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Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#10796 [IE] Text selection to end of caption causes JS error confirmed Bug Normal
#10824 Languages plugin - can't nest language markup confirmed Bug Normal
#10988 [FF] Widgets: Caret goes outside of contenteditable on home/end keys confirmed Bug Normal
#11113 [IE] Elementspath does not display valid path for first click after selectall confirmed Bug Normal
#11117 Widget editables - does not prevent from dropping unsuportted markup confirmed Bug Normal
#11118 Widgets drag handler is marked in selection when it's not visible confirmed Bug Normal
#11122 [IE] Widgets exception after native context menu + widget blur confirmed Bug Normal
#11158 [IE10@Win8] Dnd of inline widgets throw an exception in Win8 confirmed Bug Normal
#11247 Dead code in htmldataprocessor.html TC assigned Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal
#11259 Pressing down arrow when menu containing richcobmo is focused, will not move focus to first potion confirmed Bug Normal
#11261 [Blink] Problem with textarea in paragraph confirmed Bug Normal
#11323 [FF] preview does not display images confirmed Bug Normal
#11408 [FF][IE11] Opening preview using keyboard triggers popup blocker confirmed Bug Normal
#11410 [FF] jQuery sample, maximize + minimize framed editor allows to edit whole page confirmed Bug Normal
#11428 Elementspath entries should not be dragable confirmed Bug Normal
#11429 [IE11] Can't place space at the beginning of text input confirmed Bug Normal
#11433 [IE11] Image - crashes upon editing image properties confirmed Bug Normal
#11434 [IE] Exception thrown while pasting page break confirmed Bug Normal
#11589 Invalid focus in link to anchor dialog confirmed Bug Normal
#11687 [FF] Caret position reset when clicking editable confirmed Bug Normal
#11691 [IE8] Can not expand selection when caret is at the end of a inline element confirmed Bug Normal
#11700 Bringing accessibility support for widgets confirmed Bug Normal
#11765 Editor does not show in divreplace sample, when clicked between paragraphs. confirmed Bug Normal
#11786 [IE8] codesnippetgeshi does not print new lines correctly confirmed Bug Normal
#11791 Can't change target anchor using id selector (in link dialog) review kkrzton Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#11795 [FF] Ctrl+backspace inside table removes too much stuff confirmed Bug Normal
#11810 [IE] Widgets drag container allows to put text in it confirmed Bug Normal
#11842 Invalid element given in a parameter for contextMenu.addListener listener. confirmed Bug Normal
#11954 Invalid selection after deleting a table. confirmed Bug Normal
#11963 Can't replace block widgets with anchor confirmed Bug Normal
#11966 [IE] Compatibility view: Caret goes outside of the last block element, when showblocks is enabled confirmed Bug Normal
#12181 Dropdown markers not grayed out when in readonly mode confirmed Bug Normal
#12184 [IE] config.disableObjectResizing doesn't working after drag and drop confirmed Bug Normal
#12292 Accessibility: better support for tables confirmed Bug Normal
#12312 [FF] An extra BR added to the elementspath confirmed Bug Normal
#12635 Keypress show that undo is available despite real undo count confirmed Bug Normal
#12656 Unnecessary space added to table class attribute review Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal
#12846 No block wrapper after removing table confirmed Bug Normal
#13044 Focus trap inside dialog tabs confirmed Bug Normal
#13417 [autoembed][pastetext] Paste as plain text will upcast link into a widget confirmed Bug Normal
#13826 [FF] Wrong caret position after removing characters confirmed Bug Normal
#13844 Add a contribution guide to the repository assigned Anna Tomanek Bug Normal
#13871 Dialog's control access keys are not discoverable confirmed Bug Normal
#14254 Wrong label for Cell Properties height input confirmed Bug Normal
#14371 [Webkit] Wrong paragraphs inserted on select all + enter confirmed Bug Normal
#14557 [iOS] Long lines are not broken in the editable confirmed Bug Normal
#14619 Unable to resize editor on mobile confirmed Tade0 Bug Normal
#14624 Applying toolbar buttons should keep focus when pressed confirmed Bug Normal
#14630 Failing magicline test on hidpi screen confirmed Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.1
#14744 [Safari] Failing embedbase tests assigned kkrzton Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#14848 [IE8] link plugin test fails confirmed Bug Normal
#14849 [QM] Editor does not load up in IE9 QM confirmed Bug Normal
#16471 Update hidpi settings when it changes confirmed Bug Normal
#16621 Missing keystroke for copy formatting command confirmed Bug Normal
#16689 Special char dialog entries unnecessarily encoded confirmed Bug Normal
#16743 [Edge] PFW generic tests confirmed Bug Must have (possibly next milestone)
#16823 Tabletools and liststyle should not force custom context menu confirmed Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#16829 [IE11] Missing text justification in some cases when content is pasted from Word confirmed Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#16872 [Edge][PFW] Multi number markers lists not pasted correctly confirmed Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.1
#17029 Reassign startFiller/endFiller in widget selection more often confirmed Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.1
#11363 Unify tests using multiple editor modes confirmed New Feature Normal
#11503 [Umbrella] Further widgets integration with ACF confirmed New Feature Normal
#11735 Adding a tab support inside codesnippet dialog confirmed New Feature Normal
#11775 Codesnippet plugin should allow to specify custom path for highlight.js confirmed New Feature Normal
#11824 sourcedialog / codesnippet textarea enhancement confirmed New Feature Normal
#12682 Add a return value for scrollIntoView review_failed Marek Lewandowski New Feature Normal
#14749 Provide a hotkey formats like headers confirmed New Feature Normal
#16706 UI Tooltips confirmed New Feature Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#11403 Create tests for menubutton aria support confirmed Task Normal
#12191 Create tests and docs for node.getNextSourceNode and node.getPreviousSourceNode methods assigned Marek Lewandowski Task Normal
#12234 Missing dialog#iframeAdded event confirmed Task Normal
#14348 Register CKEditor dev version to npm assigned Marek Lewandowski Task Normal
#14365 Refactor editor#getSelectedHtml confirmed Task Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#14520 SDK sample for balloonpanel confirmed Task Normal
#16877 Feature detection for clipboard.isCustomDataTypesSupported confirmed Task Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#16878 Use ESLint instead JSCS confirmed Task Nice to have (we want to work on it)
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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