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Results (401 - 443 of 443)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#6553 The Find and Replace dialog does not submit on the Enter key confirmed Normal UI : Dialogs
#9680 The "Maximize" feature should not be a toolbar button confirmed Normal General
#8785 There is no option like CKEDITOR.config.forcePasteFromWord confirmed Normal Core : Pasting
#13852 There is no way to disable the font and fontsize button on the toolbar confirmed Normal General
#839 There should be a button that insert BR with CLEAR="ALL" confirmed Normal General
#12779 There should be a way to drag&drop widget into a table cell confirmed Normal General
#3318 There should be some guarantee at plugin loading order review Garry Yao Normal General
#3079 The state should be reflected in the table elements title review_failed Normal Accessibility
#599 Timestamp confirmed Normal General
#4516 Toolbar button to embed Silverlight confirmed Normal General
#6162 Toolbar Combobox Widths should be configurable assigned Jakub Ś Normal UI : Toolbar
#12265 Transform inline widget into block and back confirmed Normal General
#6124 Typing * TEXT auto bullets confirmed Normal General
#16706 UI Tooltips confirmed Nice to have (we want to work on it) General
#11503 [Umbrella] Further widgets integration with ACF confirmed Normal General
#12123 [Umbrella] Problems with selection in table cells confirmed Normal General
#12134 [Umbrella] Support widgets in readOnly mode confirmed Nice to have (we want to work on it) Core : Read-only
#16946 Underline and Strikethrough should work in placeholder confirmed Normal UI : Widgets
#1511 Undo manager does not record object resizing confirmed Normal Core : Undo & Redo
#1930 Unifiy error codes in the built-in file browser and in CKFinder confirmed Normal File Browser
#14386 Unify compositable input change events confirmed Normal General
#11363 Unify tests using multiple editor modes confirmed Normal General
#591 Unique Style Set for each Toolbar Set confirmed Normal UI : Toolbar
#827 Upcase selected text confirmed Normal General
#3355 Update font name and size dropdowns confirmed Normal General
#16978 uploadfile creates files with hardcoded target="_blank" confirmed Normal General
#11277 Usability improvement: Allow adding anchor text when creating link assigned Jakub Ś Normal UI : Dialogs
#2771 Use CKEditor in opensocial gadget confirmed Normal General
#12046 Using figure wrapper even if there is no caption confirmed Normal UI : Widgets
#2818 Using OpenDocument as another Native output format confirmed Normal Core : Output Data
#2330 Using the Drag Handle to resize a table forces absolute sizes confirmed Normal General
#2637 Validation for ToolbarLocation too limited confirmed Normal General
#5644 Vertical or Horizontal resize should have grabber at that side confirmed Normal General
#597 WAI Accessibility standards implemented confirmed Normal General
#12983 Walker.guard is called more than once for every node boundary confirmed Normal General
#9625 Way to mark selection when focus is moved outside editable confirmed Normal Core : Selection
#10588 WCAG color contrast info in color picker confirmed Normal General
#12374 Widget dialogs - provide an easy way to access edited widget in onOk / onShow confirmed Normal UI : Widgets
#12524 [Widgets] Support multiple nested editables of the same name confirmed Normal UI : Widgets
#13021 Word Filter should transform mso-bidi-font-family into font-family confirmed Normal Plugin : Paste from Word
#12127 Wrong behavior when applying object styles - existing inline styles are removed confirmed Normal Core : Styles
#6517 YouTube embeded videos confirmed Normal General
#8543 YouTube plugin confirmed Normal General
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