Historical Comments |
09/18/2007 4:30:30PM
Chad Peters
An - nevermind - Dave showed me how to fix this on our end. Nothing more needed from you at this point.
09/18/2007 4:17:44PM
Chad Peters
An - I tried to execute the following and recieved a "Cannot resolve collation conflict for equal to operation" error.
** Executed from BCPSQL15/FS88ITST as user "issues"
SELECT B.FirstName + '' '' + B.LastName , B.PSEmplID , B.LastName , B.FirstName , B.EmailAddr , X.DEPT_DESCR , B.NTLogin FROM DALDATA2.Enterprise.dbo.vwRefPerson B LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT EMPLID , DEPT_DESCR FROM DALSQL15.HR89PRD0.psuser.PS_Z_HIT_JOB_VW ) X ON X.EMPLID = B.PSEmplID WHERE RTRIM(B.FirstName + '' '' + B.LastName) <> '' '' AND B.RecStatus = ''A''
If I switch out the DALDATA2 FOR DALDATA1 it works fine.
09/18/2007 11:14:44AM
An Do
Created linked server "DALDATA2" on both DALSQL15 and BCPSQL15. Please test codes on new linked server. Once validated, I will delete linked server "DALDATA1" from DALSQL15 and BCPSQL15.
09/18/2007 10:30:57AM
Chad Peters
An - I''m moving this to High because (although I don''t think it''s an impact) the HIT is currently using a link server to DALDATA1 (for the tbRefPerson table). I know we''re supposed to move away from using DALDATA1.
09/14/2007 11:33:26AM
Chad Peters
I''d like a new dblink setup between:
1) HITPRD database on DALSQL15 ---> access to DALDATA2 2) FS88ITST AND FS88ISDV on BCPSQL15 ---> access to DALDATA2
Chad Peters on 09/18/2007 4:31 PM