= FCKeditor Project = Welcome to the development web site of FCKeditor. For our main web site, please go to http://www.fckeditor.net. {{{ #!html
}}} == Common Tasks == * [/register Register Now]: to be able to open tickets or add comments to tickets in this site, you are required to register and [/login login]. * [wiki:Bugs Reporting Bugs]: bug reports are precious for software development. Let us know about every single issue you may find in FCKeditor. * [wiki:Features Request Features]: come up with your needs and ideas to make FCKeditor even more powerful. == Resources == * [wiki:MailingLists Mailing Lists] : the most effective way for development communications and to watch the project. * [wiki:Documentation] : info about the official, public, documentation. * [http://www.fckeditor.net/forums Forums] : get (and give) support, socialize and exchange your ideas with our community. * [wiki:TracSite Trac Site] : how to work and contribute in this site. {{{ #!html | }}} == Coding == * [wiki:Important Important Considerations] : things you must have in mind before start coding. * [wiki:SVN] : where to find the code to work with, what you will find there and how to work with it. * [wiki:Testing] : how to test and create test cases for your code. * [wiki:Compatibility] : the compatibility we must provide now, and what we want to provide in the future. * [wiki:Components] : the main components that compose the project and their relative maintainers. * [wiki:CodingStyle Coding Style Guidelines] : the coding style standards to follow. == Sub-Projects == * [http://mediawiki.fckeditor.net MediaWiki+FCKeditor] : we have started coding the integration between FCKeditor and MediaWiki. Check out [http://mediawiki.fckeditor.net this site] for more info. == Project Management == * [wiki:Ideas Ideas Bin] : a brainstorming place to throw our ideas that reflect the current and future version of FCKeditor. Please feel free to post your brilliant ideas! {{{ #!html |