Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #10425, comment 3

Jun 10, 2013, 12:56:59 PM (12 years ago)
Jakub Ś


  • Ticket #10425, comment 3

    initial v1  
    77Good news is - browsers seem to handle this pretty well. If file is the same it gets called only once. For example in Chrome: clear browser cache and then reload page with Ctrl+F5. You will notice that contents.css gets called only once. Now press Ctrl+F5 again - contents.css gets called multiple times but from cache. If you examine more closely these requests you will notice that they are made from document.js file and that contents.css is actually loaded from cache so there is no overhead. [[BR]]
    88If you disable cache in browser contents.css gets called only once on which page refresh. I'm guessing that if you make request for the same file browser ignores it.[[BR]]
    9 Conclusion is this is how it works. Each editor document calls its own CSS but if you have same file for all editor instances browsers handle it pretty well i.e. it gets called only once.
     9Conclusion is this is how it works. Each editor document calls its own CSS but if you have same file for all editor instances browsers handle it pretty well i.e. file gets called only once.
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