The staff has prepared this summary of Board decisions for information purposes only. Those Board decisions are tentative and do not change current accounting. Official positions of the FASB are determined only after extensive due process and deliberations.
Summary of the Exposure Draft
History and Background
Reasons for Issuing the Proposed Statement
Differences between the Proposed Statement and Current Practice
How the Proposed Statement Would Improve Financial Reporting
How the Conclusions in the Proposed Statement Relate to the FASB’s Conceptual Framework
Costs and Benefits
The Effective Dates of the Proposed Statement
Immediate Plans
*Recent Board Meetings
*Summary of Decisions Reached in Redeliberations
*Board Meeting and Public Meeting Dates
Related FASB Articles
Additional Information for Interested Constituents
Contact Information
In March 2003, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) added a project to address issues related to equity-based compensation (EBC). The objective of this project is to cooperate with the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) in order to achieve convergence to a single, high-quality global accounting standard on EBC. The Board added this project to its agenda because of user concerns, concerns about comparability, and the Board’s goal of convergence.
This project will address that lack of comparability by resolving the following main issues: (a) whether compensation paid in the form of equity instruments (and other EBC arrangements) should be recognized in the financial statements and (b) how should compensation in the form of equity instruments (and other EBC arrangements) be measured in the financial statements. The ultimate goal is the establishment of one method for the recognition and measurement of EBC transactions that would be followed by all companies applying U.S. GAAP and international accounting standards.
FASB Exposure Draft, Share-Based Paymentan amendment of Statements No. 123 and 95 (Proposed Statement of Financial Accounting Standards)
On March 31, 2004, the FASB issued an Exposure Draft, Share-Based Payment, that addresses the accounting for share-based payment transactions in which an enterprise receives employee services in exchange for (a) equity instruments of the enterprise or (b) liabilities that are based on the fair value of the enterprise’s equity instruments or that may be settled by the issuance of such equity instruments. The proposed Statement would eliminate the ability to account for share-based compensation transactions using APB Opinion No. 25, Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees, and generally would require instead that such transactions be accounted for using a fair-value-based method.
Summary of the Exposure Draft
The proposed Statement addresses the accounting for transactions in which an enterprise exchanges its valuable equity instruments for employee services. It also addresses transactions in which an enterprise incurs liabilities that are based on the fair value of the enterprise’s equity instruments or that may be settled by the issuance of those equity instruments in exchange for employee services. The proposed Statement does not change the accounting for similar transactions involving parties other than employees or the accounting for employee stock ownership plans, which are subject to AICPA Statement of Position 93-6, Employers’ Accounting for Employee Stock Ownership Plans; the Board intends to reconsider the accounting for those transactions and plans in a later phase of its project on EBC.
The objective of the accounting required by FASB Statement No. 123, Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation, as it would be amended by the proposed Statement, is to recognize in an entity’s financial statements the cost of employee services received in exchange for valuable equity instruments issued, and liabilities incurred, to employees in share-based payment transactions. Key provisions of the proposed Statement are as follows:
History and Background
Opinion 25, issued in 1972, required that compensation cost for awards of share options be measured at their intrinsic value, which is the amount by which the fair value of an equity share exceeds the exercise price. Opinion 25 also established criteria for determining the date at which an award’s intrinsic value should be measured; that criteria distinguished between awards whose terms are known (or fixed) at the date of grant and awards whose terms are not known (or variable) at the date of grant. Measuring fixed awards’ intrinsic values at the date of grant generally resulted in little or no compensation cost being recognized for valuable equity instruments given to employees in exchange for their services. Additionally, distinguishing between fixed and variable awards was difficult in practice, and resulted in a large amount of specialized and complex accounting guidance.
Statement 123, issued in 1995, was effective for share-based compensation transactions occurring in fiscal periods beginning after December 15, 1995. As originally issued, Statement 123 established a fair-value-based method of accounting for share-based compensation awarded to employees. The fair-value-based method of accounting requires that compensation cost for awards of share options be measured at their fair value on the date of grant. As opposed to the accounting under Opinion 25, the application of the fair-value-based method to fixed awards results in compensation cost being recognized when services are received in exchange for valuable equity instruments of the employer. Statement 123 established as preferable the fair-value-based method and encouraged, but did not require, entities to adopt it. The Board’s decision at that time to permit entities to continue accounting for share-based compensation transactions using Opinion 25 was based on practical rather than conceptual considerations.
In November 2002, the FASB issued an Invitation to Comment, Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation: A Comparison of FASB Statement No. 123, Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation, and Its Related Interpretations, and IASB Proposed IFRS, Share-based Payment, that compares the fair-value-based method of accounting for EBC in Statement 123 with the fair–value- based method of accounting for EBC in the proposed IFRS. (Note: The IASB issued IFRS 2, Share-based Payment, in February 2004. IFRS 2 is available from the IASB at The Board issued the Invitation to Comment to achieve two objectives: (a) to provide information that would be useful to constituents that wished to comment on the IASB’s IFRS 2 (the comment letter deadline for the proposed IFRS was March 7, 2003), and (b) to solicit views from constituents on the key differences between IFRS 2 and Statement 123 and on certain other issues associated with accounting for EBC at fair value. The comment letter deadline for the Invitation to Comment was February 1, 2003. The FASB received 302 comment letters responding to the Invitation to Comment, which were reviewed and discussed at various Board meetings.
At the March 12, 2003 Board meeting the Board reviewed and discussed the comment letters received in response to the Invitation to Comment (See below). The Board also discussed issues relating to whether a project on EBC should be added to its agenda. At that meeting, the Board decided to add an EBC project to the agenda. The Board also decided that the project should be undertaken in cooperation with the IASB in order to achieve a single, high-quality accounting standard on EBC.
Reasons for Issuing the Proposed Statement
There are four principal reasons for issuing the proposed Statement:
The Board believes that the proposed Statement addresses users’ and other parties’ concerns by requiring enterprises to recognize an expense in the income statement for employee services received (and consumed) in exchange for the enterprises’ equity instruments, thereby reflecting the consequences of the economic transaction in the financial statements. By requiring the fair-value-based method for all public companies, the proposed Statement would eliminate an alternative accounting method and the accounting guidance associated with that method; consequently, similar economic transactions would be accounted for similarly. Finally, requiring the use of Statement 123’s fair-value-based method is convergent with IFRS 2.
Differences between the Proposed Statement and Current Practice
The proposed Statement would affect current practice in a number of ways, but chief among them is that it would eliminate the alternative to use Opinion 25’s intrinsic value method of accounting that was provided in Statement 123 as originally issued. Under Opinion 25, issuing stock options to employees generally resulted in recognition of no compensation cost. The proposed Statement would require public companies to recognize the cost of employee services received in exchange for equity instruments, based on the grant-date fair value of those instruments (with limited exceptions).
The proposed Statement would affect current practice in other ways, including the measurement attribute for nonpublic entities, the pattern in which compensation cost would be recognized, the accounting for employee share purchase plans, and the accounting for income tax effects of share-based payment transactions. Paragraphs 615 of the proposed Statement summarize those as well as other differences.
How the Proposed Statement Would Improve Financial Reporting
The proposed Statement would require the recognition of compensation cost incurred as a result of receiving employee services in exchange for valuable equity instruments issued by the employer. Recognizing compensation cost in the financial statements improves the relevance and reliability of that financial information, helping users of financial information to understand better the economic transactions affecting an enterprise and to make better resource allocation decisions. Such information specifically will help users of financial statements understand the impact that share-based compensation arrangements have on an enterprise’s financial condition and operations. The proposed Statement also would improve comparability by eliminating one of two different methods of accounting for share-based compensation transactions and would also thereby simplify existing U.S. GAAP. Eliminating different methods of accounting for the same transactions leads to improved comparability of financial statements because similar economic transactions are accounted for similarly.
How the Conclusions in the Proposed Statement Relate to the FASB’s Conceptual Framework
FASB Concepts Statement No. 1, Objectives of Financial Reporting by Business Enterprises, states that financial reporting should provide information that is useful in making business and economic decisions. Recognizing compensation cost incurred as a result of receiving employee services in exchange for valuable equity instruments issued by the employer will help achieve that objective by providing information about the costs incurred by the employer to obtain employee services in the marketplace.
With respect to the notion of comparability, FASB Concepts Statement No. 2, Qualitative Characteristics of Accounting Information, states that information about an enterprise gains greatly in usefulness if it can be compared with similar information about other enterprises. Establishing the fair-value-based method of accounting as the required method will increase comparability because similar economic transactions will be accounted for similarly. That will improve the usefulness of financial information. Neutrality is another important characteristic of accounting information. Establishing that method also eliminates the accounting bias toward using employee share options for compensation, which results in accounting that is neutral for different forms of compensation.
Completeness is identified in Concepts Statement 2 as an essential element of representational faithfulness and relevance. Thus, to faithfully represent the total cost of employee services to the enterprise, compensation cost relating to valuable equity instruments issued by the employer to its employees in exchange for their services should be recognized in the employer’s financial statements.
FASB Concepts Statement No. 6, Elements of Financial Statements, defines assets as probable future economic benefits obtained or controlled by a particular entity as a result of past transactions or events. Employee services cannot be stored and are received and used simultaneously. Those employee services are assets of an enterprise only momentarilyas the entity receives and uses themalthough their use may create or add value to other assets of the enterprise. When an employer exchanges its valuable equity instruments for employee services, the receipt of those employee services creates an asset that should be either capitalized as part of another asset of the enterprise (as permitted by U.S. GAAP) or expensed when consumed.
Costs and Benefits
The mission of the FASB is to establish and improve standards of financial accounting and reporting for the guidance and education of the public, including preparers, auditors, and users of financial information. In fulfilling that mission, the Board endeavors to determine that a proposed standard will fill a significant need and that the costs imposed to meet that standard, as compared with other alternatives, are justified in relation to the overall benefits of the resulting information. The Board’s consideration of each issue in a project includes the subjective weighing of the incremental improvement in financial reporting against the incremental cost of implementing the identified alternatives. At the end of that process, the Board considers the accounting provisions in the aggregate and assesses the related perceived costs on a qualitative basis.
Several procedures were conducted before the issuance of the proposed Statement to aid the Board in its assessment of the expected costs associated with implementing the required use of the fair-value-based accounting method. Those procedures included a field visit program, a survey of commercial software providers, and discussions with Option Valuation Group members, valuation experts, compensation consultants, and numerous other constituents. Based on the findings of those cost-benefit procedures, the Board concluded that the proposed Statement will sufficiently improve financial reporting to justify the costs it will impose. Paragraphs C40–C47 of the proposed Statement provide a discussion of the Board’s cost-benefit assessment with respect to the proposed Statement.
[Download Cost-Benefit Survey]
The Effective Dates of the Proposed Statement
The proposed Statement would be applied to public entities prospectively for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2004, as if all share-based compensation awards granted, modified, or settled after December 15, 1994, had been accounted for using the fair-value-based method of accounting. Nonpublic entities that had adopted the fair-value-based method of accounting for recognition or pro forma disclosures would use the same transition and effective date as public entities. All other nonpublic entities would apply the proposed Statement prospectively for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2005.
Immediate Plans
The Exposure Draft was issued on March 31, 2004, with a 90-day public comment period that ended on June 30, 2004. The Board also held four public roundtable meetings; two on June 24, 2004, in Palo Alto, California, and two on June 29, 2004, in Norwalk, Connecticut. An audio file of the four roundtable meetings is available to listeners for free via the internet. Click on the links below to access the audio file, a list of the organizations that participated in the roundtables, and additional information:
The staff has analyzed the comment letters received and has provided the Board with a summary of those comment letters. The comment letter analysis summary can be accessed below.
Now that the FASB has analyzed those comment letters as well as considered the input received at the public roundtable meetings, the Board has resumed deliberations in public meetings to consider and discuss all the accounting issues raised during the public comment period. The Board will reach tentative decisions on each of those issues as they are addressed in the deliberative process. Recent decisions reached during redeliberations can be found below. After the Board has deliberated all of the issues, the final Statement drafting process will be completed and a final Statement will be issued. A final Statement is expected to be issued in the fourth quarter of 2004.
Since a final Statement is expected to be issued in the fourth quarter of 2004, the Board has received several questions about the effective date of the final Statement. When the Board makes decisions related to a final Statement’s effective date, it must assess a variety of factors, including the need to have the final Statement in place to provide useful information to users of financial statements, the relative level of complexity of the accounting required by a final Statement, and the ability of enterprises to prepare for and implement the requirements of the final Statement. Generally, that assessment cannot be completed until all the critical accounting issues have been addressed by the Board during its deliberative process. Because the Board has neither completed its analysis of the comment letters received during the public comment period nor addressed all the critical accounting issues at this time, the Board is not in a position to complete that assessment. Nevertheless, the Board is cognizant of the needs of its constituents to have adequate time to consider and prepare for any new accounting pronouncement; as the Board moves through its final deliberations and begins to address critical accounting issues, which may affect the proposed effective date, it will carefully assess the factors noted above in deciding upon the appropriate effective date(s) and complete that assessment as quickly as possible.
*Recent Board Meetings
On September 8, 2004, the Board continued its redeliberations of the Exposure Draft.
Employee Share Purchase Plans (ESPPs)
The Board tentatively decided that an ESPP is not compensatory and does not give rise to recognizable compensation cost if all of the following conditions are met:
The Board also made the following tentative decisions on implementation issues regarding ESPPs:
The Board reaffirmed its support for the disclosure objectives in paragraph 46 of the Exposure Draft. Those objectives are as follows:
An entity with one or more share-based payment arrangements with employees shall disclose information that enables users of the financial statements to understand:
- The nature and general terms of such arrangements that existed during the period and the potential effects of those arrangements on shareholders (for example, the transfer of value from existing shareholders to option holders upon exercise)
- The effect of compensation cost arising from share-based employee payment arrangements on the income statement
- The method of estimating the fair value of the goods or services received, or the fair value of the equity instruments granted, during the period
- The cash flow effects resulting from share-based payment arrangements.
Minimum Disclosure Requirements
With one exception, the Board reaffirmed its support for the minimum disclosure requirements described in paragraph B191 of the proposed Statement. The Board decided to modify the disclosure in paragraph B191(i) of the proposed Statement to require disclosure of the actual tax benefits realized from stock options exercised during the annual period. The Board also decided that the proposed Statement’s basis for conclusions should explain that disclosures are subject to its general materiality provision, which states that the provisions of that the Statement need not be applied to immaterial items. The Board considered whether to add any additional required disclosures beyond those described in paragraph B191 of the proposed Statement and decided against adding any such disclosures.
Sensitivity Analysis
The Board considered whether sensitivity analysis relating to certain parameters used for pricing stock options should be a required minimum disclosure and decided not to require it. The Board reemphasized the guidance provided on this matter in paragraph B193 of the proposed Statement, which states that an entity may provide such analysis in the form of a supplemental disclosure if the entity believes that the analysis would be useful to investors and creditors.
Interim Disclosures
The Board agreed that the minimum disclosure requirements relate to annual periods and decided not to amend APB Opinion No. 28, Interim Financial Reporting, to require any interim disclosure for share-based payment awards. The Board agreed that the basis for conclusions of the proposed Statement should explain that entities should refer to Opinion 28 in assessing whether any quarterly disclosures would be necessary for users of financial information to understand the impact of share-based payment transactions during a quarterly period.
Other Disclosures
The Board considered a variety of additional proposed disclosures and decided that none of them should be required.
*Summary of Decisions Reached in Redeliberations
On August 4, 2004, the Board began its redeliberations of the Exposure Draft. The Board discussed and affirmed its tentative conclusions on the following issues:
Recognition of Compensation Cost
Measurement Attribute and Measurement Date
Modified Grant-Date Method and Deep Out-of-the-Money Options
Fair Value Measurement
Recognition and Measurement of Equity-Based Compensation Liabilities
Attribution of Compensation Cost
Awards with Graded Vesting
Minimum Equity Withholdings, Clawback Features, Etc.
Modifications and Settlements
Equity and Liability Classification
Accounting for Income Tax Effects of Share-Based Payment Awards
Transition Alternatives for Public Entities
Employee Share Purchase Plans
*Board Meeting and Public Meeting Dates
The following are links to the minutes for each meeting.
September 15, 2004 | Informational Board MeetingMeeting with constituents to discuss measurement of employee stock options. The meeting was informational and no Board decisions were made. |
September 8, 2004 | Board MeetingRedeliberations regarding Employee Share Purchase Plans and Disclosures |
September 1, 2004 | Board MeetingRedeliberations regarding Modified Grant-Date Method and Deep Out-of-the-Money Stock Options, Fair Value Measurement, Modifications and Settlements, Spinoffs, and Transition Alternatives for Public Entities |
August 25, 2004 | Board MeetingRedeliberations regarding Income Tax Effects of Share-Based Payment Awards and Employee Share Purchase Plans |
August 18, 2004 | Board MeetingRedeliberations regarding Requisite Service Period, Service Inception Date, Awards with Graded Vesting and Equity and Liability Classification |
August 4, 2004 | Board MeetingComment Letter Summary, Redeliberations regarding Recognition, Measurement Attribute and Date, and Requisite Service Period |
June 24 & 29, 2004 | Roundtable MeetingsDiscussion with constituents regarding the Exposure Draft |
June 9, 2004 | Board MeetingDiscussion of EBC awards exchanged in a business combination |
April 7, 2004 | Board MeetingDiscussion of EBC awards exchanged in a business combination |
March 16, 2004 | Board MeetingDiscussion of Transition Issues |
March 3, 2004 | Board MeetingDiscussion of Certain Transition Issues |
February 18, 2004 | Board MeetingDiscussion of External Review Issues |
February 11, 2004 | Board MeetingDiscussion of Cost-Benefit Procedures, Fair Value Measurement, and PreBallot Draft Authorization |
January 14, 2004 | Board MeetingDiscussion of Certain Drafting and Other Issues |
November 26, 2003 | Board MeetingDiscussion of Disclosures and Transition and Effective Date for Nonpublic Enterprises |
November 19, 2003 | Board MeetingDiscussion of Income Taxes, Related Party Transactions, and Other Issues |
November 11, 2003 | Board MeetingDiscussion of Interaction of Statements 123 and 150 and Other Issues |
October 29, 2003 | Board MeetingDiscussion of Disclosures, Transition and Effective Date, and Certain Definitions |
October 22, 2003 | Board MeetingDiscussion of Convergence Issues |
October 15, 2003 | Board MeetingDiscussion of Other Valuation Issues and Income Taxes |
October 8, 2003 | Board MeetingDiscussion of Certain Definitions and Other Issues |
October 1, 2003 | Board MeetingDiscussion of Attribution and Valuation Issues |
September 17, 2003 | Board MeetingDiscussion of Modifications and Related Issues |
September 10, 2003 | Board MeetingDiscussion of Valuation Issues |
August 27, 2003 | Board MeetingDiscussion of Modifications and Settlements |
August 13, 2003 | Board MeetingDiscussion of the Definition of Grant Date, Cash-Settled EBC Arrangements, and Statement 150 Issues |
July 23, 2003 | Board MeetingDiscussion of Income Tax Effects |
July 8, 2003 | Public Meeting with Option Valuation Group |
June 18, 2003 | Board MeetingMeasurement Date for Nonemployee Transactions |
May 7, 2003 | Board MeetingDiscussion of Measurement and Attribution Issues |
April 22, 2003 | Board MeetingDiscussion of Measurement and Recognition Issues |
March 12, 2003 | Board MeetingAddition of project to technical agenda |
Related FASB Articles
Additional Information for Interested Constituents
The FASB has received requests from constituents for information on (a) arguments for and against recognizing EBC as an expense in the income statement, (b) historical background on the deliberations and issuance of Statement 123, and (c) other issues related to EBC. That information is contained in Statement 123’s basis for conclusions. The proposed IFRS’s basis for conclusions also addresses arguments for and against recognizing EBC as an expense in the income statement. Both bases for conclusions are contained in appendixes to the Invitation to Comment. Those appendixes can be downloaded from this website at no cost.
Contact Information
Michael Tovey
Project Manager
Danielle T. Zeyher
Project Manager