Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #11532

Feb 4, 2014, 3:02:20 PM (11 years ago)
Piotrek Koszuliński


  • Ticket #11532

    • Property Status changed from new to confirmed
    • Property Milestone changed from to CKEditor 4.4
  • Ticket #11532 – Description

    initial v1  
    1 We should create more convenient way to add custom css files. Now we accept as editor.config.contentsCss string or array of strings which is ok, but if we want to attach to it extra css styles in plugins, we have to do some extra checking. Such code is redundant.
     1We should create more convenient way to add custom css files. Now we accept as `editor.config.contentsCss` string or array of strings which is ok, but if we want to attach to it extra css styles in plugins, we have to do some extra checking. Such code is redundant.
    3 Method should be editor member, so we will end up with `editor.addContentsCss()`. Method itself should be injected from `wysiwygarea` plugin, since contentsCss works only for classic editor.
     3Method should be editor member, so we will end up with `editor.addContentsCss()`. Method itself should be injected from `wysiwygarea` plugin, since `contentsCss` works only for classic editor.
    5 Method should allow to accept as its parameter both string and array of stylesheet paths.
     5Method should accept as its parameter a string.
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