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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4 fixed New Licensing Frederico Caldeira Knabben Frederico Caldeira Knabben

A new license must be created to fix some issues with the current LGPL/CDL system:

  • LGPL is incompatible with some Open Source licenses. Probably a triple OS license support would fix this issue (GPL/LGPL/MPL).
  • Incorporate all licenses in a single license term, including the CDL.
  • We must continue under a copyleft license, leaving the CDL as the unique non-copyleft license.
  • Limit the CDL validity to avoid it being used on systems that could offer a way to bypass us, like Component Bundles or development runtime platforms.
  • There are people out there abusing of our code (including commercial software). Find a way to enforce our rights, leaving abuses in a dangerous situation.
#5 fixed Remove the Universal Keyboard Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo Frederico Caldeira Knabben

The Universal Keyboard has been contributed by Abdul-Aziz Al-Oraij for FCKeditor 1.x. It is based on code produced by Michel Staelens.

The problem here is that we don't know the license within which the original code has been deployed. We have found a site for it here:

There is no information regarding licensing in that site, not even a download URL. I've tried to contact Michel Staelens with no success. Aziz have said that he knows nothing about its license too.

So, as we can't understand it better, we have to move this code out of FCKeditor.

At the same time, we can transform it in a plugin and release it at our plugins repository. We could ask Aziz to publish it, or even publish it "anonymously".

#6 fixed Define ticketing method for Opera and Safari support Frederico Caldeira Knabben Alfonso

I'm trying to test if we can have a set of meta bugs (one for each browser) that can tell us the state of support for each browser.

I don't see the ability to have a Ticket depend on another one, maybe we can use then Keywords on each Ticket to know bugs affecting each browser?

Other ideas about how to track each browser and know for example what's missing in Opera or Safari to say that it's officially supported?

Depends on: #1, #2
Blocks: #3

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