Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#12423 closed Bug (fixed)

[Safari 7.1+, 8.0] Enter key at the end of block is broken

Reported by: zanami Owned by: Piotrek Koszuliński
Priority: Normal Milestone: CKEditor 4.4.5
Component: UI : Enter Key Version: 4.4.5
Keywords: Safari8 Cc: webmaster@…


Safari 8.0 (10600.1.15) on OS X 10.10

I first encountered this on my Drupal 7 + ckeditor installation and then I get the same result here:

  1. When cursor is at the end of line and I press Enter it moves to the start of the first line (left/top of the area) sometimes (. Also it gets invisible but not always. I think it only misbehaves when there's a tag that ends there.
  1. When cursor is anywhere in the middle of any line (or at the end of soft wrapped line) it works as expected on Enter — new paragraph created, cursor is at the beginning.

I made a screenshot to clarify things

Attachments (1)

014-09-10 13.03.59-14-09-10-13-04-14-09-10-13-11.jpg (146.7 KB) - added by zanami 10 years ago.
Screenshot, how to reproduce

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (36)

Changed 10 years ago by zanami

Screenshot, how to reproduce

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński

It sounds like a serious bug in either new Safari or CKEditor. I cannot reproduce this on Safari 7 and can't test it on OSX 10.10 yet. Could you record a screencast with opened (and visible) JS console?

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński

It may be possible to check latest Webkit version using -

comment:3 Changed 10 years ago by Piotr Jasiun

I tested this bug with WebKit nightly (WebKit r173441), which use AppleWebKit/601.1.1+ and I can not reproduce it there.

comment:4 Changed 10 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński

@zanami: Could you check which Webkit version your Safari 8 uses? You can check this on Just copy us "AppleWebKit version".

comment:5 Changed 10 years ago by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

Safari 8 is supposed to be WebKit 538.35.8.

comment:6 Changed 10 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński

Component: Core : KeystrokesUI : Enter Key
Keywords: safari mac removed
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed
Version: 4.4.4

So apparently this bug has already been fixed in WebKit.

I'm closing this ticket as invalid, but we can reopen it in the future if for some strange reasons the bug will be back in official Safari 8 release.

comment:7 Changed 10 years ago by zanami

WebKit version 600.1.15

Browser using Webkit layout engine? Yes Browser using WebKit layout engine? (via JavaScript) Yes WebKit version 600.1.15 WebKit nightly build No Browser name Safari 8.0 AppleWebKit version 600.1.15 Google Chrome version Unknown or unable to detect Safari version 8.0 User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10) AppleWebKit/600.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Safari/600.1.15

comment:8 Changed 10 years ago by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

Resolution: invalid
Status: closedreopened

comment:9 Changed 10 years ago by Jakub Ś

Keywords: Safari8 added
Status: reopenedconfirmed

comment:10 Changed 10 years ago by Piotr Jasiun

Confirmed on iPad Air with iOS 8.

Last edited 10 years ago by Piotr Jasiun (previous) (diff)

comment:11 Changed 10 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński

I can reproduce this issue on AppleWebKit/601.1.1+ ;/.

comment:12 Changed 10 years ago by Piotr Jasiun

I tested this with native contented editable (both inline and iframe) and it works fine, so there is room for improvements.

Version 0, edited 10 years ago by Piotr Jasiun (next)

comment:13 Changed 10 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński

The fact that native contenteditable behaves better (although, in few minutes I found bugs on it too) is not a proof that we can make CKEditor working, because CKEditor uses also APIs which may be broken.

Last edited 10 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński (previous) (diff)

comment:14 Changed 10 years ago by AndiU

Summary: Enter key behavior is inconsistentEnter key behavior is inconsistent - makes Safari unusable

This bug is now in the official Version of Safari 7.1 (9537. which is part of regular updates of Mac OS X.

The bug is very critical, as it makes CKEditor totally unusable in Safari :-(

comment:15 Changed 10 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński

Milestone: CKEditor 4.4.5
Owner: set to Piotrek Koszuliński
Status: confirmedassigned

Bad news ;/

We were planning to work on this issue this week anyway, but this makes the need for patch even more urgent.

comment:16 Changed 10 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński

Summary: Enter key behavior is inconsistent - makes Safari unusable[Safari 7.1+] Enter key at the end of block is broken

comment:17 Changed 10 years ago by Robert Emmett

Bump. Reproducible in Safari 7.1.

comment:18 Changed 10 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński

Status: assignedreview

I pushed branch:t/12423 with the patch.

It turned out that on Safari 7 offsetHeight of <br> was 0, but starting from Safari 7.1 offsetHeight equals the line height.

This little changed affected walker.invisible() which then affected the rangeRequiresFix function from selection.js which checks whether range requires fix for the ugly Webkit&Blink bug that doesn't allow to place selection in certain positions. For empty block with a bogus <br> this function should return false, but it started returning true, so the fix started being applied to a case to which it was not supposed to be able to handle.

comment:19 Changed 10 years ago by Artur Delura

Merged on git:9641ac4

comment:20 Changed 10 years ago by Artur Delura

Resolution: fixed
Status: reviewclosed

comment:21 Changed 10 years ago by Robert Emmett

How soon do you think it will take to be released in a stable build? If not for a while, do you feel that it is stable enough for use in a release product?

comment:22 Changed 10 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński

We are starting today the testing phase for CKEditor 4.4.5 and if it goes well, we will try to release it on Thursday on Friday.

As for the patch itself, it's hard to test it quickly because it's hard to predict what it might affect. But it definitely haven't broken something very badly, because that we would notice, so if you need to fix the bug on Safari ASAP, then you can use it rather safely.

comment:23 Changed 10 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński

CKEditor 4.4.5 has been just released -

comment:24 Changed 10 years ago by The Digital Orchard

Version 4.4.5 has not fixed this issue for me (Safari 8) as the Change Log claims it to have. Is this still under investigation?

comment:25 Changed 10 years ago by The Digital Orchard

Cc: webmaster@… added
Summary: [Safari 7.1+] Enter key at the end of block is broken[Safari 7.1+, 8.0] Enter key at the end of block is broken
Version: 4.4.5

comment:26 in reply to:  24 Changed 10 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński

Replying to TheDO:

Version 4.4.5 has not fixed this issue for me (Safari 8) as the Change Log claims it to have. Is this still under investigation?

I don't see any problems on Safari 8. Are you sure you checked 4.4.5 (and refresh the cache)?

comment:27 Changed 10 years ago by Yogesh

I am using ckeditor 4.4.3,

Where i can find patch file for Ticket #12423

There is no file at the said location "​branch:t/12423".

comment:28 Changed 10 years ago by Jakub Ś

You can see what code got merged here:

I think however it is much easier to use new release like CKEditor 4.4.7.

comment:29 Changed 10 years ago by The Digital Orchard

Now running 4.4.7 in Safari 8.0.3 (Mac), and while pressing the Return key does indeed behave better, it's still not perfect. Occasionally it will place the cursor back at the beginning of the text again. Is this a bug in the browser or CKEditor?

comment:30 Changed 10 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński

Occasionally it will place the cursor back at the beginning of the text again. Is this a bug in the browser or CKEditor?

We can't say without knowing the scenarios in which the enter key fails. We would need to investigate each case and each case may be different.

comment:31 Changed 9 years ago by The Digital Orchard

Just updated to CKEditor 4.5.6, and this problem still exists for me in Safari 9.0.2.

All CKEditor files in my installation are path-versioned so I'm confident that they are not loading old code from the cache.

comment:32 in reply to:  30 Changed 9 years ago by The Digital Orchard

Replying to Reinmar:

Occasionally it will place the cursor back at the beginning of the text again. Is this a bug in the browser or CKEditor?

We can't say without knowing the scenarios in which the enter key fails. We would need to investigate each case and each case may be different.

Here is a simple test that fails for me.

1) Brand new instance on screen. 2) Click into editor... for me it actually takes two clicks (in Safari). The first click does not "stick". 3) Type a line of text. 4) Press Return (Enter) key. The cursor is moved to the top of the document. 5) Manually position the cursor on the second line, and type some more text. 6) Press Return (Enter) key, and the cursor is once again moved to the top of the document.

Completely broken editing experience in my Safari.

Last edited 9 years ago by The Digital Orchard (previous) (diff)

comment:33 Changed 9 years ago by mwhiteley

By inspecting the changes made to the markup inside the plugin's iframe, the cursor issue occurs when a <p> tag is created with ONLY a <br> tag in it. This seems to be the default markup when creating a brand new default paragraph.

If there is any other content in the new <p> then it works as expected. For example, putting a new line in the middle of a sentence. If it can make a new <p> with other content in then it can move the cursor correctly, otherwise there seems to be calculation failure and it resets the cursor to top left.

This isn't a graphical bug only, any following text input is added to the beginning of the first line. The cursor is actually moved there.

Safari 9.0.2

comment:34 Changed 9 years ago by blarson_nu

I'm having the same issue with Safari 9.0.3 on OSX 10.11.3 and I've just upgraded to CKEditor 4.5.7 which is supposed to resolve this issue. How can I get this resolved? It works fine in Firefox and Chrome on 10.11.3 just not Safari. Please advise.

comment:35 Changed 9 years ago by Jakub Ś

I haven't been able to reproduce this problem in the same setup.

If you are not using some third-party CKEditor plugin which is causing this then perhaps this is cache issue. Please try clearing it.

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