Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #987

Jul 24, 2007, 5:15:09 PM (18 years ago)
Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo


  • Ticket #987

    • Property Keywords FCK editor popup context menu focus keyboard navigation removed
    • Property Component changed from General to UI : Context Menu
    • Property Summary changed from Support keyboard navigation for context menus implemented by FCK editor plugins to Support keyboard navigation for context menus implemented by FCKeditor
  • Ticket #987 – Description

    initial v1  
    11I am having a few problems with navigating FCK context menus with
    2 keystrokes. I can show the menu using the "context menu" button on the
    3 keyboard but when I use the arrow keys, the cursor position in the FCK
    4 editor is changed, not the position in the menu. It looks like focus is
    5 not being set in the popup menu. I reported this via email support and got the following request from Frederico.
     2keystrokes. I can show the menu using the "context menu" button on the keyboard but when I use the arrow keys, the cursor position in the FCKeditor is changed, not the position in the menu. It looks like focus is not being set in the popup menu.
     4I reported this via email support and got the following request from Frederico:
    9 Our context menus are not "real" context menus. Those are floating IFRAMES
    10 with HTML, which resemble an OS context menu. The keyboard navigation is not
    11 available for it, but would be a nice addition. I would ask you to please
    12 open a ticket for it at our dev site, so we can consider it in the future:
     6 Our context menus are not "real" context menus. Those are floating IFRAMES with HTML, which resemble an OS context menu. The keyboard navigation is not available for it, but would be a nice addition. I would ask you to please open a ticket for it at our dev site, so we can consider it in the future:
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