Aug 28, 2010:
7:15 PM Ticket #6218 (Detected bug in an extension! Hook FCKeditor_MediaWiki) created by Damian Stalls
I am receiving the the following error on a fresh install of Media …
Aug 27, 2010:
9:03 PM Ticket #6217 (Cannot delete a line (paragraph) above the table) created by Wiktor Walc
If you create an empty paragraph and then a table, then you are not …
7:03 PM Ticket #6216 (Arabic font problem in Chrome Browser) created by Hayden
I have found a bug in the CKEditor 3. When you apply the italic …
1:54 PM Ticket #6215 (copied bold content not editable) created by yiminghe
if user copy content from web somewhere to ckeditor ,the html code is
11:24 AM Ticket #6214 (HtmlEncodeInput) created by lisaj
When using HtmlEncodeOutput would be useful to be able to transmit …
8:37 AM Ticket #6213 (Formatting doesnt work) created by plasmanet
After basic formatting save:
<span 36px;="" style="">Text</span>
I …
5:07 AM Ticket #6212 (Chrome resize jumps to top of page) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
duplicate: DUP of #6195.
5:01 AM Ticket #6212 (Chrome resize jumps to top of page) created by Danial Pearce
This bug is reproducible on the stock demo.
If you enter lots of …
Aug 26, 2010:
3:26 PM Ticket #6211 (SCAYT context menu doesn't show on right mouse click in FF3 on Mac) created by WebSpellChecker.net
When using common PC mouse with Apple Mac right mouse click on …
2:01 PM Ticket #6210 (Wrong behavior of paste if there is \r\n in paste content) created by Satya Minnekanti
According to ck editor design, when we do paste, all content should be …
1:23 PM Ticket #6209 (FCKeditor incompatible with SemanticWiki) created by nicolas
Since I installed SemanticWiki, this is the error I am getting when …
12:04 PM Ticket #6208 (Difficult to add content after a new horizontal line or Page break) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect:
1. Open the CK Editor.
2. Enter some …
8:04 AM Changeset [5846] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#6108 div style
6:45 AM Ticket #6207 (Indentation using classes fail) created by Jorge
There is not possible to indent 3 levels, and the remove indentation …
4:06 AM Ticket #6206 (Image plugin not taking filebrowserImageBrowseUrl as an argument) closed by Tony
invalid: Scratch that, I've just realised that the patch conflicts with …
3:21 AM Ticket #6206 (Image plugin not taking filebrowserImageBrowseUrl as an argument) created by Tony
This patch follows up on this :
http://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/4987 …
12:43 AM Ticket #6205 (ckeditor.js - t.getNative().createRange is not a function Line 118 - ...) created by Tony
Firebug is breaking on t.getNative().createRange is not a function …
Aug 25, 2010:
7:40 PM Ticket #6204 (IE: Spurious html tags wrap links on paste) created by Jude Allred
Not reproducable in Firefox or Chrome.
I've also seen '<span …
6:44 PM Ticket #6203 (Uncaught exception: TypeError: Cannot convert 'K' to object on ...) created by Tony
I receive the following error when trying to destroy a CKeditor 3.4 …
5:33 PM Ticket #6202 (Generating HTML should not create tokens if it is not necessary) created by Michael G. Schneider
With CKEditor 3.4...
Suppose you edit a page with fullPage=true …
3:30 PM Ticket #6201 (image dialog forces "refresh" of page) created by Petr
I have the same Problem now in Chrome 5, 6 on Debian as …
3:13 PM Ticket #5897 (Dialog's rendering issue in quirks mode) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Fixed at #5649.
3:00 PM Ticket #6200 (No Visual Focus when we tab to Check boxes on Find and Replace & Flash ...) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect:
1. Open Ajax sample.
2. Click on Find …
2:44 PM Ticket #6126 (input with name="submit" and hefty css/js in IE7/8 causes editor to ...) reopened by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
I also agree this is supposed to be a simple fix.
1:58 PM Ticket #6199 (Tool to convert v2 template files to v3) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
While we don't have a plugin to load XML for templates (a la v2) (see …
1:40 PM Ticket #6198 (Too narrow Create Table dialog window) created by Krzysztof Studnik
In Google Chrome, open CKEditor …
11:54 AM Ticket #6197 (The loader base path auto-detection doesn't work for _source) created by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
If we want CKEDITOR.loader to load things from _source, it'll not …
11:45 AM Ticket #6196 (flash edit dialog show url(源文件) uncorrectly) created by yiminghe
only in ie :
user types code to generate flash:
6:38 AM Ticket #6195 (WYSIWYG window resize problem in Safari and Chrome) created by Jason Kessel
With semi-complex HTML table layouts (our email templates for …
6:03 AM Ticket #6194 (Copying and Pasting a Table, Pastes CKeditor's inline styles.) created by Jason Kessel
We use CKeditor as a tool to allow our customers to design WYSIWYG …
Aug 24, 2010:
9:04 PM Ticket #6193 (IE8: Ctrl+a -> ctrl+c -> ctrl+v alters links and inserts a newline.) created by Jude Allred
1. set editor source to
2. edit in wysiwyg mode using ie8
3. …
8:58 PM Ticket #6192 (Webkit: editor.focus() fails if no selection ranges exist) created by Jude Allred
This causes insertion into the editor to fail.
Repro steps:
1. use …
4:46 PM Ticket #6176 (IE6 Cursor missing from edit fields on all dialogs for Right to Left ...) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
duplicate: DUP of #6087.
1:31 PM Ticket #6191 (Fckeditor Focus problem in Google Chrome) created by sivakrishna
I have one text box and the FCKEditor in my page, when iam pressing …
1:00 PM Ticket #6190 (Sv language in Mediawiki extension borked) created by fbjon
The file for Swedish (FCKeditor.i18n.sv.php) contains the translation …
12:30 PM Ticket #5715 (Cell color picker dialog returns focus to document) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [5845].
12:29 PM Changeset [5845] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#5715 Cell color picker dialog returns focus to document
11:07 AM Ticket #5649 (Image dialog too wide when many styles are set) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [5844].
11:07 AM Changeset [5844] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#5649 Image dialog too wide when many styles are set
11:00 AM Changeset [5843] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
Fixing an IF statement.
10:12 AM Ticket #6189 (Reducing the code size) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
A part of a discussion with Fred:
> Clearly the code is constantly …
9:58 AM Ticket #6138 (List indentation is not working) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [5842].
9:57 AM Changeset [5842] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#6138 List indentation is not working
9:22 AM Changeset [5841] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Merged log:CKEditor/trunk@5814:5840
9:07 AM Changeset [5840] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Merged log:CKEditor/branches/versions/3.4.x@5811:5837 (following Beta …
Aug 23, 2010:
11:27 AM Changeset [5839] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
Post fixing #6041: Use editor.container instead of …
11:18 AM Ticket #6041 (BIDI: Direction of Increase Indent & Decrease Indent icons are not ...) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [5838].
11:17 AM Changeset [5838] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#6041 BIDI: Direction of Increase Indent & Decrease Indent icons are …
11:13 AM Changeset [5837] by Tobiasz Cudnik
Reverted [5833].
11:13 AM Ticket #5753 (select dialog default for txtName Id not working...) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
fixed: Fixed with [5836].
11:13 AM Changeset [5836] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#5753: It was impossible to have a default value for the name field in …
11:09 AM Ticket #5956 (Can not create an editor inside an hidden container) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
fixed: Fixed with [5835].
11:08 AM Changeset [5835] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#5956: [FF] It was impossible to create an editor inside an hidden …
10:58 AM Ticket #5717 (SCAYT options must be the first in the context menu) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
fixed: Fixed with [5834].
10:58 AM Changeset [5834] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#5717: SCAYT options are now always on top.
10:55 AM Changeset [5833] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#6041 BIDI: Direction of Increase Indent & Decrease Indent icons are …
10:53 AM Ticket #6097 (The bookmarks still have the old '_fck' prefix) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
fixed: Fixed with [5832].
10:52 AM Changeset [5832] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#6097: Renamed the bookmarks to use the "_cke" prefix.
10:43 AM Ticket #6055 (Timestamp is added twice to the styles definition file) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
fixed: Fixed with [5831].
10:43 AM Changeset [5831] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#6055: The getUrl method is now adding the timestamp to each loaded …
10:37 AM Ticket #5308 (File browser window doesn't scroll) closed by Sa'ar Zac Elias
fixed: Fixed with [5830].
10:37 AM Changeset [5830] by Sa'ar Zac Elias
#5308: Introduce the fileBrowserWindowFeatures setting.
9:36 AM Ticket #6188 ([IE7] Automatic color button has the text cursor) created by Sa'ar Zac Elias
The automatic color button have the text cursor instead of the hand.
Aug 21, 2010:
4:10 PM Ticket #6187 (IE6 skin images 404) created by Niko Viitala
IE6 (SP2) tries to load skin images two times. In the other time, it …
8:31 AM Ticket #6186 (FCK Editor: FireFox remove tags) created by alexandrigo
Here my content:
Set cursor before "Set" word and just press …
Aug 20, 2010:
12:36 PM Ticket #6185 (safari/chrome we can't insert any element in the editor with out ...) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
duplicate: DUP of #6178.
10:13 AM Ticket #6185 (safari/chrome we can't insert any element in the editor with out ...) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect:
1. Open Ajax sample.
2. Click on …
8:08 AM Ticket #6184 (Better HTML code clean up) created by Wiktor Walc
We are mainly focused on cleaning up the content while pasting, but …
Aug 19, 2010:
8:15 PM Ticket #6183 (Styles on links apply inside Font/Format menus) created by Evan Krall
When I add a stylesheet in config.contentsCss that has a rule
[…] …
1:58 PM Changeset [5829] by Wiktor Walc
CKEditor 3.4 tagging.
9:50 AM Ticket #6182 (Language Direction field on the Advanced tab of Table Properties ...) created by Joe Kavanagh
The Language Direction field on the Advanced tab of Table Properties …
8:52 AM Ticket #6181 (jQuery adapter + jQuery ajaxForm -plugin not working) created by Carl-Johan Blomqvist
When doing the following code (see further down) on a form consisting …
3:30 AM Ticket #6180 (In IE, if input Japannese, the front words will disappear) created by missjie@…
In IE,I input servarl Japannese, after several words put in, when I …
Aug 18, 2010:
10:29 PM Ticket #6179 (Safari problem with Image Dialog submit) created by Kevin Kamel
You can quickly see this problem on the demo page of CKEditor.
9:43 PM Ticket #6178 (Creating and inserting a new element fails in Webkit if editor not focused) created by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo
Running this code generates an error in Webkit (Safari & Chrome) at …
1:40 PM Ticket #6177 (IE we can't start Numbered/Bulleted list on a Empty page.) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect:
1. Open Ajax sample.
2. Click on …
12:51 PM Ticket #6174 (Hide the ckeditor container will makes the editor not editable.) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
duplicate: DUP of #5956.
11:50 AM Ticket #6176 (IE6 Cursor missing from edit fields on all dialogs for Right to Left ...) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect:
1. Open Language Sample.
2. Change …
11:46 AM Ticket #6175 (Drag'n'drop images into editor with automatic upload) created by Carl-Johan Blomqvist
An awesome feature addition to CKEditor would be to make it possible …
8:08 AM Ticket #6174 (Hide the ckeditor container will makes the editor not editable.) created by damn man
well, hide it first like this ' <div …
6:41 AM Ticket #6173 (Removing Items from unordered list (WinXP/IE8)) created by tom
I've got a problem with unordered / numbered lists with IE8 on …
Aug 17, 2010:
6:00 PM Milestone CKEditor 3.4 completed
NOTE: This release is under Beta stabilization. We're not any …
5:50 PM Changeset [5828] by Wiktor Walc
Added missing changelog entries for 3.4, corrected urls to the dev site.
5:20 PM Changeset [5827] by Wiktor Walc
Updated the releases branch with CKEditor 3.4
4:58 PM Ticket #6172 (Duplicate File Renaming Bug - ASP.NET Connector) created by Willis
I have noticed a bug in FCKEditor version 2.5.1 and I wanted to …
3:46 PM Ticket #6171 (Firefox scrolls to top of page when clicking on paragraph format ...) created by Jörgen Rydenius
In #5981 and #6000 it has been reported for Chrome and Safari that …
3:45 PM Ticket #6170 (Incorrect CSS classes applied to rich combo menu panel.) created by Joe Kavanagh
A single div is used to display the style, format, font and font size …
2:28 PM Ticket #6169 (Error 800a025e when deleting empty table cells in IE) created by Evan Krall
Steps to reproduce:
1. Ctrl-A, Backspace to empty the …
2:22 PM Ticket #6168 (Multiple styles lost when changing coreStyles_underling to use <span> ...) created by Steven Wood
I changed the editor configuration object so that instead of inserting …
1:44 PM Ticket #6167 (Copy/Paste Duplication Bug - Handling of "li" without "ul") created by TonyA680
"li" elements which are not nested inside of a "ul", and inside of 3 …
11:58 AM Ticket #6166 (Error on maximise command when toolbar button not shown) created by William
The maximise plugin has an error, on line 291, when the editor is …
Aug 16, 2010:
7:46 PM Ticket #6165 (Using "Insert/Edit source code button" will generate not so clean ...) created by josephsieh
Bug in MediaWiki+FCKeditor project.
For example, when you use the …
6:43 PM Ticket #6164 (IE stripping object/embed tags with templates) created by mcgovern
I have created a custom template and added it to the list of …
4:04 PM Ticket #6163 (Focus not going to Tabs in Image dialog when we went to Edit the Image.) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect:
1. Set config.dialog_startupFocusTab = …
Aug 14, 2010:
8:15 AM Ticket #6162 (Toolbar Combobox Widths should be configurable) created by Michael G. Schneider
The width of the toolbar comboboxes (style, format, fontsize, etc.) …
7:32 AM Ticket #5881 ([FF] Up arrow at top of document inserts a paragraph) closed by Scott Bronson
fixed: This appears to be fixed in ckeditor 3.4. Hitting the up arrow no …
7:02 AM Ticket #6161 (Autogrow plugin should resize on instanceReady too.) created by Scott Bronson
The autogrow plugin should resize the editor when starting up too. …
Aug 13, 2010:
9:37 PM Ticket #6160 (CKEditor and nice urls) created by Wiktor Walc
Some users are not happy with the way how addquerystring in the …
9:26 PM Ticket #6159 (When working with nested lists content may be accidentally deleted) created by Wiktor Walc
In a certain situation, list items disappear.
=== Steps to reproduce …
7:57 PM Ticket #6158 (Scrolling problem with simulated spacebar keypress on Gecko) created by cwgordon7
I'm not entirely sure this is a problem with CKEditor, and I apologize …
7:41 PM Ticket #6157 (Styles not selected correctly in the Combobox) created by Michael G. Schneider
With CKEditor v3.4b, Windows 7, IE8 or FF3.6 or Chrome 5. Suppose you …
7:37 PM Ticket #6156 (Order of Style Elements is Wrong) created by Michael G. Schneider
With CKEditor v3.4b, Windows 7, IE 8 or FF3.6 or Chrome 5. Suppose you …
6:49 PM Ticket #6146 (IE: Floating panels offset when editor is within a container that has ...) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Fixed with [5826].
6:48 PM Changeset [5826] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
#6146 : IE: Floating panels were being opened in the wrong place in …
5:51 PM Changeset [5825] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Updated the release version.
5:50 PM Changeset [5824] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Run fixlineeds.
5:43 PM Changeset [5823] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
Closed the changelog for the final 3.4 release.
5:42 PM Ticket #6137 (Table dialog: width doesn't have the default value on second open) closed by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
fixed: Fixed with [5822].
5:41 PM Changeset [5822] by Frederico Caldeira Knabben
#6137 : The table dialog was missing the default width value on second …
1:59 PM Ticket #6155 ([[FF]] Modifying Table Header Properties by selecting first Row, ...) created by Satya Minnekanti
To reproduce the defect:
1. open Ajax sample.
2. Insert a …
12:20 PM Ticket #6025 (Focus is lost after applying commands in Opera) closed by Tobiasz Cudnik
fixed: Fixed with [5821].
12:19 PM Changeset [5821] by Tobiasz Cudnik
#6025 Focus is lost after applying commands in Opera
11:59 AM Ticket #6154 (Unify wysiwygarea focus logic) created by Tobiasz Cudnik
Fork of #6025, in which we've introduced inconsistency in …
11:56 AM Ticket #6153 (Chrome: tab focus is wrong.) created by Moshe
I am using the last version of CKEditor (also checked nightly build). …
1:43 AM Ticket #6152 (enterMode = br produces error in Firefox 3.6.8) created by libek
This is a brand-new problem; I just downloaded a clean install of …
Note: See
for information about the timeline view.