Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #9405, comment 5

Feb 21, 2013, 3:08:16 PM (12 years ago)
Jakub Ś


  • Ticket #9405, comment 5

    v1 v2  
    11Some notes:[[BR]]
    221. CKEditor's styles combo has started reflecting selection from version 3.2.1.
    3 2. It has never been reflecting objects styles for tables or images
    4 3. Weird thing is that "object styles" in styles dropdown are only shown for particular object when you click on it in editing area. What is more thare the the only "object styles" that are shown (If you click on a table only styles for table are shown).
    5 4. Perhaps I'm missing something but IMO it doesn't matter whether you have on class assigned to table or many. Styles dropdown will never show it. Please see test2_ckeX.html.
     32. It has never been reflecting objects styles for tables or images "by default".
     43. "object styles" in styles dropdown are only shown for particular object when you click on it in editing area. What is more, they are only "object styles" that are shown (If you click on a table only styles for table are shown).
     54. @garry.yao perhaps I'm missing something but IMO it doesn't matter whether you have one class assigned to table img or many. Styles dropdown will never show styles for  table image unless you click on it. Please see test2_ckeX.html.
    76This is not a regression but this bug will probably be fixed in CKE 4.x only (v4)
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