply to both or only one editor. confirmed Bug Normal
#8402 SSI-style HTML comments inside href attributes are broken when Source button is clicked confirmed Bug Normal
#8405 'mode' event documentation needs minor correction assigned Anna Tomanek Bug Normal
#8411 Losing formatting on backspace confirmed Bug Normal
#8412 Opera: insertElement() not working as expected for inline elements confirmed Bug Normal
#8416 IE: toolbar buttons don't respect cursor location. confirmed Bug Normal
#8418 do feature detection of paste event support before simulating a paste event confirmed Bug Normal
#8425 IE8 IE9: Selection Defect with contentEditable = "false" and unselectable = "on" confirmed Bug Normal
#8426 Strings for specialchar plugin added directly to editor.lang instead of editor.lang.specialChar confirmed Bug Normal
#8428 Copyright header missing from specialchar\lang\en.js confirmed Bug Normal
#8441 Selection not updating when moving from left -> right confirmed Bug Normal
#8445 dialog.getSelectedElement() returns wrong element when element selected is within a table for 3.6.2, Firefox confirmed Bug Normal
#8446 IE8 - Unable to place cursor after image confirmed Bug Normal
#8448 CSS errors in FF 7.01 using CKEditor 3.6.2 confirmed Bug Normal
#8453 Linebreak after image in Opera brings image down confirmed Bug Normal
#8458 Ctrl + B can't work in this situation and javascript error is prompted confirmed Bug Normal
#8462 Unnecessary paragraph gets created when trying to join two paragraphs using backspace confirmed Webkit Bug Normal
#8466 Customized filebrowser button is not open dialog for file selection confirmed Bug Normal
#8467 <p> belongs with <br> at the end of list cause javascript error - nodeValue.length is null confirmed Bug Normal
#8469 Id attribute get lost confirmed Bug Normal
#8470 existing link can not be modified confirmed Bug Normal
#8471 Webkit: When Copy/Paste Table Cell It Gets Pasted in next Column confirmed Bug Normal
#8473 JS error will cause CKEDITOR instances to not update their data to the iframe. confirmed Bug Normal
#8476 Adding an anchor deletes the character to the right of anchor confirmed Bug Normal
#8481 switching between source and wysiwyg introduces gratuitous white space confirmed Bug Normal
#8482 DispHTMLUnknownElement with invalid code confirmed Bug Normal
#8485 SCAYT selection bug confirmed Bug Normal
#8498 First word in webspelchecker not automatic selected in IE9 confirmed Bug Normal
#8502 we can't shift+Tab out of the editor if there is no focusable element before the editor confirmed Bug Normal
#8507 Invalid width of CKEditor when width is set to 100% confirmed Bug Normal
#8517 Selection Field content is broken in firefox when clicked on left , right justification plugins. confirmed Bug Normal
#8518 Text around editor highlights during resize event confirmed Bug Normal
#8521 IE: Pictures are not visible in preview for Flash Dialog confirmed Bug Normal
#8522 Safari: Flash content not visible in page preview. confirmed Bug Normal
#8525 Not possible to edit selected element confirmed Bug Normal
#8526 [Webkit] Unlink Highlighted Object leaves empty Anchor confirmed Bug Normal
#8532 ckeditor in IE local intranet does not work well with internet zone Active Scripting security is disabled confirmed Bug Normal
#8533 Carriage return disappears confirmed Bug Normal
#8536 Safari/ Chrome: Default Alignment not shown for the text in editor. confirmed Bug Normal
#8541 Wrong selection after deleted last character after contenteditable span confirmed Bug Normal
#8548 Cursor position on FF4+ different from FF 3.6 & other browsers confirmed Bug Normal
#8549 [IE, Webkit] can not delete selected text in table contents confirmed Bug Normal
#8550 [ALL] inconsistent cursor about table confirmed Bug Normal
#8551 Browser hangs with with certain combination html (meta/link) and 'enterMode' confirmed Bug Normal
#8552 Spaces lost on copying during editing confirmed Bug Normal
#8554 Safari: Collapse toolbar and Font and Size will be reset confirmed Bug Normal
#8561 Unexpected lists get created when selecting nested divs confirmed Bug Normal
#8570 setReadOnly in combination with getSnapshot throws an error in IE confirmed Bug Normal
#8576 Editor stays on page if removed quickly enough in AJAX sample which results in two editors on one page confirmed Bug Normal
#8579 Chrome Bug while pasting html confirmed Bug Normal
#8589 Safari & Chrome : Copying & Pasting first table row with headers & some cells with rowspan > 1 not working confirmed Bug Normal
#8620 Chrome: left arrow jumps location after using style commands confirmed Bug Normal
#8621 WYSIWYG focus fails on Opera Mobile and Kindle Silk browsers confirmed Bug Normal
#8635 htmlParser not recognizing self closing tags without space before /> confirmed Bug Normal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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