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Results (1 - 100 of 5597)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#424 FCKeditor Lite New Feature Normal General
#444 Table: Editing cell property for several cells resets all values New Feature Normal General
#1053 Unable to apply table style in FireFox using Styles Combo Bug Normal Core : Styles
#1062 On the fly changes to shared toolbar based on different configurations New Feature Normal UI : Toolbar
#1078 Alternative ways to display the context menu New Feature Normal UI : Context Menu
#1441 IE: Resizing images and tables inputs wrong code Bug Normal General
#1630 Source view: Undo removes all content New Feature Normal Core : Undo & Redo
#1722 Safari: Backspacing in table deletes empty rows Bug Normal General
#2397 "Open Link" is not working for e-mail and anchor links Bug Normal General
#2500 Mac: Context menus always disabled with BrowserContextMenuOnCtrl Bug Normal UI : Context Menu
#2960 plugin:pastefromword unable to re-focus preview box Martin Kou Bug Normal General
#3032 Event 'instanceReady' doesn't work in certain case Garry Yao Bug Normal General
#3049 RangeIterator not correct with table caption Bug Normal General
#3102 FF: CKEDITOR.editor::insertHtml incorrect with multiple range Bug Normal General
#3180 Include content styling in the default distribution Bug Normal General
#3246 Indent table problem Bug Normal General
#3247 Unable to increase indent on list Bug Normal General
#3255 List across table cells incorrect Bug Normal General
#3337 Protect the content before it is loaded Task Normal General
#3691 Undo snapshot after select-and-type Bug Normal Core : Undo & Redo
#3694 Find a better way for fixing blank CKEditor issue in IE6,7 Martin Kou Task Normal General
#3786 Copying / pasting in IE creates font tags Bug Normal General
#3826 Provide a way to remove current block in entermode=br New Feature Normal Core : Styles
#3841 Filter independent of writer Task Normal Core : Output Data
#3851 Linux version of jslint is unavailable Bug Normal General
#3943 It is possible to drag buttons Bug Normal General
#3945 Inserting an Anchor removes selected content Bug Normal Core : Output Data
#3955 Dialogs: mouse cursor over checkboxes and radios shows as beam instead of arrow Bug Normal UI : Dialogs
#3957 Collapsed toolbar Bug Normal General
#3961 KAMA: Jumping Button Bug Normal UI : Dialogs
#3962 Wrong dialog layout Bug Normal UI : Dialogs
#3966 Add title for "Collapse Toolbar" Task Normal UI : Toolbar
#4012 [Safari] Combo inputs are without arrow Bug Normal General
#4020 Resizing in Safari is difficult when window has scrollbar Bug Normal General
#4025 Attribute values in single style quotes Bug Normal Core : Output Data
#4124 Delete key Bug Normal General
#4229 CSS selector support for Test Environment New Feature Normal QA
#4352 Ommiting the traling slash for a custom skin or plugin path results into unwanted behavior Bug Normal General
#4561 [IE] Unable to edit link when select the entire <a> Bug Normal General
#4623 Compatibility issue between IE and CKEDITOR Bug Normal General
#4796 Flash objects are output incorrectly Bug Normal Core : Output Data
#4806 [Chrome] Flash preview not fully visible Bug Normal General
#4832 [Chrome] Template dialog hover layout issue Bug Normal General
#4833 Dialog autosizing usability issue in RTL Bug Normal General
#4845 HTML parser generates wrong HTML using <li> inside <table> Bug Normal UI : Source View
#4854 [FF3] Maximize layout broken in RTL quirks Bug Normal UI : Toolbar
#4961 ckeditor lost current selection under safari Bug Normal General
#4977 [IE] After inserting Text and Table Template we can't go back and Type in the Template Bug Normal General
#5156 Focus goes into body before activating dialog Bug Normal Accessibility
#5173 Problem with reading the help dialog contents Bug Normal Accessibility
#5194 FF: The toolbar combos should have the arrow cursor Bug Normal UI : Toolbar
#5209 Safari: Toolbar items should have the arrow cursor Bug Normal UI : Toolbar
#5210 WebKit: Buttons are badly aligned in the Find/Replace dialog Bug Normal UI : Dialogs
#5211 WebKit: The ESC key as not effect in dialogs after tab click Bug Normal UI : Dialogs
#5375 Cursor in the wrong position when you delete an Empty Paragraph Garry Yao Bug Normal General
#5463 Safari: Image looses all it's attributes on drag-n-drop Bug Normal General
#5648 Close combo doesn't focus editor Bug Normal Accessibility
#5820 Empty string appears before horizontal line Bug Normal General
#5821 Cursor jumps. Actual for format 'formatted' in IE 8 Bug Normal General
#6014 Link inserted before the selected word Bug Normal General
#6145 Java integration for CKEditor 3 New Feature Normal General
#6653 Multi-line Paste Bug in OS X Safari Bug Normal Core : Pasting
#6717 fckeditor doesn't show up with chrome 9 Bug Normal General
#6760 Multiple File Uploads New Feature Normal General
#6761 Update Documentation New Feature Normal General
#6763 addRichCombo chrome (webkit?) custom plugin bug Bug Normal UI : Toolbar
#6996 destroy() behaves incorrectly if called too soon after instance created Bug Normal General
#7139 URL encoding for image path is lost in CKEditor 3.5 Bug Normal General
#7147 Editor not allowing to enter anything (Firefox v 3.5.16 or 3.5.x) Bug Normal General
#7237 ForcePasteAsPlainText doesn't seem to work for Mac users. Bug Normal General
#7401 CKFinder translation files New Feature Normal UI : Language
#7569 JAWS not reading updated label of Unlock/Lock ratio icon on Image Properties dialog Garry Yao Bug Normal Accessibility
#7582 IE: Cannot select items from the context menu when a table is selected Bug Normal UI : Floating Panel
#7583 Opera: can not enter text after inserting Page Break or Horizontal Line Bug Normal General
#7608 ckeditor 3.5.3 have problems paste Bug Normal Accessibility
#7611 Opera: Text remains highlighted unnecessarily when font colour is applied Bug Normal General
#7612 Opera: Indented bullets do not have circle or square styled bullets (CORE-41465) Bug Normal Core : Lists
#7618 Unwanted bullet added to a list containing different paragraph formats. Bug Normal Core : Lists
#7645 Lists not deleted properly using backspace Garry Yao Bug Normal Core : Lists
#7718 Typo in CodingStyle wiki page Bug Low General
#7739 [[safari/chrome]] deleting a list creates an empty div instead of paragraph Bug Normal General
#7741 [[safari/chrome]] not possible to apply paragraph format with out focus in editor body Bug Normal General
#7743 Chrome: Flash dialog preview does not display when the dialog is positioned over the editing area Bug Normal UI : Dialogs
#7796 Paste as Plain Text Behavior - FF vs. IE Bug Normal General
#7838 Editing tables in editor causes rows to move or the tables to disappear Bug Normal Core : Tables
#7850 OnTextChanged event required for CKEditor ASP.NET control kaga New Feature Normal Server : ASP.Net
#7854 IE 6&7 Getting handlers when we navigate to first paragraph(non-editable) in editor body. Bug Normal General
#7856 Built-in contextMenu doesn't behave correctly Bug Normal UI : Context Menu
#7857 BIDI: Copying & Pasting RTL lists from Word not working properly in IE7 Bug Normal Plugin : Paste from Word
#7859 Editor area without iFrames New Feature Normal General
#7896 IE: table cell properties giving error undefined (table tools, onshow invalid selection) when enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR Garry Yao Bug Normal General
#7897 [FF4] first execCommand (enterMode:ENTER_DIV) shows cursor in second line instead of first line Bug Normal General
#7906 Elements path bar is empty when we select font name/font size/text or background color with out focus in editor body Bug Normal General
#7910 If forcePasteAsPlainText paste (ctrl + v) doesn't work properly in webkit env Bug Normal General
#7913 setReadOnly does the reverse of what it says it does Bug Normal General
#7917 Regression in fix for #6629 Bug Normal General
#7918 some of list items in Multilevel lists are pasted as separate lists Bug Normal Plugin : Paste from Word
#7924 Safari: Edit Link & Unlink options are not available in the context menu Bug Normal General
#7926 BIDI: Safari: Dialog drop down list items are left aligned in RTL languages Bug Normal Core : BiDi
#7927 bbcode and js event problem Bug Normal General
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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