Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#7804 closed Bug (fixed)

<wbr> tag in source is breaking the editor.

Reported by: Satya Minnekanti Owned by: Sa'ar Zac Elias
Priority: Normal Milestone: CKEditor 3.6.1
Component: General Version: 3.0
Keywords: IBM Cc: Damian, James Cunningham, Teresa Monahan, markuspaek


To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open CK Editor sample, Go to Source and paste the following code.
<p> dublin <wbr> ireland </wbr> </p>
<p> paris france </p>
  1. Go to Rich Text view.

Expected Result: 2 paragraphs that we have set in step 1 should be displayed.

Actual Result:

FF: An extra empty paragraph is added between 2 paragraphs.

Safari,Opera,Chrome: An extra empty paragraph is added at end of 2 paragraph.

  1. Switch between Source mode & Rich text couple of times.

Issue1: IN FF, Safari,Opera,Chrome You will see lot of extraneous and heavily nested <WBR> tags in the content and empty paragraphs gets adding in the content.

  1. Navigate between Source mode & Rich text some 20 times.

Issue2: In FF& Chrome Editor is broken and when i look at firebug it shows an error and the Error is too much recursion [Break On This Error] if(w){for(t=0;t<v&&q[t].pri<s;t++){}fo...t=s.$.scopeName.toLowerCase()+':'+t;

Attachments (1)

7804.patch (1.6 KB) - added by Sa'ar Zac Elias 14 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (12)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by Damian

The original description needs to be refined. Using </wbr> is not valid as the content model for <wbr> is blank, e.g. just like <br>.

There are still major problems adding simple <wbr> tags to the content. CKEditor creates closing </wbr> tags. Which is the starting point in Satya's test case. As you go between source mode and rich text, CKEditor continues to add additional opening and closing <wbr> tags.

comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by Jakub Ś

Status: newconfirmed
Version: 3.0

Issue 1 is also reproducible for IE9

The error from Firebug is:
Message: too much recursion
File: /_source/core/dom/document.js
Line: 248
Code: this.$.write( html );

comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

Cc: markuspaek added

#5281 has been marked as DUP.

Changed 14 years ago by Sa'ar Zac Elias

Attachment: 7804.patch added

comment:4 Changed 14 years ago by Sa'ar Zac Elias

Owner: set to Sa'ar Zac Elias
Status: confirmedreview

comment:5 Changed 14 years ago by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

Status: reviewreview_passed

comment:6 Changed 14 years ago by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

Milestone: CKEditor 3.6.1

comment:7 Changed 14 years ago by Sa'ar Zac Elias

Resolution: fixed
Status: review_passedclosed

Fixed with [6931].

comment:8 in reply to:  7 Changed 14 years ago by ilovedrupalverymuch

Replying to Saare:

Fixed with [6931].

satya posted two issues and according to the last entry of this ticket, the bug has been fixed already. My question is which issue was fixed? I tried the test case in the demo but still issue no. 1 was not resolved. I will try to check if I can recreate the problem stated in issue no. 2..

comment:9 Changed 14 years ago by Wiktor Walc

@ilovedrupalverymuch - in which demo did you try it? Did you check it in the nightly build?

Could you provide more details, what problems do you see and in what browser?

My result in Firefox is:

	dublin <wbr /> ireland</p>
	paris france</p>

and it is correct, see the first comment added by damo.

comment:10 Changed 14 years ago by ilovedrupalverymuch

Hi wwalc,

I tried the test case by satya in in FF, IE, and Chrome yesterday. As soon as I inserted the test case and press the source button around 50 times, the demo crashed.

What is strange is when I tried the same test case this morning, the problem was gone.

My question is, if I will replace the dtd.js file from Fixed with [6931] in our server, will it solve the problem? Will I have the same result as the demo "now" (because I was certain it was having a problem yesterday)?

If I am missing something, please shed some light for I am currently unable to make it work in our server.

Thanks anyways for a prompt response to my post.


Last edited 14 years ago by ilovedrupalverymuch (previous) (diff)

comment:11 in reply to:  10 Changed 14 years ago by ilovedrupalverymuch

Replying to ilovedrupalverymuch:

Hi wwalc,

I tried the test case by satya in in FF, IE, and Chrome yesterday. As soon as I inserted the test case and press the source button around 50 times, the demo crashed.

What is strange is when I tried the same test case this morning, the problem was gone.

My question is, if I will replace the dtd.js file from Fixed with [6931] in our server, will it solve the problem? Will I have the same result as the demo "now" (because I was certain it was having a problem yesterday)?

If I am missing something, please shed some light for I am currently unable to make it work in our server.

Thanks anyways for a prompt response to my post.


Hi wwalc,

Just an update on my previous post. I had the CKEditor working on our site but it seems like the "dtd.js" patch wouldn't work by simply replacing the file from an older version of CKEditor. I had to update the entire CKEditor with the latest build to make it work.

This is just an FYI.



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