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Results (1701 - 1800 of 2591)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#11954 Invalid selection after deleting a table. confirmed Bug Normal

After removing a table selection is being placed in buggy place, in addition to that editor seems to lose the focus.

  1. open any sample with CKEditor (i.e. samples/replacebyclass.html)
  2. switch to source and use following source code:
    <p><strong>Apollo 11</strong> was the spaceflight that landed the first humans,</p>
    <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width:500px">
    <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width:500px">
    <p>Armstrong spent about...</p>
  3. switch back to wysiwyg mode
  4. remove second table, with one of two options:
    1. right click with your mouse, and use "Delete Table" option
    2. navigate selection using keyboard inside the table, press shift + f10 and use "Delete Table"

Expected result:

  1. Table should be removed.
  2. Selection should be collapsed, and moved at the beginning of next element:
    ^Armstrong spent (...)
  3. Editor should keep focus
  4. No empty line should be visible.

Current result:

  1. editor leaves a temporary empty line, where selection is put
  2. editor loses focus

additional info:

  1. I've experienced it in FF and Chrome @Win7
  2. This seems to be not a (recent) regression, because I've been able to repro it in 4.2.3
#11959 [IE10] Tableresize: Unable to get property 'toLowerCase' of undefined or null reference confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open Table resize sample.
  2. Set the following html (we need horizontal scollbar and table wider than WYSIWYG area):
<table border="1" style="width:1500px">
			<td style="width: 1000px;">bar</td>
  1. Hover the last pillar.

Result: Error in the console:

SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'toLowerCase' of undefined or null reference 
element.js, line 711 character 3

I was not able to reproduce it in Chrome, FF nor IE11.

Screen cast attached.

#11963 Can't replace block widgets with anchor confirmed Bug Normal
  1. open sample with image2 plugin (/samples/plugins/image2/image2.html)
  2. focus first image widget instance
  3. click "Anchor" button in toolbar menu

Expected result:
Since anchor should not be appliable to block widgets, end user would expect one of these two solutions:

  • focused widget to be replaced with anchor
  • anchor button disabled

Current result:
Nothing happens.

additional info:

  1. tested with Chrome, IE
#11964 max width for medias confirmed New Feature Normal

If users can resize images, flash or iframes, there should be a maximum for the width value. The value could be the width of the parent element.


<div style="width: 500px">
<img src="myimage.jpg" />

In image dialog, if is set a width value greater than 500, the value should be changed to 500, because the width of the parent div is 500 pixels.

If resize handlers are used, resizing should be stopped, when width is greater then 500 pixels.

Same for other medias like flash, iframes, tables or own fake elements.

Is it possible? Think this would be a nice feature, aspecially for inline editors.

#11966 [IE] Compatibility view: Caret goes outside of the last block element, when showblocks is enabled confirmed Bug Normal

You're able to move caret outside of any block element (in classic editor that will be directly into a body).

I've checked briefly and it seems that it was introduced in 4.3.0, since i couldnt repro it in 4.2.3, please double check it.

  1. open any sample with CKEditor (i.e. samples/replacebyclass.html)
  2. enable showblocks plugin
  3. press ctrl + end

Expected result:
Caret should be stopped at the end of last node.

Current result:
Caret is placed after last block element, directly in body elmeent.

additional info:

  1. I've experienced it in IE9 compat mode, did not tested in other IEs.
  2. Seems that issue does not appear without showblocks plugin.
#11967 [Opera@Win] Inline editor created from textarea blinks when clicking confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open "Replace Textarea with Inline Editor" in the Opera browser.
  2. Click several times to set cursor in the different position in the editor.

Result: Text area is blinking every time I click.

I was not able to reproduce that issue on Chrome.

Everything is fine in standard inline sample.

Tested with Opera 21.0@Win7.

#11968 Error in dialog box when trying to replace found text with empty block. confirmed Bug Normal

Browsers: All

  1. Open sample
  2. Select sentence: Apollo 11 was in first paragraph.
  3. Open find dialog.
  4. Click find button.
  5. In replace tab click 'Replace'.
  6. Click close.

Actual result: There is an error in console: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of null ckeditor.js:139

Plase note: similar to #11423

#11978 [Gecko] Fix D&D for multiselection confirmed Bug Normal

After a testing phase for D&D some issues related to Firefox multiselection were found:

Bug 14, Bug 16.

This issues should be fixed after closing #11636.

Part of D&D umbrella: #11437.

#11979 No support for ctrl key while dropping confirmed Bug Normal

In browsers like FF, IE you are able to press ctrl before (and hold it until) dropping a content. This way you should be able to copy dragged content instead of moving it.

  1. open sample with CKEditor with new DnD
  2. drag any element/text inside the editor
  3. while dragging hold the ctrl key

Notice how the cursor changes to indicate a copy

  1. drop it in any place
  2. release ctrl key

Expected result:
Origin instance should not be removed.

Current result:
Origin is being moved ignoring ctrl key.

additional info:

  1. Blink does not provide handling for this feature
  2. I'm not sure if this feature is present in OSX
#11988 Image width set in percentages changed to be in pixels after drag and drop in chrome confirmed Bug Normal

Summary: When dragging an image with width style in percentage in chrome, the width is changed to be in pixels.


  • Open standard demo in chrome browser
  • Add an image and set it's width property to be in percentages, for example 50%
  • Drag the image to a new position

Result: The width value is changed to be pixels

I think this is related to issue #9998, I beilive this is due to content editable behavior in chrome

#11994 ASP.NET control ContentsCss doesn't correctly support Web application root operator (~) review Alan Bug Normal

The ASP.NET control doesn't support the web application root (~) correctly in ContentsCss. For example, setting the property to "~/CSS/web.css,~/CSS/other.css" just doesn't work. In addition, documentation isn't terribly clear that this is a comma (or CR or LF) separated field. I also thought maybe a pipe "|" would work for a separator. (I had to download and examine code.)

I've attached a patch that resolves all the above issues. It's just a code snippet you can use to replace the property declaration.

#12004 Use BASE_PATH in tests confirmed Task Normal

When will be done we should modify tests to use BASE_PATH to get global assets instead of related paths.

#12007 Elements path - viewport is scrolled and selection placed incorrectly when clicking on specific elements inside widget confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open
  2. Place caret inside simple box.
  3. Click the 3rd element (2nd div) in elements path.
  4. Viewport is scrolled and selection is placed outside widget

Expected: contents of simplebox'es content should be selected.

See: comment:2.

#12014 Add className to a CKEditor.dialog instance confirmed New Feature Normal


When creating a new plugin, we almost always need to use a dialog instance. And maybe sometimes, we need to override default ckeditor style. In order to give all liberty of the theme of Ckeditor to the user, it would be a great idea to add a className attribute on the dialog configuration, so that plugin developers can add their own css without overriding everything else.

#12019 Styles' states and values when block widget is selected confirmed Piotrek Koszuliński Bug Normal
  1. Open
  2. Focus one of block widgets.
  3. See format and styles drop-downs, basic styles, etc. All are enabled and many times values are incorrect - e.g. format is set to "normal div" for image2 inside nested editable (additionally, this is not consistent between framed and inline editors).

All these behaviours come from a decision we made while working on widget system. We decided that styles will be applicable to block widgets, because they may contain nested editables in which these styles may be applicable, even if they are not applicable to the widget itself (and besides widget styles they never are). This reasoning definitely makes sense - if I have 3 nested editables inside a widget and I want to make all text inside them bold I can focus widget and apply bold. Alternatively, I would have to apply bold three times. To make all this work we needed to modify style system so it traverse non-editable fragments of content, finds nested editables, retrieves their filter instances and asks them whether styles is allowed inside. This part works great.

Unfortunately, all the rest is a mess. Problems are caused by inability to correctly set style's command state and value. See the following scenarios.

  1. Focus captioned image2 and apply bold. Bold is applied in the caption. Now, try to remove the bold. You can't, because bold button is still off after applying bold. Why is it off? Because <figure> is not inside a <strong>. Are we able to set the state to on? I don't think so - this would mean traversing focused widget's DOM, finding nested editables and then what? Enabling style if it's applied to entire content of all nested editables? Or at the beginning of any editable? In any case this would be a performance killer, because we not only need to find editables, but also first editable place inside them (text node, image, space before <br>, widget, etc).
  2. Imagine the above scenario with captioned image2 nested in simple box. The algorithm will need to go inside that image2 when simple box is selected.
  3. What is the expected format drop-down's value when simplebox is focused and it its content there are headings and paragraphs? Simplebox has a header in which format should be disabled. Then it has content, which may start with a normal block (paragraph, heading) or for example a captioned image. Image does not allow changing format (so should drop-down be disabled?), but after image there may be paragraphs, so maybe format should be enabled (but then what with the value?).
  4. Imagine all these scenarios with widgets containing multiple nested editables of different types. User will never intuitively know what will happen and what's just happened.

And I'm sure that there are move lovely cases like these.

Therefore, I don't see other option than disabling styles when block widget is focused. Only widgets styles should be active.

Note that this won't change the behaviour of applying style to a selection containing some content outside a widget and a widget (e.g. bolding after doing CTRL+A on text with captioned images). Style will still be applied to all places in which it's allowed. There's a substantial difference between these cases - the start of selection. When selection does not contain only a widget, it starts in an editable place, so we can check style's state in that place.

#12023 Improve performance of element.find() and element.findOne() confirmed Task Normal

These methods have to set a temporary id on the element because querySelectorAll has different behaviour that anyone could expect and it applies the selector to entire DOM tree, even below the root.

Additionally, querySelectorAll is not as fast as its simpler friends - getElementsByTagName and getElementsByClassName.

It may be worth to test such addition to find and findOne:

		if ( selector.match( /^\.[a-z_-]+$/i ) ) {
			var found = this.$.getElementsByClassName( selector.slice( 1 ) )[ 0 ];
			return found ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element( found ) : null;
		} else if ( selector.match( /^[a-z_-]+$/i ) ) {
			var found = this.$.getElementsByTagName( selector )[ 0 ];
			return found ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element( found ) : null;

This needs a research, but I'm setting milestone, because we're planning to work on #10903.

#12026 'Cut' option in tool bar is still enabled even when there is no text in the text area confirmed Bug Normal

1.Select all the characters in the text area 2.Click Cut option in tool bar 3.Now there are no characters in the text area, but still the Cut option is enabled

Browser: IE8, OS: Windows7

#12028 Attribute contenteditable="false" in table cell does not fully disable content modification confirmed Bug Normal

I found out that attribute contenteditable="false" in table cell does not fully disable cell content modification. I was able to modify cell content with following setup:

  1. Create editor

CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
allowedContent: true

  1. Copy-paste table

<td contenteditable="false">Commander</td>
<td>Neil A. Armstrong</td>
<td contenteditable="false">Command Module Pilot</td>
<td>Michael Collins</td>
<td contenteditable="false">Lunar Module Pilot</td>
<td>Edwin &quot;Buzz&quot; E. Aldrin, Jr.</td>

  1. Click a cell having contenteditable set to false
  2. Run commands from the toolbar such as create new list, align text center or block quote
  3. Content in the cell is edited and new elements inserted (such as p-tag) to the cell. When align text was clicked repeatedly, p-tags were inserted before the table which came visible after toggling between source and WYSIWYG

I would assume that when setting table cell attribute contenteditable as false that no operation / command could be run after user has clicked the cell / has focus on the cell.

A solution would be to disable all buttons on toolbar when user puts focus to element having contenteditable false. Then it would be more evident for the user that the content can not be edited.

#12029 Inline Mode - Cannot Change Border or Background Colours on Multiple Table Cells confirmed Bug Normal

When CKEditor is in Inline mode, if you select multiple cells in a table and try to apply a background colour or border colour to the cells, only the top left cell seems to be affected by the change. The only way to change the cells is to go through each cell one by one.

I'm running CKE 4.3 on Firefox (v29), but I've noticed this issue is still unresolved on the latest Nightly Version.

#12033 Using tableresize in fullPage mode leaves cursor style set on body confirmed Bug Normal

Add the tableresize plugin to the fullPage demo.

Now clear the content, insert a table and move the mouse over it at least once so you see the resizer.

Then switch to source mode and you'll see that the body as a style="cursor:auto" set.

(depending on your speed you might even get the resizer value instead of auto).

Bonus points to fix the demo: the html created lacks a doctype (because the original value is a document fragment, not a full page)

#12043 The table should be highlighted when user selects table contents with keyboard (Ctrl+A, Shift+Arrow) confirmed Bug Normal

*Can reproduce on IE9, IE 10, IE 11, Firefox 29 *Can't reproduce on Chrome 35, Safari 7

Tested on

===Steps to reproduce===

  1. Insert a table
  1. Type something in the table
  1. Press Ctrl + A to select all contents
  1. Check the table

*Please refer the attachment to get more detail

===Expected Result=== The table should be highlighted when user press ctrl + A to select all contents

===Actual Result=== Only the text in the table is highlighted

#12044 iOS: unable to apply (Bold) style when typing quickly after selecting a style new Bug Normal
  1. Press "New Page" button.
  2. Press "Bold" button.
  3. Touch the wysiwygarea to set focus.
  4. Start typing.

Result: if you do steps 2-4 quickly, the text is typed correctly, but the selected style is enot applied.

The results become random if there is a short delay between steps 2-4, and after waiting 2 seconds between steps 3-4 the chance of Bold style being applied is almost 100%.

Confirmed on iOS 7.1.1, found while investigating #11405.

#12046 Using figure wrapper even if there is no caption confirmed New Feature Normal

First of all, big thumbs up for the new image2.plugin and also for the great inline documentation in it!

Currently, the image2 plugin only creates a figure wrapper if there is a caption. Otherwise, the default paragraph wrapper is used.

I have a use case which requires to have a figure wrapper *always*, even if there is no caption. This is mainly because we want consistency and it helps to have better styling options (now, an image can have a paragraph wrapper with or without text which leads to styling problems depending where exactly a person inserts an image).

I looked into the code to see if there is a clean way to do this, maybe through an option, but couldn't find one.

What would be the best way to approach this?

#12062 Performance issues typing at the end of a large document in IE and Chrome confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open the nightly demo page:
  2. Load a large document into the editor (I have attached a 30KB sample document)
  3. Type at the beginning and end of the document and compare the performance. In the affected browsers characters appear very slowly and the caret is often displayed 1 to 2 characters behind the actual insertion point.

Browser and OS

This issue occurs on Chrome in any Operating System, Internet Explorer 11 on any Operating System, and Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 8.

Firefox performs well in any Operating System. Internet Explorer 9 and 10 on Windows 7 perform well.

#12070 [Webkit/Blink] It is possible to create selection that starts in one editable and ends in another one confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open
  2. Start selecting from the header and end in simplebox's content.

Expected: It's impossible - entire widget should be selected as soon as you hover it with mouse.

Actual: Webkit and Blinks allow this.

#12072 [Linux][Chrome] Drag and drop of nested inline widgets confirmed Bug Normal

This is Chrome@Linux bug only. Ticket for Blink:

  1. Open
  2. Try to dnd placeholder.
  3. After drop you can only see a blank space.
#12073 Iframe allow fullscreen assigned Jakub Ś New Feature Normal

Currently it is not possible with CKEditor iframe plugin to allow HTML5 video embeds (YouTube, Vimeo etc.) to go fullscreen.

Required attributes to allow fullscreen are:

  • fullscreen="true"
  • allowfullscreen="true"
  • mozallowfullscreen="true"
  • webkitallowfullscreen="true"

Definition for fullscreen, note change label to editor.lang.iframe.allowFullscreen or similar.

	id : 'allowFullScreen',
	type : 'checkbox',
	label : 'Allow Fullscreen',
	'default' : '',
	setup : function( element )
		var value = element.hasAttribute( 'fullscreen' );

		this.setValue( value || '' );
	commit : function( element )
		if ( this.getValue() )
			element.setAttribute( 'fullscreen', 'true' );
			element.setAttribute( 'allowfullscreen', 'true' );
			element.setAttribute( 'mozallowfullscreen', 'true' );
			element.setAttribute( 'webkitallowfullscreen', 'true' );
			element.removeAttribute( 'fullscreen' );
			element.removeAttribute( 'allowfullscreen' );
			element.removeAttribute( 'mozallowfullscreen' );
			element.removeAttribute( 'webkitallowfullscreen' );
#12074 Forms plugin: textarea, textfield, button selection impossible with a mouse confirmed Bug Normal

Unable to select input and textarea elements for cut and paste with a mouse.

Elementspath plugin shows correct selection (body p input) but ctrl + x doesn't work. Element can be selected with shift & arrow keys if element has text before or after the element.

Reproducible with Firefox 29, latest Chrome (35.0.1916.114 m) and IE 11

<p><input type="text" value="dsfsdf" /></p>

<p><input name="dsffds" type="radio" /></p>

<p><textarea name="sadasd"></textarea></p>

<p><input type="button" value="sdsa" /></p>

With IE 11 if input has some text before it, problem doesn't exist.

<p>Foo <input type="button" value="bar" /></p>

On 4.0 DEV (revision 0) that I found lying on my computer CKEditor problem does not exist on any of the above browsers.

#12083 placeholder plugin - inline editor - text align break html of the page pending Bug Normal

Hi, I tried using placeholder plugin in a ckeditor inline version in Chrome (Windows 8 64 bit, chrome version 35.0.1916.114 m). If I put one placeholder at the end of the content of a textarea and then I try to modify many times text-aling property (changing to left, right, justify, center randomly), then the html of the page breaks up.

Can you explain that? It does not happen in Firefox (version 29.0.1)

Many thanks Daniele

#12087 Can't delete an empty line between block widgets confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open image2 sample.
  2. Insert two captioned, not aligned images one after another.
  3. Use magicline to create a space between them.
  4. Try to remove this space now. It's impossible.

Original description

Hi, I tried in your "" demo page, using the third CKeditor with title "Produce <div> on ENTER", to create 3 divs: the first with contenteditable="false", the second with no setting, the third with contenteditable="false".

So I put the following content as content of the ckeditor body: <div contenteditable="false">This editor produces &lt;div&gt; on ENTER.</div><div>This editor produces &lt;div&gt; on ENTER.</div><div contenteditable="false">This editor produces &lt;div&gt; on ENTER.</div>

The bug I found is that I can't delete the second line. If I clean the row and try pressing backspace or delete button, CKeditor will delete the first and/or the third div.

Many thanks in advance Kind regards Daniele

#12089 Support for inline-block editors confirmed New Feature Normal

Support for such editors could be useful:

<div style="display:inline-block" contenteditable=true></div>
<span style="display:inline-block" contenteditable=true></span>
#12091 Blocking ability to drop content in specific container confirmed New Feature Normal

Part of: #11437.

Native drag and drop supports a dragenter event fired when mouse enters drop container. This very useful way to say where user can drop and were not. Though, there's no access to clipboard data at that point so it's impossible to react based on what's dragged.

We can do better inside editor because we'll store dragged content in a global, custom data transfer object. We just need to join all these pieces together.


  1. On editable's and nested editable's dragenter we should fire editor#dragenter with a reference to container (editable) and our data transfer if exists for this drag.
  2. When editor#dragenter is cancelled the native dragenter should be prevented so user is visually notified that content is rejected. This includes general dnd as well block widgets dnd.
#12094 Content Transformations strips span of style confirmed Bug Normal

In CkE4 the advanced content filter will convert a span with a style that includes 'font-weight:bold' to a <strong> element.

Before Html:

<span style="color:#ffffff;   font-weight:bold">First row</span>

After Html:

<strong>First row</strong>

The expected result:

<span style="color:#ffffff"><strong>First row</strong></span>
#12099 Table Cell properties get duplicated on Chrome/Mac confirmed Bug Normal

While using Chrome in Mac OSX (10.8.5), any time you select a cell in a table and set a property(ies), the same property(ies) get cloned to the next cell in the same row. This does not happen using firefox. A way around it is to highlight the content of the cell instead of the cell itself before setting the properties.

We tested this on the live demo to make sure it wasn't already fixed.

#12114 image2 widget (align left/center/right) does not lose focus on IE8-11 in order to write text if alone confirmed Bug Normal

I found following bug:

  1. go to, "Enhanced Image" ckeditor
  2. remove all the content in the editor (ctrl+a => del)
  3. click on image2 plugin button in the toolbar
  4. choose an image from server, click on align left (or center or right) and then insert the image in the editor
  5. click outside the image in the editor => widget does not lose focus, so user can't start writing (in order to write, you have to press the right arrow in the keyboard)

Thanks Daniele

#12115 [UX] Drag handler not visable in the High Contrast Mode on Windows confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Switch Windows to the High Contrast Mode (LALT+LSHIFT+PTSCREEN).
  2. Open Image2 sample.

Drag handler is black on the black background so it is not visible. In this mode it is important to make elements as visible as possible.

In fact you do not need High Contrast Mode to meet this issue: in any case when background is black or dark drag handler is not visible. For example if you have dark image with caption and a widget in this caption then drag handler will be hardly visible too.

Tested on IE8 and Windows 7.

#12120 Dynamic size restrictions in AutoGrow feature confirmed New Feature Normal

At the moment AutoGrow plugin supports config.autoGrow_minHeight and config.autoGrow_maxHeight along with editor#autoGrow event, which can be used to force a custom height on every editor resize, i.e.

CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor2', {
	extraPlugins: 'autogrow',
	autoGrow_maxHeight: 400,
	removePlugins: 'resize',
	on: {
		autoGrow: function( evt ) { = 42;
} );

Such behaviour is desired when the space around the editor is changing, i.e. window is resized, other page elements collapse or expand.

The event, however, controls height only, while overflow-y of editable area remains relative to config.autoGrow_maxHeight. The result is that even though it is possible to customise the main behaviour of the plugin, the scrollbar of editable area might be missing, making editor contents unreachable, which is a serious UX flaw.

Possible solutions:

  1. Implement editor.plugins.autoGrow.setMaxHeight, which would override config.autoGrow_maxHeight on demand.
    1. + Solves the problem.
    2. - Change is permanent. Some devs may want to override autoGrow_maxHeight on demand, while in other cases they would expect default configuration to be preserved and respected.
  2. Re-implement editor#autoGrow event, so autoGrow_maxHeight can be changed for every single event.
    1. + Solves the problem.
    2. + The impact of config.autoGrow_maxHeight remains.
    3. - Makes the code less obvious.
    4. - It's not straightforward. Hard to reach in documentation.
#12123 [Umbrella] Problems with selection in table cells confirmed New Feature Normal
  1. On IEs empty cells' selection is invisible. IE renders only text selection.
  2. On FF there's a similar problem like on IE, with a difference that cells can be selected as a whole but only by mouse.
  3. Column selection is impossible on all browsers except Firefox.
  4. It's hard to select a row.
  5. [IE9+] No visual indication that a table is selected (#10897).

The full solution would be a fake table selection - similar to fake element selection which we have for non-editable elements. Partial solutions may also be possible.

Sub tickets: #8830, #12043.

#12127 Wrong behavior when applying object styles - existing inline styles are removed confirmed New Feature Normal
  1. Go to
  2. Press "New Page" button
  3. Insert a table
  4. Apply "Borderless Table" style


Width definition is removed (a side effect i that now it is hard to insert content into cells).

Expected result

The following style definition should only add and/or override styles that are defined in the styles object. Other styles that were applied already to a table shouldn't be lost.

    name: 'Borderless Table',
    element: 'table',
    styles: {
        'border-style': 'hidden',
        'background-color': '#E6E6FA' 

If my intention is to remove 'width' when applying this style, I should be able to define it as width: '' or width: null etc.

#12131 Text wrapping and line heights after starting with a large font. confirmed Bug Normal

Something I've noticed is that if you start typing a paragraph with a large font (tested with 48px) and mid-paragraph switch to a smaller font (tested with 16px), as the paragraph line wraps, the line heights are enormous as they they are formatted for the initial 48px content.

We use your product here daily. Looking into the HTML code that it produces, I can see that it creates a span element with a font-size of 48px as a "wrapper". Then, when I switch font-size to 16px, the editor creates a new span element with this new font-size and places it into the 48px wrapper. Thus, the entire paragraph inherits the line-height initially created by the 48px font size.

A current workaround is to create the entire paragraph with the 16px font size first. Then, after the paragraph is finished, select the word(s) that you want to be 48px and apply it. Doing it this way will create the wrapper with the 16px font size and an internal span of 48px font size where the overall paragraph line-height will be created from the wrapper 16px font size span.

#12133 Links not opening when CKEditor is in readOnly mode confirmed Bug Normal

Descriptive summary: When editor is initialized in readOnly mode, there is no need to preventDefault() on links, because he doesn't need caret positioning.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open readOnly editor demo
  2. Enable readOnly mode
  3. Click on the link

Browser and OS: Chrome and Firefox under both Windows and Linux

#12139 [Blink, Webkit]: Can't delete inline styles with Ctrl+A Backsapce/Del confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Load replacebycode sample.
  2. Clear editor contents with new page button.
  3. Press Bold and type few characters.
  4. Press Ctrl+A and then hit Backspsce or Delete.

Result: Bold text is not deleted and cursor is moved to the beginning.

Problem can be reproduced in Blink and Safari 6+ (works fine in Safari 5)

#12142 [iOS] Autocapitalize does not work as expected confirmed Bug Normal

Tried this against the nightly build.

Editor does not autocapitalize correctly upon pressing return (new line). For it to autocapitalize, one has to enter a dot (.) (i.e. close the previous sentence).

To Reproduce: Go to nightly build from iOS Safari (mobile Safari) Enter a word 'Hello' Tap on Return to go to a new line Type something. Text will not be capitalized.

#12144 Magic line customization confirmed New Feature Normal

Currently we can disable magic line only for descendants of elements which have certain attributes through magicline_tabuList.

I suggest adding a predicate on element to configuration. This would give more flexibility. In my use case magicline should be disabled on the first and last children of an element with given attribute value.

#12149 It should be possible to add finder's lookup which prevents yielding current location confirmed New Feature Normal

Currently, if any finder's lookup returned >0 for specific element it's not possible to override this. There has to be another CKEDITOR.LINEUTILS_* flag (e.g. CKEDITOR.LINEUTILS_NONE) which when returned will block line around given element regardless of what has been returned from other lookups.

#12151 [IE11] The anchor tag text is being replaced when the link is edited confirmed Bug Normal

The href value replaces the text value of the anchor under certain circumstances in IE11.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Either click the 'Link' icon in CKEditor and enter a url or enter an anchor tag directly in the Source of CKEditor (ex:
  2. Click the Source button in CKEditor
  3. Change the text of the <a> but not the href value to something with http (ex:
  4. Click the Source button again, you should see the WYSIWYG editor. (it should say
  5. Double click the link you created from step 1.
  6. Click OK

The link text changes from what was set in step 3 to the original href value in step 1.

Expected Result (HTML Source): <a href=""></a>

Actual Result (HTML Source): <a href=""></a>

I have noticed this issue on the version of CKEditor my platform uses - 4.3.3. However, I have also noticed this issue on the demo CKEditor (, which I believe uses version 4.4.2

Browser: IE 11.0.9600.17126 OS: Windows 7

#12156 [Safari] Paste URL/Link from Twitter or other browser doesn't work confirmed Bug Normal

On the default Twitter App on Mac OS X, copy a link to a tweet (right-click > Copy Link To Tweet) and try to paste it into CKEditor - nothing appears.

Reproducible only on Safari.

  1. Open Chrome and browse to a URL, copy the URL from the address bar to the clipboard
  2. Switch to Safari and open CKEditor
  3. Attempt to paste the URL into CKEditor

Results: It is not possible to paste URL from Chrome to Safari. It works however with Chrome/Chrome or Safari/Chrome or even Firefox/Safari but not Chrome/Safari.

#12159 JAWS reading the "not set" option twice in the Code Snippet dialog confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Enable Code Snippet widget and click on Insert Code Snippet icon in toolbar to open Code Snippet widget.
  1. Code Snippet dialog opens, focus goes to Language combo and JAWS reads Language combo, not set
  1. Use the down arrow key

Issue: JAWS reads not set option again, This should be fixed, we should set not set as default option when Code Snippet dialog opens

#12167 The save plugin needs improvements confirmed Bug Normal

It looks like the save plugin has been left in a state which is pretty much hard to explain and where this plugin isn't useful at all.

  1. The Save button is only available when editor.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE, which means that it is not available for example in "Replace Textarea with Inline Editor" where editor mode is ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE.
  1. "Replace Textarea with Inline Editor" is not the only case where the Save buton would be useful. After all thanks to the "save" event each CKEditor instance can benefit from this button to save data using AJAX.
  1. The requirement of having a parent <form> element is invalid. Again, thanks to the save element a developer may want to have such button even inside an instance that is not wrapped inside a form. Actually, if there is a need for the Save button and a listener for "save" event used, it's even more probable that CKEditor is not a part of a form element.

What we should do is:

  1. Keep the Save button always enabled.
  2. If parent <form> element is detected, submit the form.
  3. Always fire the save event when Save button is used: (i) to make it possible to save data through ajax and (ii) to prevent from submitting the form if the developer doesn't want it.

Warning: (1) is tricky as it will enable Save button for any existing instances. On the other side we can simply warn about this in changelog and blog just like we did with ACF.

#12174 It should be possible to detect CKEditor version on the server side confirmed New Feature Normal

Based on

Relying on parsing minified JavaScript code of ckeditor.js with regular expression to get CKEditor version number has a risk of stopping working at any moment, due to code refactoring, improved minification method etc.

Although the version number of CKEditor doesn't say a lot about the CKEditor itself anyway (various custom builds exist etc.), it still can say something regarding e.g. available configuration options, that can be later displayed in the administration backend.

Separate file?

By adding a separate file with information about CKEditor build, we'd start confusing users with too many irrelevant files in the main folder.


Including version number and revision in this file would be confusing again, as it may suggest that uoploading it to the online builder would result in building the same version again (e.g. 4.3.2 while 4.4.3 already exists).


My suggestion is to use the very first comment at the top of ckeditor.js (with copyrights), where such information could be added by both command line and online builder:

Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
Ver:4.4.2 Rev:1567b48
#12177 Create new paragraph inside of a list item confirmed New Feature Normal

Now there is no way to create paragraph inside of a list item. When a user hits either enter or shift-enter, the <li> is split.

I suggest using shift-enter for changing contents within the same list element. It would insert br, split paragraph or division depending on the enter mode.

#12179 [FF] Error while using :after pseudoclass in contents.css confirmed Bug Normal

1) use, clear all (I used Gecko - last version of PaleMoon)
2) change contents.css or use different way do add style: .cke_editable span:after {content: ' [' attr(class) ']'}
3) write "blah blah".
4) select line and change Style to marker (now you will see yellow line: blah blah [marker]).
5) go to the end of this line.
6) press left arrow and obtain twice this error:

Error: Permission denied to access property 'nodeType'
Source File:
Line: 364

FF's bug on Bugzilla:

#12181 Dropdown markers not grayed out when in readonly mode confirmed Bug Normal

Some part of our dropdown markers (an arrow) is not grayed out when readonly mode is set.

It would be good idea to keep behaviour consistent.

  1. open CKEditor Read-Only sample (i.e. samples/readonly.html)
  2. click "Make it read-only" button

Expected result:
Arrows in buttons for plugin like Text Color, Background Color, Set Language, SCAYT are not grayed out.

Current result:
Arrows should be grayed out the same way as icons are.

additional info:

  1. Note that arrows for Styles/Format combo are grayed as expected.
#12184 [IE] config.disableObjectResizing doesn't working after drag and drop confirmed Bug Normal

After resizable element being drag and droped in editor you're able to resize it.

  1. Make sure you have config.disableObjectResizing = true; ( use config or editor init function ).
  2. Open any sample with CKEditor (i.e. samples/replacebyclass.html).
  3. Select dragable element (image, anchor, hr).
  4. Drag and drop it anywhere.
  5. Use resizer grid.

Expected result:
Element should not change its size.

Current result:
You're able to resize an element.

additional info:

  1. Source of the issue is in ckeditor-dev/plugins/wysiwygarea/plugin.js. selectedElement is assigned only after selectionChange event, and it should be also executed after drop event on drop target.
#12186 Provide better support for HTML5 'block' elements like article, aside etc. confirmed New Feature Normal

TinyMCE has HTML5 sections and articles editing with wrapping elements. IMHO worth checking it out.

#12187 [Safari] Link's keystroke does not work confirmed Bug Normal

CMD+L always moves focus to Safari's URL bar, so it's impossible to create a link using keystroke.

Linking is often available under CMD+K. Maybe we can set both keystrokes?

#12191 Create tests and docs for node.getNextSourceNode and node.getPreviousSourceNode methods assigned Marek Lewandowski Task Normal

Seems that these methods are missing docs, and they are pretty useful and important. Additionally we should provide some test for them.

#12193 placeholder sometimes get deleted on move in IE9 confirmed Bug Normal

Hi all, I found this tricky bug (I attached a video on this) regarding placeholder plugin, but I guess it is related to all plugin based on widgets.

  1. open placeholder plugin sample page
  2. create many placeholders on many rows
  3. move a placeholder just before another one (repeat this step many times) => randomly moved placeholder (or maybe the destination one) disappear! it gets deleted (nothing can anymore found in html)

I attached a video on this (check firsts 2 minutes of the video)

Thanks a lot again Kind Regards Daniele

#12194 Title tag is messed up using special characters. confirmed Bug Normal

We have a situation when our webpages name (this is actually the <title> tag) are tested with special character sets. As a result (loading this page into CK) the title tag completely messed up and its content is moved under the body. The title we applied is this:


I could narrow down what character sequence causes the issue. So this is it:


So, whenever we apply this <? as a title it will be encoded and saved as


. That is fine but during the load process this title is messed up and we get the following weird title tag:

>&lt;title data-cke-title=&quot;Rich Text Editor, Textarea1, Press ALT 0 for help

Here, there is no normal opening <title> tag and the closing </title> is missing.

Fortunately I can reproduce this kind of behavior in the DEMO. STR:

  1. Go to DEMO page (I used IE11) and launch full featured page.
  2. clear the content and switch to source view
  3. paste the following string into it: (note, the <title> contains the encoded <? characters and browsers can display this title with no issue at all)

  1. switch back to wysiwyg mode and the page is not empty (it should be). It contains the <? characters. This is because the <title> tag was broke up and its content moved to the body. So, something odd happens during the setData().
#12196 ATAG & CKEditor confirmed New Feature Normal

ATAG is of course the Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) 2.0.

How close any system can come to meeting ATAG will very much depend on the WYSIWYG that they use.

CKEditor has been good with WCAG, but would like to have a review for how it handles some of the elements of the W3C's ATAG.

#12197 dialogadvtab plugin: style field input validation is too restrictive confirmed Bug Normal

I want to specify a background image on a table with a full URL. With the dialogadvtab plugin I have the possibility to set it in the style attribute directly. But the validation function of the field does not allow a ":" sign in the style property value.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Go to full demo er nightly Bild ckeditor.
  • Select the table in the demo content.
  • Call table properties Dialog and click on "advanced" tab.
  • In the style input field enter "background-image:url('')"
  • Click on OK.
  • Validation failure message appears.
#12199 ckeditor is omitting a single trailing space in firefox and ie. confirmed Bug Normal

i've configured ckeditor inside jquery ui dialogue box text area. My aim is to get the whatever data entered by the user. Including spaces as many as entred by the user. When user enters a space after some text it returning same as mean text+space in chrome. But in FF and IE(IE9,IE11) the space is getting omitted and it is returning only text but not the space which entered at end. If user enters more than one space then the spaces are returning along with text mean text+space(if space are more than one). This behaviour is in FF and IE9,IE11 but not in GChrome. In GChrome it's working as expectdly. Below link may help you

#12201 [ACF]: Missing Format plugin breaks indentation confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Use standard editor but add indentblock plugin to it.
  2. Set below configuration:
    CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
      removePlugins : 'format',
      extraPlugins : 'indentblock',
      enterMode : CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV
    } );
  3. Go to test page and try to indent any div block. It is impossible.

Problem can be reproduced on all browsers from CKEditor 4.3

#12205 Justify/ alignment language strings are duplicated confirmed Bug Normal

With #12164 we now have a complete set of "justify/align" language strings duplicated in two places:

We should just use the common language strings in both contexts.

Another issue is that the language strings from the Justify plugin already have lots of translations, so when clearing the mess, we should make sure we do not lose them.

#12209 BR tag replacement seems to be to agressive confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Use enter mode sample with allowedContent:true.
  2. Paste below code into editor in Enter P or Div mode (in BR more some BR's are removed: #10497, #11392)
    Some Text
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
  3. Switch to WYSIWYG.

Results: BRs get extracted out side of span and changed into divs or paragraphs.

Problem can be reproduced from CKEditor 3.5.4 rev. [6740].

#12212 carriage return at <br> followed by <a> causes cursor to move unexpectedly to beginning of buffer (chrome only) confirmed Bug Normal

steps to reproduce:

  1. in mac Chrome 35.0.1916.153 open
  2. view source
  3. delete all the source code
  4. paste in the following source code:
    <p>line 1</p>
    <p>example 1<br />
    <a href="/node/1256">General Pathology</a></p>
  5. exit source view
  6. place the cursor at the end of the example 1 line
  7. press Enter

actual: a new paragraph is created and the cursor moves unexpectedly to the beginning of the first line in the Body field.

expected: a new paragraph is created but the cursor stays in the expected position

problem DOES NOT happen in firefox 30.0 on mac os 10.9.3.

#12220 link preview feature (same as facebook) new New Feature Normal

I write a lot of articles in which I comment others website pages (youtube video/news articles, blogs...). In my article, I would like to have a preview of the "commented page".

For the moment I use Facebook link preview feature to generate the link preview by pasting the "commented page" link in the Facebook 'What's in your mind?" field. Then I copy the preview with print screen, upload the image in my article and then I have to move the image in the correct FTP folder... It's quite a big work.

A great open source plugin exist for other cms.

That would be awesome if you could implement it your editor.

#12234 Missing dialog#iframeAdded event confirmed Task Normal

In CKEDITOR.dialog we have iframeAdded listener, and I see no such event fired in full package. I guess that it might been too hastily removed from the code.

I noticed that issue when I was checking #9611 issue.

Event is not docummented, but I think it should be fired by the iframedialog plugin, so keyboard handler can be attached to the frame.

#12235 AVT: Keyboard selection of widgets does not behave as expected confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open Sample widgets page
  1. Try to select any of widgets( Simple Box, Code Snippet, Enhanced Image, Mathematical Formulas) using keyboard

Issue: It's not possible, It's possible to select them using only with mouse not with keyboard, as a result we can not open widget properties dialog using keyboard. This is a failure of Accessibility Checkpoint 2.1a Keyboard.

Check comment:4 for more details.

#12236 AVT: Keyboard Navigation not working properly with widgets in editor body confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open Sample widgets page
  1. Press tab after Widget Tutorial link(above Simple Box Template)

Expected Result: Focus goes in to editor body & cursor at start of first paragraph & user use up/down arrow keys to navigate through whole content in editor body including widget.

Issue 1: Focus goes to heading in Simple Box widget & JAWS reads Bullet even though there was no list

Issue 2: when user press down arrow key, focus stays in heading and when he press Tab focus goes to second div

Issue 3: when user press down arrow key, focus stays in second div and when he press Tab focus goes out of editor body

Issue 4: There is no way that user navigate through text in editor body.

#12238 Do not use the table summary attribute confirmed Bug Normal

We ran into this with Drupal 8 -

There are a great list of examples -

But using:

<table summary="descriptive text">

No longer fits with the HTML5 specs.

Using details/summary works fine:

The UI shouldn't need to change, just the placement of the summary text.

#12246 Highlight the default value in richcombo if default label is set confirmed New Feature Normal

Reported through support channel. Original request is pasted below. Note that the default value should be probably highlighted using a different style than a value that was manually selected by a user.

This is because:

  • it should be impossible to unselect the default font, which means that we should differentiate it visually
  • the default font should be unselected "automatically" only when user selects different value
  • the current behavior of richcombo should rather change as well - clicking on a default value should not result in the default value being applied to the content once again as it is done right now:

CKEditor with font_defaultLabel : 'Arial', after selecting Arial in Font Name combo:

<p>This is <span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif">some sample
</span> text.</p>

The "default" style should be applied to the content only, if the style of the content has been already modified by the user, e.g. set the style back to Arial in the middle of the sentence in "Comic Sans":

<p><span style="font-family:comic sans ms,cursive">This is <span style=
"font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif">some sample</span> text.</span></p>

(now repeating Arial make sense)

We found a small issue with font_defaultLabel and fontSize_defaultLabel. When these are set, the CKEditor does properly show them selected. But if you open the associated dropdown, they are not highlighted to indicate they are selected.

Screen capture 1: font and font size are properly displayed when using font_defaultLabel and fontSize_defaultLabel

Screen capture 2: font is not highlighted. Same thing for font size.

Screen capture 3: this is what we would expect when setting the font_defaultLabel setting

#12248 Selecting and deleting last entries of a list will remove the entire list confirmed Bug Normal



Selecting bullets '2.1' and '3' (in wysiwyg mode) followed by hitting 'backspace' or 'delete' will remove the entire list. It seems as if such a selection causes the editor to select the outer 'ul' as well. The same selection can be deleted safely by adding another list element at the end of the list.

Reproducible: always (Firefox, Chrome and IE)

#12250 Cannot disable auto inline functionality when CKEditor is being loaded via Ajax pending Bug Normal


It seems it is not possible to disable the auto inline functionality when CKEditor is being loaded via Ajax. This is because DOM is ready on the moment CKEditor executes the following code:

CKEDITOR.domReady( function() {
    !CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline && CKEDITOR.inlineAll();
} );

I cannot set CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline before that, because CKEDITOR does not exist in window yet.

Is there a way to resolve this nasty issue?

#12259 Dialogs which create popup lose keyboard focus when popup is closed confirmed Bug Normal

If the 'Browse server' button in the image or link dialog is clicked, resulting in the popup window opening, and that popup is then closed, the original dialog no longer has keyboard focus. Accordingly, the escape key does not work.

Reproduce case, using 4.4.3 (revision fd4f17c):

1) Go to 2) Click 'Image' button. The image dialog opens. 3) Click 'Browse Server' button. The browse server popup opens. 4) Either choose an image or cancel. The browser server popup closes. 5) There is no keyboard focus any more, and the escape key on the keyboard does not work.

Comparison case:

1) Go to 2) Click 'Image' button. The image dialog opens. 3) Press escape, and the image dialog closes.

#12260 AccessKey works only once confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open
  2. Click "Checkbox".
  3. CTRL+S to see that focus is moved and "Selected" checkbox is checked.
  4. Click OK to close the dialog.
  5. Re-open the same dialog.
  6. Press CTRL+S.


"Selected" checkbox is toggled.


AccessKey feature is broken is completely broken in that dialog. Other accessKeystrokes does not work either.

#12265 Transform inline widget into block and back confirmed New Feature Normal

Since there are many questions about block MathJax some, helpers to create generic block-inline widgets would be useful.

It might be a pair of methods to transform inline widget into block and back. Of course every widget have to make some addition transformation but the common part could be handled by the widget system.

#12274 Bulleted/numbered list applied to description list breaks HTML confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Use source (remember about ACF):
  1. Make selection in "Foo".
  2. Apply bulleted list.




#12277 [IE] It's not possible to resize last column using table resizer when borders are collapses confirmed Bug Normal

Use this source:

<table border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse; width:469px">
			<td style="width: 142px;">&nbsp;</td>
			<td style="width: 320px;">&nbsp;</td>
			<td style="width: 142px;">&nbsp;</td>
			<td style="width: 320px;">&nbsp;</td>

I can't change last column's with by dragging the 3rd border from the left. Confirmed on IE8 at least

#12281 Bug in Core.Editable isInline() function when using the editor inside an iFrame confirmed Bug Normal


For various reasons I need to use the CKEditor inside an iFrame that is populated with content via JavaScript. This seems to cause a bug in the isInline() function within Core.Editable, where the document of the editor is compared with the CKEDITOR.document to conclude if the editor is inline or not. Because the editor is located inside the iFrame, and the iFrame document does not match the CKEDITOR.document, the result is always false. This causes an issue with the magicline plugin that relies on this to calculate the position of the line. Its very likely that other plugins are also affected that use the isInline() function.

I made a JSFiddle to demonstrate the issue:

The solution I applied is also included there as a comment, which checks if the 'cke_editable_inline' class is applied onthe editor to decide if it is inline or not. Un-comment it to see how the isInline() function returns the correct value and the magicline is positioned correctly. This might not be the ideal solution but it worked for me. If a better fix is available please let me know.

#12285 Tab key based navigation is broken in iframedialog plugin. confirmed Bug Normal

Problem is similar to #9611.

It isn't possible to jump (with tabIndex) through elements that are inside iframedialog plugin.
Problem can be reproduced in all browsers.

Firefox, Webkit and Blink - When you click on page inside iframe you can jump through elements but when you reach Cancel button there is no coming back.
IE - Result is the same (buttons grab focus) but there is one note to make.
Focus works a little different here even on native HTML page. Most of the time, you need to click inside input area so that you can tab through elements. When you click on page then (most of the time and it depends where you click) you will focus select element or nothing.

#12286 Dragging the Resizable corners of the table to out of the CKEditor makes the resizable corners displayed out of the editor and the editor becomes unresponsive when we click in scroll bars. confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce:

1.Insert a table inside the Ckeditor text area. 2.Click on the corner of the table. 3.Resizable border of the table will appear. 4.Drag the border out of the editor.

Issue 1:The dotted resizable corners of the table is displayed out of the CK editor. Issue 2:Now when we try to use the scroll of editor, the editor becomes unresponsive.

This occurs only in IE8 and IE9 and not in Firefox. I have attached a video to this, having the recording of the issue for your reference.

#12287 Unable to create link when certain fields are removed from the dialog confirmed Bug Normal

Unable to create link when certain fields are removed from the dialog. In other words, some default values are missing.

Before I was usign the following code to remove the linktype and protocol fields in the link dialog I don't need...

if ( dialogName == 'link' ) {
        var infoTab = dialogDefinition.getContents( 'info' );
        infoTab.remove( 'linkType' );
        infoTab.remove( 'protocol' );

This will still remove the items, but when trying to hit enter or ok the dialog just fails.

From here:

#12290 Stylesheetparser in dialog new New Feature Normal

The stylesheetparser is a great feature. Why it is not available in dialog windows? There is a text input for class names of css, but selecting a class would be easier :-)

#12292 Accessibility: better support for tables confirmed Bug Normal

We need to bring a better support for the tables.

I've tested JAWS and Narrator and none of them is doing a good job with our tables.

Screen reader notes:

  • JAWS - reads each char inside the table as line ending mark, therefore tables content is not available which makes this useless.
  • Narrator - it reads the content correctly, but (at least in default configuration) does not notify that user is in the table.

Possible solution:

I belive we should give a try to role=grid for the table.

#12294 Extend the list of entries in lang.common confirmed Task Normal

We should review language entries inside plugins and move them to lang.common when there is a high probability that they will be reused by different plugins.

Related tickets:

#12297 When searching a text, the matched chunk does highlight, but does not scroll to it's position in the area confirmed Bug Normal

Open full featured demo Paste the dummy "Lorem Ipsum..." text several times in order to have scrollbar in the editor. Open "Find" window and try to search "Lorem" word. The scrolling to the word is not correct in all matches. Sometimes the whole page is scrolled.

#12304 Allow for tag blacklisting for removeFormat confirmed New Feature Normal

Generally, in CKEditor, highlighting a selection with an image and executing a removeFormat command will remove any styling on the image, which is usually OK. However, any integration of large images with custom cropping and high-resolution images will, upon doing this, result in very large images being placed into the document.

I'd love for there to be a configuration option to say, for example, when executing removeFormat, do not touch the "img" tag.

#12307 CKEditor instance object is not released from memory on destroy confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open sample 'replacebycode.html'.
  2. make heap snapshot.
  3. run in console: CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.destroy();.
  4. run in console: CKEDITOR.replace('editor1');.
  5. make heap snaphost and switch to Comparison view in console.

Actual result: instance of Editor is not released from memory.

#12312 [FF] An extra BR added to the elementspath confirmed Bug Normal

When we'll make a selection of an "end of line" (ofc it's not really an EOL) elements path will report an extra BR, which is not a part of end-user content, but seems to be a part of our internals.

  1. open any sample with CKEditor (i.e. samples/replacebyclass.html)
  2. use following source
  3. switch back to wysiwyg mode
  4. place caret at the begining of second line ^bar
  5. expand selection to one character left ( shift + left arrow )

Expected result:
Elements path should have following members: body p

Current result:
Elements path contains an extra br: body p br

#12314 Entermode inconsistencies pending Bug Normal

I'm using inline mode, enterMode : CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV

1) Slap a heap of divs into the editor 2) Hit enter anywhere, a new div is created (is this by design?) 3) Ctrl-A, Del 4) Use source button to verify editor is indeed "empty" 5) Use blocks plugin to verify editor is not actually empty, but has a dummy div holder 6) Hit Enter, divs are still created 7) Use source to set <p></p> for content 8) Hit Enter, <p>s are created now

Problems: 1) Is the enter-in-div=div by design? 2) There should be a way to go back to <p> mode between divs 3) The dummy container created for an empty editor should fall back to <p> if editor is indeed empty

#12323 [IE10] After removing whole list text below jump up. confirmed Bug Normal

[IE10] For ages.

  1. Open editor with following content:
  1. Select whole list.
  2. Delete list by pressing backspace.

Actual result: text hello jump to first line. Expected result: text hello stay in the second line.

  1. Start typing.

Actual result: text hello jump to next line. Expected result: text hello stay in the same line.

#12326 [IE] Error throw after switching between source mode and then click styles button confirmed Bug Normal

Browser: [IE 10...11]

Since: 4.2.1

  1. Open sample: 4.4.4/standard/ckeditor/samples/uilanguages.html
  2. Make some selection.
  3. Go to Source mode.
  4. Switch back to Edit mode.
  5. Click on Styles button.

Actual result: Error is thrown in console.

Could not get „blockLimit” property of null or undefined. core/style.js:373

#12328 [IE8] Predefined style pruned by the editor confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Use samples/replacebyclass.html and standard-all build of the editor.
  2. Set the following HTML and selection
  3. Apply "Special Container" style from styles drop-down.

Expected: Contents hold the style.

<div style="background:#eee; border:1px solid #ccc; padding:5px 10px">x</div>




  • It works in dev code.
  • It works in other browsers.
#12334 [IE8] Invalid argument error thrown when pressing backspace in specific conditions confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open replacebycode sample.
  2. Click image.
  3. Press backspaces few times.
  4. Error thrown from

Reproduced at least from 4.4.3. Most likely much earlier.

#12343 ACF does not play well with basicstyles confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Start CKEditor with:
CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1', {
    allowedContent : 'u i b'
} );
  1. Enter "foo bar", select it and press "B", "I" buttons.
  2. Result in CKEditor:
    <em><strong>foo bar</strong></em>
    (it can be easily noticed in the elements path).

Although getData() returns properly <i><b>foo bar</b></i>, such behavior is buggy. When CSS styles are defined for <b>/<i> they will not be applied for <strong>/<em>. Besides it is misleading for anyone configuring ACF.

#12348 [IE8] Text pasted from textarea is underlined if content ends with a link confirmed Bug Normal

Moved from: #12341.

  • open any sample
  • set data to: <p>foo <a href="foo">foo</a></p>
  • copy text from some textarea
  • paste it... it's underlined :D
  • it happens only when pasting into the framed editor and it happens also when pasting using button in the toolbar (and allowing clipboard access)
#12351 Find/Replace accessibility confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Find dialog: Enter key when focus is in "Find what" field should find the text.
  1. Replace dialog: (tabindex) Tab key when cursor is in "Find what" field should move focus to "Replace with" field.
#12353 Markup inserted prior to doctype not handled nicely. confirmed Bug Normal

Any HTML markup inserted before a doctype or <html> tag is clearly invalid, but the way that CKEditor handles it isn't helpful. Given a doc that starts like this (adapted from your full-page demo page):

	<title>CKEditor Full Page Example</title>
<h1><img alt="Saturn V carrying Apollo 11" class="right" src="" /> Apollo 11</h1>

It is transformed into this:

<title>CKEditor Full Page Example</title>
<h1><img alt="Saturn V carrying Apollo 11" class="right" src="" /> Apollo 11</h1>

If you pass this into any HTML sanitisation system (such as htmlpurifier), it will probably strip everything after the closing </html> (trashing nearly all of the document, including all of the original head tag), and renderers may ignore anything after the </html>, though I note that CKEditor does not. I understand the reasoning behind this approach, but it is unlikely that is what the user intended, and it would be better to try something a little more sane first, for example, if there is a <body> tag, move the early markup after that, so the output would become:

	<title>CKEditor Full Page Example</title>
<h1><img alt="Saturn V carrying Apollo 11" class="right" src="" /> Apollo 11</h1>

If that fails, then fall back to wrapping it in an HTML element. As it stands, moving all the content to after the </html> tag is far more destructive than having content before the <html> tag in the first place!

#12357 [IE8] Call maximize command fire resize event twice confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Add resize event listener to editor instance.
  2. Click maximize button or exec command by code.

Actucal result: resize event has been called twice.

Probably reason: As far as I see, getting dimension properties like clientWidth fire resize event.

Commented tests:

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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