Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#9483 closed Bug

Colorpicker does not open in IE10 — at Initial Version

Reported by: Matt Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone: CKEditor 3.6.6
Component: UI : Floating Panel Version: 3.4.3
Keywords: IE10 Cc:


Since IE10 with Windows8 will be released in several days (Oct 26, 2012) I tested CKEditor with it.

It seems that the date picker does not open in IE10. This can be confirmed on <>. I also checked the nightlyies, no difference.

I think the problem lies in floatpanel/plugin.js in line 217, where widthNode.document is undefined.

If I add a env.ie10Compat (in env.js) and check for that in the line mentioned above, everything works fine.

I attached a patch file with a potential fix.

Change History (1)

Changed 12 years ago by Matt

Patch to fix opening of colorpicker in IE10

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