Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#16934 closed Bug (invalid)

CK Editor Inline strips

Reported by: geomircean Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version:
Keywords: Cc:



I'm using CK Editor Inline for my application. What I am doing is toggling between a textarea with html content and CK Editor Inline. The html content is used as content for CK Editor Inline. What happens is that when I add content with <html>, <head>, <body> tags, these tags are stripped.

My CK Editor Inline configuration looks like this:
export default {

fullPage: true, uiColor: '#ffffff', htmlEncodeOutput: true, extraPlugins: 'confighelper,sourcedialog,dialog,symbol', allowedContent: true, extraAllowedContent: 'html;body;style;head;title;*[*];*{*};*(*)', EnterMode: 'br', ShiftEnterMode: 'br', autoParagraph: false, placeholder: 'Start writing your content here or upload a file.', height: '100%', toolbar: [

{ name: 'clipboard', groups: [ 'clipboard', 'undo' ], items: [ 'Cut', 'Copy', 'Paste', 'PasteText', 'PasteFromWord', '-', 'Undo', 'Redo' ] }, { name: 'editing', groups: [ 'find', 'selection', 'spellchecker' ], items: [ 'Find', 'Replace', 'SelectAll' ] }, { name: 'document', groups: [ 'mode', 'document', 'doctools' ], items: [ 'Source' ] }, '/', { name: 'basicstyles', groups: [ 'basicstyles', 'cleanup' ], items: [ 'Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'Strike', 'Subscript', 'Superscript', 'RemoveFormat' ] }, { name: 'paragraph', groups: [ 'list', 'indent', 'blocks', 'align', 'bidi' ], items: [ 'NumberedList', 'BulletedList', 'Outdent', 'Indent', 'Blockquote', 'CreateDiv', 'JustifyLeft', 'JustifyCenter', 'JustifyRight', 'JustifyBlock'] }, { name: 'links', items: [ 'Link', 'Unlink', 'Anchor' ] }, { name: 'insert', items: [ 'Image', 'Table', 'HorizontalRule', 'Symbol', 'Sourcedialog' ] }, '/', { name: 'styles', items: [ 'Styles', 'Format', 'Font', 'FontSize', 'TextColor', 'BGColor', 'ShowBlocks' ] }

], filebrowserBrowseUrl: '/ckfinder', filebrowserImageBrowseUrl: '/ckfinder?type=Images',


Steps to reproduce

  1. Insert a full page html content
  2. Compare the html in the editor with the pasted

Expected result

Keep all the content I'm setting up for the editor

Actual result

The following html tags are stripped:

  • html
  • head
  • body

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

Chrome, Windows 10, CK Editor v4.6, plugins confighelper, sourcedialog, dialog, symbol

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 7 years ago by geomircean

Version: 4.7.0 (GitHub - major)4.6.2

comment:2 Changed 7 years ago by Jakub Ś

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed
Version: 4.6.2

Inline editor is part of existing page. If you want to have whole document, use classic editor with full page plugin

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