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Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#14604 [Skin building] Some versions of ImageMagic may corrupt icons while processing. confirmed Task Low
#17036 Localize uicolor plugin predefined color set. confirmed Task Low
#14262 [mathjax] Add scrollbar inside dialog for mathjax preview wider than viewport confirmed New Feature Normal
#14299 [mathjax] MathJax dialog not updating on mouse paste confirmed Bug Normal
#14321 [FF] Selection from native getSelection inconsistent with other browsers. confirmed Bug Normal
#14337 [IE] Proper selection restoring after modification of text while unfocused confirmed Bug Normal
#14386 Unify compositable input change events confirmed New Feature Normal
#14393 New line after styled elements creates inline context which breaks pasting block elements. confirmed Bug Normal
#14397 [IE] Block Elements removed when we copy & paste confirmed Bug Normal
#14406 [IE] Alignment/Indentation/Language direction lost when we copy & paste confirmed Bug Normal
#14455 Control id attribute when pasting html to editor. confirmed New Feature Normal
#14501 [Blink] Range.enlarge behaves different with empty blocks. confirmed Bug Normal
#14551 Add documentation to richcombo and listblock plugins. confirmed Task Normal
#14631 [IE/Edge] Colordialog - focus moves to colors on "clear" button click confirmed Bug Normal
#14643 [Chrome][Android][AC] Pop-up window misplaced when view enlarged confirmed Bug Normal
#14644 [Safari][iOS][AC] Minimized AC window hides under virtual keyboard. confirmed Bug Normal
#14654 [Webkit/Blink] Empty line is removed when changing selection after inline widget removal. confirmed Bug Normal
#14675 On change event is not fired on first content remove after D'n'D confirmed Bug Normal
#14827 [Edge] Editor viewport is scrolled back to the top when focusing editor for the first time. confirmed Bug Normal
#14844 [WebKit] Image2 throws IndexSizeError while undoing deletion of partially uploaded image confirmed Bug Normal
#14847 [Safari] Scrolls editor viewport to the top and changes selection after confirming cancelling changes in a dialog confirmed Bug Normal
#16472 [IE/Edge] Bold (and other style tags) are applied multiple times confirmed Bug Normal
#16491 Moono-lisa Image dialog - invisible preview border confirmed Bug Normal
#16492 Moono-lisa Image dialog - reduce empty space confirmed Task Normal
#16618 [IE11][FF][CF] Styling could not be reapplied on a simple click review_failed kkrzton Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.1
#16622 Balloonpanel first appearance arrow rendered in a wrong position. confirmed Bug Normal
#16637 Anchor disappears when dropped into widget editable region confirmed Bug Normal
#16638 [iOS] Support for copyformatting plugin confirmed New Feature Normal
#16640 [iOS] Balloonpanel does not update its position when in inserting text mode. confirmed Bug Normal
#16641 [iOS] Balloonpanel position misplaced on init for inline editor. confirmed Bug Normal
#16642 [iOS] Widget fake selection is not correctly removed. confirmed Bug Normal
#16658 Placeholder widget losses styling after switching to source mode. confirmed Bug Normal
#16662 Stylescombo not updated after applying/removing styles to widget. confirmed Bug Normal
#16664 Setting two styles with the same name for different widgets is not properly handled by stylescombo plugin. confirmed Bug Normal
#16683 Balloonpanel should handle non-existent styles. confirmed New Feature Normal
#16718 [IE11][CF] Styles applied to the wrong node when CF used exactly on the same position for the second time. confirmed Bug Normal
#16724 [Safari] Can't focus widget's editable confirmed Bug Normal
#16726 Cannot undo after removing uploading image. confirmed Bug Normal
#16740 Native spell checking always active in Source mode confirmed Bug Normal
#16768 [WebKit][FF] Normalize behaviour of styles combo on link boundaries confirmed Bug Normal
#16788 [IE10] IndexSizeError while aborting image upload via undo/redo confirmed Bug Normal
#16789 [Safari] Cannot insert widget if focused before widget on the beginning of the content confirmed Bug Normal
#16917 Creating list inside widget splits widget and creates nested structures with ENTER_BR mode. confirmed Bug Normal
#16977 Font plugin should also transform `font` element with style attributes. confirmed Task Normal
#17016 Extract colorpicker from colordialog. confirmed Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.1
#17031 Cannot type after selecting whole content and changing its format. confirmed Bug Normal
#17032 It's possible to replace readonly content after select all. confirmed Bug Normal
#17046 [Safari] Tab/Shift+Tab does not blur classic editor. confirmed Bug Normal
#17047 [TI] Hovering over table after one selected throws an error. confirmed Bug Normal
#17051 [TI] Select all on only table content creates native selection. confirmed Bug Normal
#16719 Widgetselection plugin improvements - follow up of #11064 confirmed Task Nice to have (we want to work on it)
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