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We moved our issue system to GitHub. Please, use GitHub to report any new issues.
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CKEditor is proud to be open source since 2003. It is available under the terms of the GPL, LGPL and MPL licenses.  Read more

CKEditor Developer Center

Welcome to the CKEditor development website. This is the place to collaborate and contribute to the development of the most popular browser-based WYSIWYG editor in the world. For general information about CKEditor please refer to  http://ckeditor.com.

Mission Statement: Create the best browser-based WYSIWYG editor — satisfying all editing needs, focused on performance, accessibility, innovative features, cutting-edge technology, and compatibility.

}}} {{{ #!div class="wikipage home-contents-block" == The Project == === [/roadmap Roadmap] === What we are doing now and what is to come next. === [http://groups.google.com/group/ckeditor-tickets Tickets Activity] === Mailing list to watch the tickets activity of our dev site. === [http://docs.cksource.com/ Documentation] === The official documentation site for our projects. === [http://ckeditor.com/forums/ Community Forums] === Get (and give) support, socialize, and exchange your ideas with our community. === [http://ckeditor.com/download Downloads] === Public distribution releases of CKEditor. }}} {{{ #!div class="wikipage home-contents-block" == Contribute == === [wiki:Contribute How To Contribute] === No matter if you are a developer or not, step in and become a part of it now! === [/register Register Now] === Register at this site to open tickets or add comments to existing issues. Then [/login login]. === [wiki:Bugs Reporting Issues] === Let us know about every single issue you find in CKEditor. === [wiki:TicketLifeCycle Ticket Life Cycle] === Description of the tickets handling workflow. }}} {{{ #!div class="wikipage home-contents-block" == Developer Guidelines == === [https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor-dev Fork us on GitHub!] === The development repository of CKEditor. Build your own fork of CKEditor! === [http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/guide/dev_browsers Compatibility] === Full details about our compatibility approach. === [https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor-idiomatic.js Coding Style] === Code quality: the style standards to follow. }}}