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Results (1 - 100 of 110)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#16983 Maximize does not work s expected when classic and inline editors are mixed on the same page confirmed Bug Normal
#16782 Add ES6 compatibility to CKBuilder confirmed New Feature Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#16744 Drag&drop of multiple files results in an error: The given range isn't in document confirmed Bug Normal
#13612 [mathjax] long formula causes dialog window to go out of the viewport review kkrzton Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#13478 Rethink if entries like "ID" should be translatable at all confirmed Task Normal
#13325 New plugin: source code validator confirmed New Feature Normal
#13205 Advanced Toolbar Configurator on wide screens new Task Normal
#13204 It's hard to notice where one can edit anything in the Advanced Toolbar Configurator confirmed Bug Normal
#12979 [FF] Preview does not work when CKEditor is loaded from a different domain confirmed Bug Normal
#12779 There should be a way to drag&drop widget into a table cell confirmed New Feature Normal
#12778 Cannot delete paragraph before and after a widget confirmed Bug Normal
#12775 Create a visual handler for dragging & droping tables confirmed New Feature Normal
#12764 Pasting pure text in Chrome causes weird results confirmed Bug Normal
#12759 Colordialog plugin uses class name that may result in names collision confirmed Bug Normal
#12374 Widget dialogs - provide an easy way to access edited widget in onOk / onShow confirmed New Feature Normal
#12343 ACF does not play well with basicstyles confirmed Bug Normal
#12294 Extend the list of entries in lang.common confirmed Task Normal
#12246 Highlight the default value in richcombo if default label is set confirmed New Feature Normal
#12174 It should be possible to detect CKEditor version on the server side confirmed New Feature Normal
#12167 The save plugin needs improvements confirmed Bug Normal
#12127 Wrong behavior when applying object styles - existing inline styles are removed confirmed New Feature Normal
#12044 iOS: unable to apply (Bold) style when typing quickly after selecting a style new Bug Normal
#11665 Include the showborders plugin in the Standard preset assigned Piotrek Koszuliński Task Normal CKEditor 4.4.0
#11625 Start using different hashes instead of timestamp for loading resources (via getUrl) review Artur Delura New Feature Normal
#11624 toolbarGroups - impossible to remove subgroup that has the same name as group confirmed Bug Normal
#11614 Warnings about deprecated API usage in strict-mode confirmed Bug Normal
#11343 Drag&drop: inline widgets disappear when forcePasteAsPlainText is set confirmed Bug Normal
#11339 Inline editing: width / height configuration options do not work confirmed New Feature Normal
#11322 Impossible to delete some block elements at the beginning of content confirmed New Feature Normal
#11286 Panels are too narrow confirmed Bug Normal
#11190 Updated missing meta information for language files confirmed Task Normal
#11162 "Ctrl + A" and then "Del" works differently in FF and Chrome confirmed Bug Normal
#11156 Increase the default width of Font Size combo confirmed New Feature Normal
#10885 Broken path to an anchor when CKEditor is located in a directory with a space confirmed Bug Normal
#10820 [iOS] Calling insertText switches CKEditor into "Read Only" mode new Bug Normal
#10819 [iOS] Hitting return will cause all text below cursor to delete new Bug Normal
#10697 CKBuilder: add a flag to mark parts of code needed in release version for tests confirmed New Feature Normal
#10161 Docprops plugin requires colordialog confirmed Bug Normal
#10159 Sourcedialog and Sourcearea plugins - better interoperability needed? confirmed Bug Normal
#10142 CKBuilder: Closure Compiler thinks native is a reserved keyword confirmed Bug Normal
#10017 Remove obsolete _translationstatus.txt files confirmed Task Normal
#10014 Promote better "API Changes in CKEditor 4" confirmed Task Normal
#10005 Offer a simpler way to enable external plugins confirmed New Feature Low
#9870 Moono skin: uiColor not working properly if color name is provided confirmed Bug Normal
#9867 [IE10] Dialog buttons - the arrow for "OK" button is outside of the button confirmed Bug Normal
#9680 The "Maximize" feature should not be a toolbar button confirmed New Feature Normal
#9650 "Browse server" button is not aligned to the URL field confirmed Bug Normal
#9591 Smiley dialog - is the dark background for smileys really needed? confirmed Bug Normal
#9254 [Webkits] Checkbox is rendered on the right of cursor confirmed Bug Normal
#9157 About dialog: no hover effect for the Cancel button. confirmed Bug Normal
#8897 CKPackager: possible issue with variable declarations confirmed Bug Normal
#8854 [IE] A Japanese key input is repeated (when enter mode is set to BR) confirmed Bug Normal
#8785 There is no option like CKEDITOR.config.forcePasteFromWord confirmed New Feature Normal
#8507 Invalid width of CKEditor when width is set to 100% confirmed Bug Normal
#8161 IE9: an iframe without doctype causes problem with combo elements confirmed Bug Normal
#8123 Spellchecker: provide an option to pass sensitive data using POST request confirmed New Feature Normal
#8066 [enterBr] Inserting page break / horizontal line creates a paragraph confirmed Bug Normal
#8027 IE Quirks: problem with typing text after inserting an anchor confirmed Bug Normal
#7974 IE: "Image properties" not available in the context menu in a floating element confirmed Bug Normal
#7973 Editor scrolls to the top when opening the context menu in a floating element confirmed Bug Normal
#7934 IE: Image dialog is unable to load image properties inside of a floating element review Garry Yao Bug Normal
#7925 CKEditor for .NET not being able to save review kaga Bug Normal
#7813 Unable to apply more than one style to selected text confirmed Bug Normal
#7638 Unable to apply style to the <strong> element confirmed Bug Normal
#7537 [Safari][Mac]: unable to switch to source mode after moving an image confirmed Bug Normal
#7456 Problem with editing links when text follows immediately the link confirmed Bug Normal
#7453 Output for Flash sample: list is not aligned to the right confirmed Bug Normal
#7380 Line breaks in list items are lost when followed by another list review Garry Yao Bug Normal
#7367 Unable to remove style at end of block confirmed Bug Normal
#7118 SCAYT: options dialog is not translated confirmed Bug Normal
#7103 api_dialog sample could be improved confirmed Task Normal
#7086 RTL: exiting from the list is counterintuitive confirmed Bug Normal
#7069 [enterBr] Unused block element left when style is removed confirmed Bug Normal
#7053 Firefox: right arrow does not close the link confirmed Bug Normal
#6875 CKReleaser should properly compress filters in CSS files confirmed Bug Normal
#6853 Safari: selected element is not fully removed confirmed Bug Normal
#6620 Safari: cursor not blinking after input type text/password confirmed Bug Normal
#6619 Safari: up/down arrow keys issue when working with cells confirmed Bug Normal
#6556 Image and Title template - cursor is not visible confirmed Bug Normal
#6555 Spell checker: unable to correct mistakes in large documents confirmed Bug Normal
#6541 Safari: HTML compliant output sample - empty styles added to paragraphs confirmed Bug Normal
#6317 [Safari] Check Spelling dialog - JavaScript warnings confirmed Bug Normal
#6294 insertHtml: support for custom (invalid) HTML tags confirmed Bug Normal
#6268 Tables causing problems with selection after switching to source mode and back confirmed Bug Normal
#6160 CKEditor and nice urls confirmed New Feature Normal
#6119 Web Spell Checker - "finish checking" takes ages to finish confirmed Bug Normal
#6040 CKLangtool should accept double quotes assigned Wiktor Walc Bug Normal
#5922 Invalid height of a dialog in IE7 confirmed Bug Normal
#5777 JS error when fullPage is set to true and the title tag is missing confirmed Bug Normal
#5773 SCAYT: Memory leak in IE confirmed Bug Normal
#5754 Fixlineneds: allow file-specific configuration confirmed Task Normal
#5597 Better validation in the colorbutton plugin confirmed Bug Normal
#5535 Stack overlow in IE6 when pasting strange HTML confirmed Bug Normal
#5405 Line breaks are sometimes lost when ignoreEmptyParagraph is set to false confirmed Bug Normal
#5389 Invalid handling of font tags confirmed Bug Normal
#5286 Page break visible on a printed page confirmed Bug Normal
#4921 CKEditor - broken layout in IE when specific CSS is used on a web site confirmed Bug Normal
#4920 Script tags are not indented in the output HTML confirmed Bug Normal
#4815 Changing table rows should be easier confirmed New Feature Normal
#4751 Creating forms: add button to create file input element confirmed New Feature Normal
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