
Version 7 (modified by Wojciech Olchawa, 17 years ago) (diff)


Bug Reporting Instructions

Avoid Duplicates

Be sure your bug has not been already reported. Use the search field (at the top of this page) to check it.

You should also test it at our last "Nightly Build":

Required Information

Please provide the following when reporting new bugs. As more info you provide, as quicker the bug may be solved:

  • Descriptive summary : A "right to the point" phrase.
  • Steps to reproduce : This is the most important thing. We are not able to fix a bug if we can't see it with our own eyes. A numbered list of actions to reproduce the issue is quite useful.
  • Browser name and OS : You computer configuration, OS, browser name and version.
  • Screenshot : For interface related issues, an image says more than thousands of words.
  • Sample data : For content related bugs, please attach a sample file from which we can get the text for testing.
  • Test case file : If possible, attach a Test Case file showing the bug. This is the best way to show us the problem, making it quicker to solve it.


  • Do not use the "Priority", "Milestone", "Keywords" and "Assign to" fields. Those fields are for internal use.
  • Submit different reports for each bug. Don't include more than one bug in the same report.
  • Be sure you are using the latest version of FCKeditor. Maybe your bug has already been fixed.
  • For a full guide how to properly report a new bug go to TicketSpecs

Reporting a Bug

Be sure you have read the above instructions before clicking the following link!

If you are not yet registered, take a minute to create a new account. Only authenticated users can create tickets.

Click here to create a new Bug Report

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