1 | <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> |
2 | <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> |
3 | <head> |
4 | <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> |
5 | <?php |
6 | include("includes/headcontent.php"); |
7 | if ($_COOKIE['client_id'] == "") { |
8 | header("location: client_select.php?url=ckeditor_intro"); |
9 | } |
10 | include("includes/config.php"); |
11 | include("includes/connect.php"); |
12 | include("includes/commonfunctions.php"); |
13 | include("includes/header.php"); |
14 | $chk = chkauditor(); |
15 | ?> |
16 | <script src="/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script> |
17 | </head> |
18 | <?php |
19 | function update() { |
20 | //update db |
21 | global $_REQUEST; |
22 | $client_id = $_COOKIE['client_id']; |
23 | $aud_type = $_COOKIE['audit_type']; |
24 | $overview = replace_string($_POST['overview']); |
25 | $issues = replace_string($_POST['issues']); |
26 | $sql = "SELECT * FROM man_report WHERE client_id = '$client_id' AND aud_type = $aud_type"; |
27 | $result = mysql_query($sql); |
28 | $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); |
29 | if ($num_rows == 0) { |
30 | $sqli = "INSERT INTO man_report (client_id,aud_type,man_overview,issues)"; |
31 | $sqli .= " VALUES ('$client_id',$aud_type,'$overview','$issues')"; |
32 | $resulti = mysql_query($sqli); |
33 | $return = $resulti; |
34 | } |
35 | else { |
36 | $sqlu = "UPDATE man_report SET man_overview = '$overview', issues = '$issues'"; |
37 | $sqlu .= " WHERE client_id = '$client_id' AND aud_type = $aud_type"; |
38 | $resultu = mysql_query($sqlu); |
39 | $return = $resultu; |
40 | } |
41 | return $return; |
42 | } |
43 | ?> |
44 | <body> |
45 | <div class="main"> |
46 | <div class="logo"> |
47 | </div> |
48 | <div class="menubar"> |
49 | <?php |
50 | $long = "yes"; |
51 | include("includes/topnav.php"); |
52 | ?> |
53 | </div><!-- menubar --> |
54 | <div class="mainsection"> |
55 | <div class="mainleft"> |
56 | <div class="sidebar"> |
57 | </div> |
58 | </div> <!-- mainleft --> |
59 | <div class="mainright"> |
60 | <div class="greyline"></div> |
61 | <div class="mainbox"> |
62 | <?php |
63 | |
64 | $submit_text = DBSelect("button_list","button","submit"); |
65 | |
66 | $upd = true; |
67 | if ($_POST) { |
68 | $upd = update(); |
69 | } |
70 | ?> |
71 | <form id="write_mgtsum" name="write_mgtsum" action="ckeditor_mgtsum.php" method="post"> |
72 | <table border="0" width="95%"> |
73 | <tr> |
74 | <td colspan="3"><strong><?php echo $_COOKIE['company']." - ".$_COOKIE['aud_desc'];?></strong></td> |
75 | </tr> |
76 | <?php |
77 | $client_id = $_COOKIE['client_id']; |
78 | $aud_type = $_COOKIE['audit_type']; |
79 | $sqlca = "SELECT * FROM client_audit WHERE client_id = '$client_id' AND aud_type = $aud_type"; |
80 | $resultca = mysql_query($sqlca); |
81 | $num_rowsca = mysql_num_rows($resultca); |
82 | if ($num_rowsca == 0) { |
83 | $client_audit_id = 0; |
84 | } |
85 | else { |
86 | $rowca = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultca); |
87 | $client_audit_id = $rowca['id']; |
88 | } |
89 | |
90 | //if (!audcomplete() && auditorislead($client_audit_id,$_COOKIE['auditor_no'])) { |
91 | //HV 16/4 bug fix for autofill release |
92 | $sqlma = "SELECT * FROM master_auditor"; |
93 | $resultma = mysql_query($sqlma); |
94 | $num_rowsma = mysql_num_rows($resultma); |
95 | if ($num_rowsma == 0){ |
96 | $ma = false; |
97 | } |
98 | else { |
99 | $rowma = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultma); |
100 | if ($rowma['username'] == $_COOKIE['username']){ |
101 | $ma = true; |
102 | } |
103 | else { |
104 | $ma = false; |
105 | } |
106 | } |
107 | if ((!audcomplete() && auditorislead($client_audit_id,$_COOKIE['auditor_no'])) || (audnumber()==1 && $ma)) { |
108 | $sql = "SELECT man_overview, issues FROM man_report WHERE client_id = '".$_COOKIE['client_id']."' AND aud_type = " . $_COOKIE['audit_type']; |
109 | $result = mysql_query($sql); |
110 | $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); |
111 | if ($num_rows != 0) { |
112 | $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); |
113 | } |
114 | if (!$upd) { |
115 | ?> |
116 | <tr> |
117 | <td colspan="3"><font class="error"><?php echo DBSelect("message_list","message","mgt_sum_failed");?></font></td> |
118 | </tr> |
119 | <?php |
120 | } |
121 | ?> |
122 | <tr> |
123 | <td valign="top" colspan="3"><strong>**Management Summary**</strong></td> |
124 | </tr> |
125 | <tr> |
126 | <td colspan="3"><textarea name="issues" id="issues" cols="80" rows="10"><?php echo $row['issues']; ?></textarea> |
127 | <script>CKEDITOR.replace( 'issues', {toolbar : 'SDIAdmin'},{width: '100%',height: '80%'});</script> |
128 | </td> |
129 | </tr> |
130 | <tr> |
131 | <td> </td> |
132 | <td> |
133 | <a href="write_mgt_summary_print.php" class="main_button" onclick="var w=window.open(this.href, 'display', 'width=680,height=450,top=200,left=290,location=0,titlebar=0,menubar=0,addressbar=0,toolbar=0,status=no,scrollbars=1,resizable=0'); w.focus(); return false;"><INPUT TYPE="image" SRC="/servicedesk-certification/images/print.png" width="56" height="28" ALT="<?php echo DBSelect("button_list","button","print");?>"> |
134 | </td> |
135 | <td><INPUT TYPE="image" SRC="/servicedesk-certification/images/submit.png" width="90" height="28" onClick="submitbutton();" ALT="<?php echo $submit_text;?>"></td> |
136 | </tr> |
137 | <?php |
138 | } |
139 | else { |
140 | if (audcomplete()){ |
141 | ?> |
142 | <tr> |
143 | <td colspan="3"><font class="error"><?php echo DBSelect("message_list","message","audcomplete");?></font></td> |
144 | </tr> |
145 | <?php |
146 | } |
147 | else { |
148 | ?> |
149 | <tr> |
150 | <td colspan="3"><font class="error"><?php echo DBSelect("message_list","message","notleadauditor");?></font></td> |
151 | </tr> |
152 | <?php |
153 | } |
154 | } |
155 | ?> |
156 | </table> <!-- main table --> |
157 | </form> |
158 | |
159 | </div><!--mainbox--> |
160 | </div> <!-- mainright --> |
161 | <?php |
162 | include("includes/footer.php"); |
163 | ?> |
164 | </div> <!-- mainsection --> |
165 | </div> <!-- main --> |
166 | </body> |
167 | </html> |