Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #11460, comment 16

Feb 27, 2014, 8:02:35 PM (11 years ago)
Piotrek Koszuliński


  • Ticket #11460, comment 16

    initial v1  
    11> I'm not sure if we can "fix" range#cloneContents() or we need to write it from scratch. What cloneContents() basically do is calling execContentsAction what is pretty complex function used also by some other functions. This function was designed that way it can change range, so it might happen. And if we would need to write new range.cloneContents method just to use it in selection.getSelectedHTML maybe we should focus on getSelectedHTML. If it really need range.cloneContents we should write it but this is not a method we should focus on.
    3 I'm actually curious how cloneContents work currently. There's a slight chance that it was intended to be used in such cases - it's hard to tell now. But even if not, implementing it from scratch is acceptable. Note that implementing getSelectedHtml **requires** having something similar to cloneContents (even in [[attachment:​readHtmlOnDragstart.html​]] you used cloneContents, although a native one).
     3I'm actually curious how cloneContents works currently. There's a small chance that it was intended to be used in such cases - it's hard to tell now. But even if not, implementing it from scratch is acceptable. Note that implementing getSelectedHtml **requires** having something similar to cloneContents (even in [[attachment:​readHtmlOnDragstart.html​]] you used cloneContents, although a native one).
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