CKEditor Bug

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click open editor to start CKEditor on the text
  2. Highlight all text and set the text size to something visible different, e.g. 36pt
  3. Highlight one word, e.g. Vivamus, and set to bold
  4. Highlight a different word, e.g. Suspendisse, and set to italic
  5. Highlight the original word (Vivamus) and the drag it to the middle of the second word
  6. Observe expected behaviour: the second word now looks something like this:
  7. SuspendVivamusisse
  8. Click close editor to save the changes to the document
  9. Observe the changes are preserved
  10. Click open editor to start CKEditor again
  11. Observe the formatting has incorrectly changed on the word, which now looks something like this:
  12. SuspendVivamusisse
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus et erat nec augue tempor interdum eu quis nisl. Suspendisse lacinia varius pulvinar. Curabitur semper, felis at vulputate convallis, urna est sodales sem, ac sollicitudin ante sem ultrices leo. Vivamus nibh mi, euismod in tristique sed, varius ac tortor. Integer pretium nisl at lectus varius bibendum. Praesent vel sapien ut quam tincidunt posuere. Donec ac interdum augue. Sed commodo, nulla id bibendum facilisis, nisl justo iaculis risus, quis ornare libero orci lacinia diam.