Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #4699

Dec 21, 2009, 7:36:20 PM (15 years ago)
Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo

Can you provide a url with the problem?

If it wouldn't be possible to change the configuration in those browsers that would have been detected quite soon.


  • Ticket #4699

    • Property Keywords Pending WorksForMe added
    • Property Milestone changed from CKEditor 3.x to
  • Ticket #4699 – Description

    initial v1  
    1 ckeditor with custom config [anything overriding defaults] fails in MSIE [6 to 8] and Safari [3 and 4]. I tried custom config file and inline changes such as shown in the 3.0 docs. even the tiny example CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1',
     1ckeditor with custom config [anything overriding defaults] fails in MSIE [6 to 8] and Safari [3 and 4]. I tried custom config file and inline changes such as shown in the 3.0 docs. even the tiny example
     3CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1',
    24    {
    35        toolbar : 'Basic',
    46        uiColor : '#9AB8F3'
    57    });
    610from isn't accepted by those browsers. The same config changes are accepted by all Gecko based browsers [linux,os x, and win xp]. Galeon displays the right changes but crashes as soon as anything highlighted is changed - different bug report.
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